V2 2021 releases

This is for:


This page summarizes the new features and bug fixes introduced throughout 2021.

The latest changes are available in Release notes.

December 2021 release (v2.10092)

The December 2021 package was initially released as v2.10092.7. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10092.7):

  • From GitHub (2.10092.7)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10092.7)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10092/7/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-KxEGMZiFvOW8ftwCreuUAE7vA7oMaV8dohgb5rHClHOg4BEq0bleZKy7B75KCdNtGbj0I+Jjy5z6i+mJ9g+yIA==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10092/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10092/7/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-oZKeFsPSLcb0QcewzCMLr5aXQsWJ9zfQN99EXih/6QYVwJDunP+T73rFfHKaqR4byoWHl1yBGvubjQ8K/TYlgA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10092/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10092/7/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-eiSn4qRsVzoRB0c52nRdn8mWn04bANr/LV3rXslk9b+PLN73I6aod28OyEbPTn7iMETKQHlSPESNdosKL/Cp8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10092/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3317 [DynamicFacet] and [DynamicHierarchicalFacet] These components now have the filterFacetCount parameter set to true by default, and are sending it in facet search requests.
JSUI-3322 Button elements now work correctly in pages containing HTML forms.
JSUI-3329 [DynamicFacetRange] This component now supports the NumberOfDecimals option.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3316 [SmartSnippet] Fixed issue where parent properties would not propagate to child SmartSnippet components.
JSUI-3319 [DynamicFacet] Fixed issue where this component would not display the & character properly.
JSUI-3335 [SmartSnippet] Fixed issue where accessing the next Smart Snippet would require too many user actions.
JSUI-3336 Fixed issue where facet clicks wouldn’t log Coveo Usage Analytics events.
WORK-1270 Fixed styling issue with Slack icons.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3245   Fixed issue where Usage Analytics click events were logged incorrectly on Safari and iOS device browsers.
JSUI-3315 00073735 Fixed various accessibility issues to conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA.
JSUI-3321 00073590 Fixed issue where facet value captions weren’t sent correctly in facet search requests.
JSUI-3323 00074093 Fixed accessibility issues with query suggestions.
JSUI-3327 00074462 [MissingTerms] Fixed issue where result folding did not support the MissingTerms component.

November 2021 release (v2.10091)

The November 2021 package was initially released as v2.10091.2. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10091.2):

  • From GitHub (2.10091.2)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10091.2)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10091/2/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-Sou0AaAgjOwSYDCLE7SdtA1ScQ8J8A43bZCTdeZE/8j0FwMT0SNFmKTVXpwgRKZr9515aZZo1qLy+qX8RTv6Ag==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10091/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10091/2/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-gHfXrWbs9pa8ZOCyL1qYJ97mRzr5384wVQOyRAqJNBP75ko++rvdd35CjLSinA35mVCXElNdYN1rOJwYsvrMJw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10091/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10091/2/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-eiSn4qRsVzoRB0c52nRdn8mWn04bANr/LV3rXslk9b+PLN73I6aod28OyEbPTn7iMETKQHlSPESNdosKL/Cp8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10091/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3294 Use analytics.cloud.coveo.com/rest/ua as the default Usage Analytics URL.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3301 [Interface ISearchEndpointOptions] Fixed issue where the anonymous flag wasn’t working correctly.
JSUI-3302 Fixed issue where the default script template in JavaScript Search Framework hosted search pages overrode all custom templates.
JSUI-3316 [SmartSnippet] Fixed issue where Smart Snippet result links didn’t inherit certain global result link options.
JSUI-3335 [Analytics] Fixed issue where setting the Search Hub through the Analytics component did not work when analytics logging was disabled.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3297 00072649 Fixed issue where users could tab out of the Filters panel and interact with elements in the background.
JSUI-3313 00072697 Fixed issue where screen reading software didn’t announce the state of a filter facet when focus was on it or when the user activated it.
JSUI-3315 00073735 Fixed various accessibility issues to conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA.

