V2 2019 releases

This is for:


This page summarizes the new features and bug fixes introduced throughout 2019.

The latest changes are available in Release notes.

December 2019 release (v2.7610)

The December 2019 package was initially released as v2.7610.7.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.7610.10):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7610/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7610/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7610/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7610/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

New pilot component: QuerySuggestPreview

Issue numbers: JSUI-2685, JSUI-2693

Pilot Feature

The pilot QuerySuggestPreview component allows you to display the most relevant results when hovering over a Coveo ML query suggestion in the Omnibox.

See Rendering query suggestion result previews.

<!-- ... -->
<div class="CoveoQuerySuggestPreview"></div>
<div class="CoveoSearchbox"></div>
<!-- ... -->

QuerySuggestPreview Demo

New DynamicFacet option: dependsOn

Issue number: JSUI-2643

The DynamicFacet and DynamicFacetRange components now have a dependsOn option allowing you to display a “dependent” facet only when a value is selected in its specified “parent”.

See Use dynamic facets.

<!-- ... -->
<div class="CoveoDynamicFacetManager">
  <div class="CoveoDynamicFacet"
       data-title="File Type"
  <div class="CoveoDynamicFacetRange"
       data-title="File Size"
<!-- ... -->

DynamicFacet dependsOn Demo

Did you mean localized string customization

Issue number: JSUI-2679

You can now specify where the query appears in custom localized text for the DidYouMean component.

See Change the language of your search interface.

<!-- ... -->
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7610/js/cultures/pl.js"></script>
  "pl": {
    "didYouMean": "Czy chodziło Ci o : {0} a nie o"
<!-- ... -->

Did You Mean Localized String Customization Demo

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2645 [Tab] Allow responsive behavior when initializing the component while it’s hidden.
JSUI-2689 [Facet] Use lowercase values for the sortCriteria option.
JSUI-2701 [ICommerceRequest] Support the filter and operation properties.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2636 00055912 Fixed several in-product external documentation links.
JSUI-2644 00056043 [FacetSlider] Fixed issue where the component would sometimes disappear when selecting values in other facets.
JSUI-2728 00057466 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where component was showing even when there were no values to display.
JSUI-2748 00057676 [FieldSuggestions] Fixed issue where clicking a field suggestion would clear the search box and trigger an empty query rather than triggering the expected query.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2661 [Omnibox] Fixed issue where the currently focused query suggestion wasn’t cleared when entering a new query.
JSUI-2662 Fixed issue where the keyboard Enter key couldn’t be used to select a new tab when jQuery was loaded in a page.
JSUI-2682 Fixed issue where the search button had to be clicked twice to execute a query when multiple search boxes were initialized in the search interface.
JSUI-2721 / JSUI-2737 Refactored the usage analytics data logged by the DynamicFacet and DynamicFacetRange components.
JSUI-2730 [DynamicFacetRange] Fixed issue where Firefox was unable to parse string date ranges.

October 2019 release (v2.7219)

The October 2019 package was initially released as v2.7219.9.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.7219.22):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7219/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7219/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7219/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7219/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

Invert Omnibox suggestion highlighting

Issue number: JSUI-2325

According to recent UX research, the leading practice when it comes to designing autocomplete widgets is to highlight differences rather than the original text entered by the end user. Doing so helps the end user focus on what would end up being added to their query if they select a given suggestion.

The framework now applies this principle when providing search box suggestions.





This change may cause styling issues in solutions that have customized the way Omnibox suggestions are being highlighted.

Clear session information and disable analytics

Issue number: JSUI-2518

To make it easier for developers to implement GDPR-compliant consent/withdrawal mechanisms, three new top-level functions are now available:

See also Disable Coveo UA in a search interface?.

New pilot component: DynamicFacetRange

Pilot Feature

Issue numbers: JSUI-2586, JSUI-2633, JSUI-2638

The new DynamicFacetRange component is now available as a pilot feature, allowing you to further leverage the Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) Dynamic Navigation Experience (DNE) feature in your search interfaces.


