2019 releases

This is for:


This page summarizes the new feature and bug fix introduced throughout 2019.

The latest changes are available in Interface Editor release notes.

December 2019 release (v1.13.5)

The December 2019 package was initially released as v1.13.2.

Release highlights

Issue numbers: IE-714, IE-718

This release re-introduces UI View support for some of the advanced settings that were only configurable through Code View since the June 2019 Release.

Partial UI View support has also been re-introduced for the Folding component. While you must still add the component through Code View, you can thereafter edit it from the UI Settings menu. The FoldingForThread component is still not supported in UI View.

Other changes

Issue number Bug fix
IE-648 Fixed issue where adding a Timespan Facet with its field option set to @date didn’t work.
IE-665 Fixed issue where Simple Filter and Category Facet components were not displayed at all when configured with an invalid field option.
IE-688 Fixed issue where some long help texts couldn’t be scrolled.
IE-717 Fixed issue where no intelligent code completion suggestions were provided in the Code View when editing the root CoveoSearchInterface element.
IE-725 Fixed issue where focusing on the value caption selector didn’t display any values.
IE-729 Fixed issue where the value caption selector input was not cleared after a value was selected.
IE-730 Fixed minor styling issue that could occur in Firefox, Edge, and IE11 when using query expression editor.

November 2019 release (v1.12.3)

Release highlights

Code view: Introducing intelligent code completion

Issue numbers: IE-653, IE-656, IE-657, IE-658, IE-664, IE-667, IE-669, IE-671, IE-672, IE-673, IE-674, IE-676, IE-678, IE-680, IE-681, IE-682, IE-683, IE-686, IE-710, IE-711

The Code View now provides intelligent code completion features (suggestions, documentation, validations, etc.).

Animation: Code View intelligent code completion

Code view: Toggle dark mode

You can now toggle between light and dark mode in Code View.

Animation: Code View dark mode

Issue number: IE-689

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
IE-644 Suggest only facetable fields of the expected type when editing a facet.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
IE-688 00055383 Fixed issue where result template component’s option panel sometimes turned blank.
IE-712 00056861 [Coveo for Salesforce] Fixed issue where sections of the UI Settings didn’t expand as expected.

June 2019 release (v1.11.4)

Release highlights

New drag and drop components

The Category Facet, Timespan Facet, and Simple Filter components are now available as drag and drop components in the Interface Editor.

New way to create tabs

The Add a New Tab button has been removed. Pre-configured tabs can now be created more naturally by drag and dropping a Tab component in the page.

Simplified settings

Several advanced components and options have been removed from the Interface Editor in an effort to make it easier to use.

You can still leverage advanced components and options in the markup configuration of your search page, which is accessible through the Code View tab in the Interface Editor (see Automatic Initialization and Using attributes).

  • You want your search page to send custom context information along with each query and usage analytics event.

    Since you can no longer create PipelineContext components in the Interface Editor UI, you configure the component directly in the markup of your search page:

    <div id="search" class="CoveoSearchInterface">
      <!-- ... -->
      <script class="CoveoPipelineContext type="text/context">
          "userRole": "developer"
      <!-- ... -->
  • You want to set the allowQueriesWithoutKeywords option of your main search interface to false.

    Since this option has been removed from the Interface Editor UI, you add the corresponding data- attribute in the markup configuration of your SearchInterface component:

    <div id="search" class="CoveoSearchInterface" data-allow-queries-without-keywords="false">
      <!-- ... -->

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
IE-598, IE-614 Various improvements to the Facet Value Caption Editor.
IE-599 Change the “search as you type” string to “search-as-you-type”.
IE-620 Ensure that human-readable component option labels are automatically generated.
IE-644 Ensure that only facet fields are suggested when creating a facet.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
IE-616 00050409 Fixed TypeError issue when deleting field from Field Table.
Issue number Bug fix
IE-618 Fixed issue where Filter Expression Editor didn’t properly send the organizationId query parameter.

April 2019 release (v1.10.6)

Release highlights

Facet value caption editor

You can now normalize facet values captions directly in the Interface Editor.

alternate text

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
IE-359 Improve Use in the following tabs facet menu
Issue number Bug fix
IE-511 Fixed issue where dropping a Tab disarranged alignment in Code View.
IE-530 Fixed issue where clicking Undo/Redo sent an editorLoaded event to Coveo Usage Analytics.
IE-536 Fixed missing options issue when editing a result template from new tab.
IE-585 [Filter Expression Editor] Fixed minor CSS issues with IE11.
IE-588 [Filter Expression Editor] Fixed parsing when many terms aren’t enclosed between double quotes.
IE-590 [Filter Expression Editor] Fixed parsing issue when field queries are joined with lowercase AND operator.
IE-610 Fixed issue where deleting a filter expression made the text input disappear.

February 2019 release (v1.9.5)

Release highlights

You can now use the basic mode in the filter expression editor to quickly and easily generate query filters event without any knowledge of the Coveo query syntax.

Filter Expression Editor Basic Mode

It’s no longer possible to use the query filter expression editor to modify folding expand expressions.

January 2019 release (v1.8.11)

Release highlights

Filter expression editor

The new filter expression editor helps you create or modify query filters by:

  • Providing you with field completion suggestions as you’re typing.
  • Parsing the query expression to ensure its validity.
  • Displaying a preview of the filtered query results.

Filter expression editor demo

You can access the filter expression editor to create or modify:

  • Tab filter expressions

    Edit tab filter expression

  • Facet additional filters

    Edit facet additional filter

  • Search interface hidden expression

    Edit search interface hidden expression

  • Folding expand expression

    Edit folding expand expression

    Although using the filter expression editor to modify folding expand expressions is possible in this version of the Interface Editor, doing so involves additional layers of complexity and should typically be avoided.

Bug fix

Issue number Bug fix
IE-535 Fixed issue where removing a component from a result template didn’t trigger a result layout refresh.