October 2021 release (v2.10090)

The October 2021 package was initially released as v2.10090.3. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10090.5):

  • From GitHub (2.10090.5)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10090.5)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10090/5/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-Sou0AaAgjOwSYDCLE7SdtA1ScQ8J8A43bZCTdeZE/8j0FwMT0SNFmKTVXpwgRKZr9515aZZo1qLy+qX8RTv6Ag==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10090/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10090/5/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-EnWp9Qmbp4iqqTsls1rMjHe/ZfHM/8ay79XA0Bph+Ev6DDNxx0uN9M+vebICH33FG6mHI3XhweitPpPJVScyhw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10090/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10090/5/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-eiSn4qRsVzoRB0c52nRdn8mWn04bANr/LV3rXslk9b+PLN73I6aod28OyEbPTn7iMETKQHlSPESNdosKL/Cp8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10090/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3282 [SmartSnippet] Use specific eventCause values when logging usage analytics click events for Smart Snippets and Smart Snippet Suggestions.
JSUI-3283 Ensure that Smart Snippets and Smart Snippet Suggestions work in Salesforce.
WORK-924 Add Slack search result templates to JavaScript Search Framework.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3272 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where the dependsOn option could make the facet title flicker.
JSUI-3277 Fixed issue where only the first org’s token would be used when authenticating multiple orgs with SAML on the same domain.
JSUI-3278 Fixed issue where hovering over certain icons didn’t display relevant messages.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3270   [SmartSnippet] Fixed issue where an interaction between Smart Snippets and result folding could return incorrect search results.
JSUI-3275 00071884 Fixed issue where the In-Product Experience (IPX) component didn’t work in incognito mode unless third-party cookies were enabled.
JSUI-3279 00072180 Fixed issue where Search API SAML authentication failed under specific conditions.
JSUI-3281 00072302 Fixed issue where an incorrect analytics URL was generated for HIPAA users.

August 2021 release (v2.10089)

The August 2021 package was initially released as v2.10089.0. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10089.3):

  • From GitHub (2.10089.3)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10089.3)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10089/3/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-9GgVFZ4MQXFlO6SGY8+DxZAxOzQjcklUBUCfwvJAjAeNadVEzOSMzvTHSw4JbBXbVoqn6ck7jUKjV1WaUlKtIA==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10089/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10089/3/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-VNzwtUB3Zzyn9ZlxFwBxRNcUvG0RVjYMZyVnxTEGThhmor4cbmI7nBM90fEBASOLSpScyXb0hk05T9BEELzdFw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10089/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10089/3/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10089/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3263 Fixed issue where the noConflict Underscore method was unavailable.

Additional changes in maintenance versions


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3265 Access handshake token from hash when inside SharePoint.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3272 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where clicking a facet’s parent (set with the dependsOn option) could make the facet title flicker.
Issue number Maintenance case
JSUI-3270 [SmartSnippet] Fixed issue where document links didn’t behave correctly when returning snippets of folded results.


Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3275 00071884 Fixed issue where IPX component didn’t work in incognito mode.

July 2021 release (v2.10088)

The July 2021 package was initially released as v2.10088.3. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10088.3):

  • From GitHub (2.10088.3)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10088.3)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10088/3/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-twfAAwsLd/rWsn+/0IuwIvjsZGXGrYSIDVF8nE4gsT7GMke5oV35qm82w0IZmrmInbAP6kHgCzb0W1H4UFf2jQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10088/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10088/3/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-vcKvbnd8sKkYQqGetY1e17yDXeQG4jIr+660BNq7mAQn+GCtmKxXNXxN8mFoUEPxjhN6ObF0JHusFSyXH5aOYA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10088/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10088/3/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10088/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3248 [SmartSnippet] Fixed issue where the template option didn’t display the full URL in the UI.
JSUI-3256 [DynamicHierarchicalFacet] Fixed issue where changing the value of the clear label option also changed the text under the results inside the hierarchical facet search.
JSUI-3257 [ImageFieldValue] Fixed issue where the template option only referenced the last result.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3251 00069878 [Breadcrumb] Fixed issue where focus was lost when navigating using the Tab key.
JSUI-3252 00069878 [Facet] Fixed issue where focus was lost when navigating facet breadcrumbs using the Tab key.
JSUI-3255 00068609 [FacetValueSuggestions] Fixed issue where some Coveo components had duplicate web accessibility text.