<div id="search" class="CoveoSearchInterface">
  <div class="coveo-facet-column">
    <div class="CoveoDynamicFacetManager">
      <div id="ViewsFacet" class="CoveoDynamicFacetRange"
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  const viewsFacetRanges = [
    { "start": 0, "end": 250 },
    { "start": 250, "end": 500 },
    { "start": 500, "end": 1000 },
    { "start": 1000, "end": 2500 },
    { "start": 2500, "end": 5000 }
  Coveo.init(document.body, {
    ViewsFacet: { ranges: viewsFacetRanges }

DynamicFacetRange Example

Other changes

Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2641 00055430 [Facet] Fixed display issue with settings menu.
JSUI-2649 00054917 [Pager] Fixed issue where navigating with browser Back button could lead to wrong result page.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2572 Fixed issue where field names containing underscore (_) characters weren’t considered when the autoSelectFieldsToInclude ResultList option was enabled.
JSUI-2614 Fixed issue where customIdValue wasn’t kept when sent in usage analytics event customData.
JSUI-2620 Fixed issue where some hyperlinks were difficult to read on YouTube results with default card template.
JSUI-2637 [DynamicFacetManager] Fixed issue where DynamicFacet components without values were removed from the DOM when switching tabs.
JSUI-2639 [External Omnibox] Fixed issue where events were triggered from the Omnibox element rather than from the root element.
JSUI-2646 [Tab] Fixed display issue in responsive mode.

Additional changes in maintenance versions


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2715 Fixed issue where facets could be in a hovered state on touch-enabled (that is, mobile) devices.


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2688 Fixed issue where two query suggestion requests were sent when clicking in the search box.


Issue number Case Enhancement
JSUI-2677 11156520 [Searchbox] Fixed issue where Left and Right arrow keys had no effect.

September 2019 release (v2.7023)

The September 2019 package was initially released as v2.7023.4.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.7023.9):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7023/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7023/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7023/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.7023/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

New result template component: ImageFieldValue

Issue number: JSUI-2570

The new ImageFieldValue result template component makes it easier to leverage fields pointing to image URLs in query results.

<!-- ... -->
<div class="CoveoResultList">
  <script type="text/html" class="result-template" data-field-photourl">
    <div class="coveo-result-frame">
      <div class="coveo-result-row">
        <div class="coveo-result-cell">
          <div class="CoveoResultLink"></div>
      <div class="coveo-result-row">
        <div class="coveo-result-cell">
          <div class="CoveoImageFieldValue" data-field="@photourl"></div>
        <div class="coveo-result-cell">
          <div class="CoveoExcerpt"></div>
<!-- ... -->

ImageFieldValue Example

New CategoryFacet option: dependsOn

Issue number: JSUI-2471

The new dependsOn option of the CategoryFacet component allows you to hide a category facet unless one or more values are selected in another specific facet.

<!-- ... -->
<div class="CoveoFacet" data-id="StoreFacet" data-field="@store" data-title="Store">
<div class="CoveoCategoryFacet" data-field="@categories" data-title="Category" data-depends-on="StoreFacet">
<!-- ... -->

CategoryFacet dependsOn Demo

New Omnibox option: clearFiltersOnNewQuery

You can set the new clearFiltersOnNewQuery option of the Omnibox component to true to automatically reset all advanced query filters when the end user submits a new query from the search box.

<!-- ... -->
<div class="CoveoOmnibox" data-clear-filters-on-new-query="true">
<!-- ... -->

clearFiltersOnNewQuery Demo

Improved pilot component: DynamicFacet

Pilot Feature

Issue numbers: JSUI-2450, JSUI-2528, JSUI-2552

The DynamicFacet component now supports facet search.

DynamicFacet search demo

The component has also been improved in several other ways (see Other changes).

Improved pilot component: DynamicFacetManager

Pilot Feature

Issue number: JSUI-2571

The new maximumNumberOfExpandedFacets option of the DynamicFacetManager component allows you to specify how many of its embedded dynamic facets should be expanded when your search interface loads.

<!-- ... -->
<div class="CoveoDynamicFacetManager" data-maximum-number-of-expanded-facets="2">
  <div class="CoveoDynamicFacet" data-title="Type" data-field="@objecttype"></div>
  <div class="CoveoDynamicFacet" data-title="FileType" data-field="@filetype"></div>
  <div class="CoveoDynamicFacet" data-title="Author" data-field="@author"></div>
<!-- ... -->

