Custom Multi-Sort Tutorial - Adding Other Options

This page covers how to add other options to the Multi-Sort component.

Adding the fields in the Data Source Template

Add two fields: string field SecondField and checkbox Descending.

Mapping the new fields in the ModelProperties

In your MultiSortModelProperties, add properties for the new fields:

public class MultiSortModelProperties : IModelProperties
    public string FirstField { get; set; }

    public string SecondField { get; set; }

    public bool Descending { get; set; }

The Descending property is a checkbox in Sitecore. However, the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework requires a string value.

It would be useful to front this property as a string instead. Add the following code in:

public string Direction => Descending ? "descending" : "ascending";

Save the project, and make sure to copy the DLL!

Setting the values on the Data Source

There are no out-of-the-box fields that are really useful in a multi-sort. However, for testing purposes, let’s assume some items might have the same name.

Change the FirstField value to @fnameXXXXX (where XXXXX is the hash value for your coveo_master_index)

Set the SecondField value to @indexeddate.

Check the Descending checkbox.

Adding the new fields in the rendering

Add the properties to construct the sort criteria.

@model Coveo.Custom.MultiSortModel

<div class="CoveoSort" 
    data-caption="My Multi-Sort" 
    data-sort-criteria="@Model.Properties.FirstField @Model.Properties.Direction, @Model.Properties.SecondField @Model.Properties.Direction"></div>

Note that we used the Direction property to output either the descending or ascending string directly.


Your sort should now have a multi-sort criteria.

By inspecting your DOM element, you can validate that it uses your data source properly. It should give you a result similar to the following code:

 <div class="CoveoSort scEnabledChrome coveo-selected coveo-descending" data-caption="My Multi-Sort" data-sort-criteria="@fname53765 descending, @indexeddate descending" sc-part-of="placeholder rendering" tabindex="0"></div>

The next step will cover how to improve the experience of this component by automatically translating the fields.