June 2021 2nd release (v2.10087)

The June 2021 2nd package was initially released as v2.10087.4. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10087.4):

  • From GitHub (2.10087.4)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10087.4)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10087/4/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-SvJKQ8/gNL2d8gVWx23GajIUPZAK+F83AI2pXl+pV0X3BfK6R3uBpEHo8CDv1YuIFzfvfs6znp77Amaj3te0xQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10087/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10087/4/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-+SkN0l1gja1FH/X470lLBrnWXvER7I4dVPVvIyFv5mK0bk+MGC7KmIHzkpflrQ29fTfgmKRAqcnrXfGdLGDUxg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10087/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10087/4/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10087/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3238 [SmartSnippet] Add support for custom title and URI fields.
JSUI-3244, JSUI-3246 Improve the wording of the messages that are displayed when an organization is paused or resumed.
Issue number Maintenance case
JSUI-3241 Fixed issue where using a comma as a keyword in an advanced search would return an error.

June 2021 1st release (v2.10086)

The June 2021 1st package was initially released as v2.10086.2. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10086.2):

  • From GitHub (2.10086.2)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10086.2)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10086/2/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-SvJKQ8/gNL2d8gVWx23GajIUPZAK+F83AI2pXl+pV0X3BfK6R3uBpEHo8CDv1YuIFzfvfs6znp77Amaj3te0xQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10086/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10086/2/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-2TcfWwP+nJVSb+PmZCxAQbtuTBqBY1IFNzNWQYCdG0aDFn3B2YvNaDZoRJKzqxCEqxyyg/Ki5PVZrouuGDkbvw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10086/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10086/2/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10086/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.

Release highlights

New components: SmartSnippet and SmartSnippetSuggestions

Issue number: JSUI-3230

The new SmartSnippet component uses machine learning to extract the parts of an item that are most relevant to a user’s query. It then uses this information to provide the user with answers that appear directly on the results page.

Smart snippets example

For more information, check out the Smart Snippet documentation.

The SmartSnippetSuggestions component is similar to Query Suggestions, but it specifically displays additional queries for which the Smart Snippet model can provide relevant answers.

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3230 [SmartSnippet] Smart Snippet and Smart Snippet Suggestions are now publicly available and documented.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3221 00066567 Fixed issue where result templates for different screen sizes could be shown in the result list at the same time.
JSUI-3223   [DynamicFacetRange] Added new option to sort facet values in ascending (default) or descending order.
JSUI-3229 00068068 Fixed issue where the Debug window opened in the Salesforce Insight Panel instead of Full Search.
JSUI-3233   Fixed issue where the redirection that’s triggered when selecting a query suggestion sent the wrong analytics event.
JSUI-3240 00068431 [ResultLink] Fixed issue where setting the hrefTemplate to a relative link didn’t work.

April 2021 release (v2.10085)

The April 2021 package was initially released as v2.10085.2. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10085.2):

  • From GitHub (2.10085.2)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10085.2)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10085/2/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-SvJKQ8/gNL2d8gVWx23GajIUPZAK+F83AI2pXl+pV0X3BfK6R3uBpEHo8CDv1YuIFzfvfs6znp77Amaj3te0xQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10085/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10085/2/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-vueueBf3ND6Jj5E31AIFE28WnA2gQaGt3jHb+Wx5c0bDFBiKgQ8in3T9L4nVHC02v1uEgsrD4vL6pgYUGwZ3Kw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10085/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10085/2/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10085/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3218 [CommerceQuery] This component can now handle buildingQuerySuggest events.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3205 Fixed issue where smart snippet feedback didn’t reset.
JSUI-3215 [FacetSlider] Fixed issue where the icon to clear breadcrumbs was invisible.
JSUI-3219 [Pager] Fixed issue where the number of page buttons could be inconsistent.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3222 00067305 [FieldValue] Fixed issue where using highlighting under very specific conditions could cause an infinite loop and return an Out of Memory error in the browser.

March 2021 release (v2.10084)

The March 2021 package was initially released as v2.10084.7. You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10084.7):