DynamicFacetManager maximumNumberOfExpandedFacets demo

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2591 Log a warning when a result template doesn’t contain a ResultLink component.
JSUI-2462 [DynamicFacet] Prevent show more/less from triggering a full search query.
JSUI-2504 [DynamicFacet] Remove the preservePosition option and replace it with enableScrollToTop.
JSUI-2547 / JSUI-2604 [DynamicFacet] Refactor and improve dynamic facet state usage analytics metadata
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2576 00047446 [Facet] Fixed issue where specifying an additionalFilter caused only the selected facet values to be shown if the search box contained a query.
JSUI-2594 00053573 Fixed issue where navigating back in history had no effect when a category facet value and other facets values were selected in a no results page.
JSUI-2600 00053573 [Facet] Fixed z-index issue with the coveo-facet-value-exclude CSS class
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2304 Fixed issue where custom events weren’t handled properly with Locker Service (Coveo for Salesforce).
JSUI-2512 [Facet] Fixed issue where facet values weren’t updated correctly when using the dependsOn option.
JSUI-2516 [ResultList] Fixed issue where the enableScrollToTop option didn’t work with Locker Service (Coveo for Salesforce).
JSUI-2540 [Facet] Fixed issue where facet fields were still clickable in query results when a facet was hidden because of the dependsOn option.
JSUI-2563 Fixed Quickview button alignment issue with folded children in default result templates.
JSUI-2583 [Facet] Fixed issue where facet settings were partially hidden when the facet column was in a scroll container.
JSUI-2584 [DateUtils] Fixed regular expression syntax that caused issues with some browsers.
JSUI-2593 [TimespanFacet] Fixed issue where including a TimespanFacet always logged a duplicate ID warning.
JSUI-2559, JSUI-2596, JSUI-2595, JSUI-2597, JSUI-2598, JSUI-2599 Fixed various accessibility issues.

Additional change in maintenance version


Issue number Case Enhancement
JSUI-2640 00055330 [Coveo for Salesforce/Locker Service] Fixed issue where fetching more results in infinite scroll didn’t work.

July 2019 release (v2.6459)

The July 2019 package was initially released as v2.6459.4.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.6459.11):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6459/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6459/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6459/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6459/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

New component: MissingTerms

Issue number: JSUI-2454

The new MissingTerms result template component renders a list of query terms that weren’t matched by a given result item. This component is now included in the default result templates.

By default, the component allows the end user to click any missing term to filter out items that don’t match this term (see the clickable option).

New analytics feature: Push events to Google Tag Manager data layer

Issue number: JSUI-2467

The Analytics component can now be configured to automatically push usage analytics events to a properly initialized Google Tag Manager data layer object.

Among other things, this new feature enables you to log usage analytics data from a Coveo JavaScript Search Framework interface to Google Analytics (see Log Search Page Usage Analytics Data to Google Analytics).

New Searchbox option: height

Issue number: JSUI-2349

The new height option of the Searchbox component makes it easy to resize the searchbox without writing any custom CSS.

New Omnibox option: querySuggestCharacterThreshold

Issue number: JSUI-2458

The new querySuggestCharacterThreshold option of the Omnibox component allows you to specify the minimum number of characters required in the search input before displaying available query suggestions when focus is on the component.

For example, by setting this option to 1, you can ensure that no query suggestions are displayed when the search box is empty.

New SimpleFilter option: sortCriteria

Issue number: JSUI-2401

The new sortCriteria option of the SimpleFilter component allows you to specify whether to sort values in a given simple filter by ranking score (default), alphanumerically, by number of occurrences, or using the chi-square test.

New ResultList option: enableScrollToTop

Issue number: JSUI-2413

The new enableScrollToTop option of the ResultList component allows you to specify whether to automatically scroll back to the top of the page when infinite scroll is enabled (see the enableInfiniteScroll option) and the end user interacts with a facet.

The option is set to true by default. Setting it to false would yield a behavior similar to what follows:

Improved pilot component: DynamicFacet

Pilot Feature

Issue numbers: JSUI-2442, JSUI-2482, JSUI-2513, JSUI-2397

The pilot DynamicFacet component has been improved in several ways:

  • Automatic padding has been added to dynamic facets so they no longer move around when the end user is interacting with them.

  • The FieldValue result template component is now compatible with dynamic facets.

  • Dynamic facets can now be used alongside certain non-dynamic facet components, though some limitations still apply (see Use dynamic facets alongside non-dynamic facets).

