Validate Routes and Ports

In this article
In this article

This article is intended for developers and administrators who need an in-depth view of the interactions occurring between Coveo for Adobe services and Coveo. You can use this information to add the necessary URLs to your firewall exceptions.

Topology of Services

Coveo for Adobe calls from Adobe Experience Manager publish instance

1: Pushing Adobe Experience Manager documents to a Coveo index is a two-step process comprising a call to the endpoint and another to the endpoint (see Manage batches of items in a Push source). The Adobe Experience Manager source is a type of Push Source.


The URLs may contain -<REGION> and -<REGION_CODE> portions, depending on the selected deployment region.

The routes are used for the following purposes:

  • platform-<REGION_CODE> To retrieve the HTML of a hosted search page and perform search requests.

  • api-<REGION_CODE> To push documents to Coveo, when using the Adobe Experience Manager Connector.

  • <BUCKET_NAME>.s3.<REGION> To push documents to Coveo using a Push API file container, when using the Adobe Experience Manager Connector.

  • analytics-<REGION_CODE> To send search page usage analytics.

To validate routes

On the appropriate Adobe Experience Manager publish instance, open a web browser and access each of the endpoints for your deployment region (for example, You should be able to reach each URL.