  • From GitHub (2.10084.7)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10084.7)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10084/7/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-SvJKQ8/gNL2d8gVWx23GajIUPZAK+F83AI2pXl+pV0X3BfK6R3uBpEHo8CDv1YuIFzfvfs6znp77Amaj3te0xQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10084/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10084/7/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-5IhKVwjKs2HdS3dcOroMalK9lz8yPYlTO2VVaw6rLvLXw/Eztw3xyMM+lIIhnepCWxzGtgeZJ1ZnV9f/6JMWNw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10084/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10084/7/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10084/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3209 Remove coveo.analytics module declaration from the definitions exported by coveo-search-ui.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3141 Fixed issue where clearing all breadcrumbs in IE11 scrolled the page down automatically.
JSUI-3206 [FacetSlider] Fixed issue where setting up a facet slider with a date produced an error.
JSUI-3210 Fixed issue where facet sliders did not behave correctly when query override parameters were empty.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3179 00065404 Fixed issue where hovering on a query suggestion raised an error in the console.
JSUI-3190 00065983 Fixed issue where the page didn’t scroll back to the top after changing the number of results per page.
JSUI-3193 00066058 Fixed issue where a slider could expand beyond its facet.
JSUI-3199 00066568 Fixed issue where an expanded facet search element would hide content beneath it, but that content was still interactible via tabbing.

February 2021 release (v2.10083)

The February 2021 package was initially released as v2.10083.4.You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10083.5):

  • From GitHub (2.10083.5)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10083.5)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10083/5/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-SvJKQ8/gNL2d8gVWx23GajIUPZAK+F83AI2pXl+pV0X3BfK6R3uBpEHo8CDv1YuIFzfvfs6znp77Amaj3te0xQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10083/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10083/5/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-yS2ofh3ucmlJoMQdtExGdYKPgGbQxgep495IiQndcu5QHI/0B9MSzg85eu4AlUvU8MSuHM5gbDLd9mu6R86W2Q==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10083/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10083/5/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10083/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3178 [DynamicFacet] Added new customSort option.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3166 [DynamicFacet] Fixed issue where having interdependent dependsOn conditions on multiple DynamicFacet components didn’t work on initial page load.
JSUI-3185 Fixed issue where the visitorId was not mapped to the clientId when logging usage analytics events.
SPAAS-624 Fixed issue where usage analytics events logged from inside and outside an IPX iframe didn’t have the same visitorId.

Additional changes in maintenance versions


Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3165 00064309 Fixed issue where the user’s preferred result layout was not restored upon re-increasing the display to a responsive break point that supports it.

January 2021 release (v2.10082)

The January 2021 package was initially released as v2.10082.7.You can get the latest version of this release (v2.10082.9):

  • From GitHub (2.10082.9)
  • From npm (npm install coveo-search-ui@2.10082.9)
  • From the Coveo CDN:
Resource1 Script to include
CSS (minified)

With SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10082/9/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" integrity="sha512-klJLlRcnWJMpnpVsbK28NANU5nUsPb6YnMgJovVOMJhR6ApmP0C3N5zSSiQ/RAndKlVjEEpndkwJSiXV+VpCZg==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

Without SRI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10082/css/CoveoFullSearch.min.css" />
Framework (lazy loading, minified)

With SRI:2

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10082/9/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js" integrity="sha512-SD5ou50VdfvidvN+BMWKzhGVgpwsFzw0RXzjxO8kexmaQ/0by2RcZpCyphuZyT0bF7Tip16nMIqsLktSJ88aYQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10082/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>

With SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10082/9/js/templates/templates.js" integrity="sha512-uu361iGkzq8eo/FYkLHLnDsDwaON4Zp43MA3FOVbCjnAlJLR8vug8xsKt0WVqS2VIPfTmi9A+PD4ltalF/Jb8w==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Without SRI:

<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.10082/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

1: For additional resources, see CDN links.

2: See Subresource Integrity.


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-3161 Provide source maps to more easily debug minified code.
JSUI-3162 Update JSUI to use the new Coveo logo and branding.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-3150 00064067 [Quickview] Fixed issue where highlighting could be inconsistent when terms were found in the thesaurus.
JSUI-3151 N/A [ResultLink] Fixed issue where relative URLs were not supported.
JSUI-3158 00064784 [FacetSlider] Fixed issue where the facet slider didn’t work in the Safari browser on iPad devices.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3137 [DynamicFacet] Improved facet header collapse button.
JSUI-3142 Fixed issue where changing the orientation on mobile didn’t resize the interface.
JSUI-3152 Fixed issue where UA event was sent incorrectly when selecting a dynamic facet from the facet search dropdown menu section.
JSUI-3163 [AdvancedSearch] Fixed issue where <select> element icons were not aligned in IE11.

Additional changes in maintenance versions


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-3185 Fixed issue where the visitorId and clientId were different when logging usage analytics events.