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2397 [DynamicFacet] Send dynamic facets state along with usage analytics search events.
JSUI-2463 [CategoryFacet, Facet, DynamicFacet] Send usage analytics custom event when showing more/less facet values.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2320 / JSUI-2507 00047446 / 00054093 Fixed accessibility issues.
JSUI-2488 00053573 Fixed issue with default date format.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2335 [FacetSlider] Fixed issue where graphic didn’t correctly reflect the total number of result.
JSUI-2376 [Accessibility] Fixed tab navigation issue with Settings and Search buttons.
JSUI-2377 [Accessibility] Fixed issue where space key didn’t activate buttons.
JSUI-2390 [ResultsPerPage] Fixed issue where initialChoice was ignored if 10 was in choicesDisplayed.
JSUI-2394 [Accessibility] Fixed issue where the escape key didn’t close the facet settings menu.
JSUI-2398 [OmniboxResultList] Fixed issue where omnibox result list could push the rest of the search page down.
JSUI-2441 [OmniboxResultList] Fixed issue where omnibox queries weren’t properly flagged as search-as-you-type queries.
JSUI-2460 Fixed issue where certain usage analytics events weren’t sent when using IOS Safari.
JSUI-2465 Fixed error in ShowingResultsOfWithQuery localized string.
JSUI-2469 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where facet value counts weren’t formatted as in other types of facets.
JSUI-2475 Fixed console warning issue in IE11.
JSUI-2479 [Omnibox] Fixed issue where trending query suggestions weren’t updated when changing tabs.
JSUI-2490 [DynamicFacet] Fixed issue where dynamic facets couldn’t be retrieved after they had been removed through Tab navigation.
JSUI-2491 openQuickview events aren’t fired
JSUI-2493 [DynamicFacet] Fixed text underline issue in IE11.
JSUI-2495 [Quickview] Fixed hovering styling issue.
JSUI-2509 [DynamicFacet] Added loading animation.
JSUI-2514 [DynamicFacet] Fixed issue where component didn’t respond to data-tab attribute as expected.

Additional changes in maintenance versions


Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2581 Support tagging items viewed by user.


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2568 [FacetValueSuggestions] Fixed issue where component didn’t detect all facet types.
JSUI-2578 [FacetValueSuggestions] Added isCategoryField and categoryFieldDelimitingCharacter options so the component can handle category fields.

May 2019 release (v2.6063)

The May 2019 package was initially released as v2.6063.7.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.6063.12):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6063/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6063/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6063/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.6063/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

New pilot feature: Dynamic facets

Issue numbers: JSUI-2397, JSUI-2414, JSUI-2415, JSUI-2416, JSUI-2427, JSUI-2428, JSUI-2464

Pilot Feature

This release introduces pilot versions of the DynamicFacet and DynamicFacetManager components (see Use dynamic facets).

Those components are designed to leverage the new Coveo ML DNE feature in a search interface (see Deploy Dynamic Navigation Experience (DNE)).

Bug fix side effect: Click events are no longer flagged as XHR requests

Issue number: JSUI-2460

To ensure that all click events are properly forwarded to Coveo Usage Analytics, the JavaScript Search Framework now logs those events using the Beacon API, rather than XMLHttpRequest.

Among other things, this implies that click events will no longer appear as XHR requests in the Network tab of your browser developer tools. To inspect click events, you must now select the All or Other filter (the exact filter names may vary depending on the browser you’re using).

Other changes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2430 [Facet, Omnibox, Querybox, Tab] Update Interface Editor section for several options.
JSUI-2436 [DateUtils] Make all documented predefined date formats work as expected.
JSUI-2449 [Breadcrumb] Normalize breadcrumbs markup and style.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2437 Fixed issue where result template conditions based on multi-value fields were always evaluated to false.
JSUI-2459 Fixed issue where including the templates.js script with no custom templates would throw errors.

Additional change in maintenance version


Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2589 00055058 Fixed Coveo for Sitecore issue where logging usage analytics click events would fail due to access_token=undefined being present in the query string.

April 2019 release (v2.5926)

The April 2019 package was initially released as v2.5926.10.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.5926.10):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5926/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5926/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5926/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5926/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2421 00049488 [ResultsPerPage] Fixed issue where initialChoice would sometimes override end-user choice.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2387 [Recommendation] Fixed issue where recording actions history for page whose title contains special characters would throw an error.

March 2019 release (v2.5652)

The March 2019 package was initially released as v2.5652.7.

To download the latest version of this release (v2.5652.11):

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5652/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5652/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5652/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5652/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.


Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2367 00048445 [Facet/CategoryFacet] Fixed accessibility issues.
JSUI-2368 00048531 [Quickview] Fixed issue where component didn’t work with unique IDs contains URL-encoded characters.
JSUI-2371 00048517 [Pager] Fixed issue where current page could be set to decimal value.
JSUI-2383 00048799 [Omnibox] Fixed issue where Enter key didn’t work in standalone search box with search-as-you-type enabled.
JSUI-2385 00048853 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where specifying custom facet value captions didn’t work.
JSUI-2386 00048573 [Localization] Fixed date translation issue with Norwegian culture.
JSUI-2389 00048961 [OmniboxResultList] Fixed issue where header remained visible when query returned no results.

Additional change in maintenance version


Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2456 Fixed Filters menu alignment issue in small responsive mode.

February 2019 release (v2.5549.6)

Also covers the following maintenance releases:

  • v2.5549.2
  • v2.5549.4

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5549/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5549/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5549/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5549/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2341 00047780 Fixed issue that could cause items to be missing when exporting query results to Excel.
JSUI-2360 00048228 [DateUtils] Fixed issue where yyyy wasn’t recognized in a predefined format.
JSUI-2361 00048346 [Facet] Fixed issue where specifying an additionalFilter on a facet could cause inaccurate facet value counts.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2281 [Facet] Fixed issue where toggle operator button wasn’t accessible through keyboard navigation.

January 2019 release (v2.5395.12)

Also covers the following maintenance releases:

  • v2.5395.6
  • v2.5395.10

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5395/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5395/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5395/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.5395/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

CategoryFacet component

The CategoryFacet component is now officially supported. This new component is essentially a revamped, simplified, and more efficient version of the now deprecated HierarchicalFacet.

See Using the Category Facet Component.

[JSUI-2271] Set Quickview tooltip position

You can use the new tooltipPlacement Quickview option to enforce a rendering position for its tooltip.

Full release notes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2147 [SimpleFilter] Change usage analytics actionCause to deselectValue when logging event after un-selecting value in component.
JSUI-2158 [Facet/CategoryFacet] Send facetField metadata when logging facet-related usage analytics events.
JSUI-2180 Improve visual separation of options at top of Debug window.
JSUI-2207 [ResultActionsMenu] Automatically adjust icon tooltip rendering position based on root element.
JSUI-2271 [Quickview] Add tooltipPlacement option to specify component tooltip rendering position.
JSUI-2302 [Logo] Update Coveo logo used by component.
JSUI-2311 [Omnibox] Send tab argument when requesting query suggestions.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2221 N/A [Analytics] Add optional result parameter to logCustomEvent method to link event to specific IQueryResult.
JSUI-2241 00045390 Fixed issue where terms could be highlighted more than once.
JSUI-2316 00047228 [Accessibility] Made Breadcrumb and CategoryFacet components accessible through keyboard navigation.
JSUI-2319 00047394 [FacetSlider] Fixed division by zero issue when only one result was returned.
JSUI-2321 00047460 Fixed deprecation and vulnerability warnings in package.
JSUI-2324 00047583 [Facet] Fixed issue where using additionalFilter option resulted in Group By request ignoring the basic query expression.
JSUI-2326 00047633 Fixed string localization issue with date helpers.
JSUI-2352 N/A Fixed issue where adding the coveo-show-if-results class to an element didn’t always work as expected with many result layouts.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2160 [PrintableUri] Fixed alignment issue.
JSUI-2213 [ResultLink] Fixed issue where using openQuickview option in child result template threw an exception.
JSUI-2220 [ResultList] Fixed issue where layout selector icons disappeared after resizing window.
JSUI-2240 Fixed More tab dropdown menu display overflow issue in responsive mode.
JSUI-2259 [CategoryFacet] Fixed facet search dropdown menu display issue in IE11 and responsive mode.
JSUI-2262 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where basePath option wasn’t taken into account in facet search.
JSUI-2264 [CategoryFacet] Fixed issue where inactive CategoryFacet with basePath still added a filter to the query.
JSUI-2267 [ResultList] Fixed issue where pager became temporarily visible while scrolling down rapidly with enableInfiniteScroll set to true.
JSUI-2275 [Accessibility] Made Tab components in dropdown menu accessible through keyboard navigation when in responsive mode.
JSUI-2276 [Accessibility] Made Facet settings accessible through keyboard navigation.
JSUI-2293 [Querybox] Fixed issue where clear button overlapped with lengthy end-user input.
JSUI-2295 Fixed issue where debug panel search expression wasn’t reset when an option from the header was toggled.
JSUI-2297 [SimpleFilter] Fixed issue where using @month as a field caused the component to display invalid values
JSUI-2299 [Omnibox] Fixed issue where query suggestions weren’t highlighted in searchbox initialized outside of its SearchInterface.