V1 2016 releases

This is for:


This page summarizes the new features and bug fixes introduced throughout 2016.


The latest changes are available in Release notes.

October 2016 maintenance release (v1.1550.11)

Bug fix

[JSUI-1307] - Investigate possible globalize.js conflict introduced in a recent update of the JS Search Framework.

October 2016 maintenance release (v1.1550.7)


[JSUI-1250] - Better description when we have a subscription with facets

Bug fixes

[JSUI-1127] - Cancel last action when no result found doesn’t work

[JSUI-1245] - [Interface Editor] Fix style of the recommendation component on the demo page.

October 2016 release (v1.1550.5)


The JavaScript Search Framework is available on npm (see Coveo JavaScript Search Framework).

The TypeScript Component documentation is generated from the code and available on GitHub (see Coveo Search UI documentation).


[JSUI-869] - Support tab navigation in the interface

[JSUI-876] - Make Recommendation component work in the Interface Editor

[JSUI-892] - Add "Advanced search" component

[JSUI-943] - Component to modify the number of results per page

[JSUI-1000] - Add a validator feature when creating options

[JSUI-1024] - Add Slack template OOTB

[JSUI-1026] - Add the Powered by Coveo logo to the OOTB search page

[JSUI-1048] - Add initial choice option to results per page component

[JSUI-1076] - Add new options enableResponsiveMode and responsiveBreakpoint for facet/tab components

[JSUI-1110] - export __extends to global window scope

[JSUI-1136] - Always use Coveo.$ if it has been defined

[JSUI-1185] - Support "Monthly" subscription interval for search alerts

Bug fixes

[JSUI-753] - Indexed date wraps on two lines

[JSUI-1031] - Selecting "Always open results in new window" in preferences breaks silently in the console

[JSUI-1035] - ResultsPerPage picker doesn’t visually update one time of two

[JSUI-1041] - Element coveo-facet-search-results doesn’t remove its position: absolute, top and left values when the responsive component goes from mobile to desktop view

[JSUI-1058] - Scroll Bar disappears after perform Sort & Quickview

[JSUI-1060] - Facet Sort on label is only applied on facet values from the index, not value caption

[JSUI-1082] - Preferences UI isn’t left aligned when there are no results

[JSUI-1085] - When the init fails for whatever reason and there’s a recommendation component, it’s still visible when it shouldn’t

[JSUI-1094] - Search Icon when search loading has weird behavior in IE11

[JSUI-1095] - Facet Search become unresponsive when searching in

[JSUI-1104] - Responsive facets throw exception if you don’t have a coveo-tab-section in the page

[JSUI-1116] - FieldTable Component is broken when item is Google drawing item

[JSUI-1117] - Old design with responsive components breaks the UI

[JSUI-1118] - Recommendation component shouldn’t be always hidden when "HideIfNoResults" default value is set to False.

[JSUI-1119] - Debug popup window should be closed when using Esc

[JSUI-1121] - Using a facet slider, in responsive mode, errors when the filter applied has no results

[JSUI-1123] - data-caption can no longer be empty on a Sort component

[JSUI-1125] - TemplateLoader references $ was broken

[JSUI-1129] - Page title should be more consistent

[JSUI-1135] - If Coveo.$ is already defined, it shouldn’t be overwritten with undefined

[JSUI-1169] - Hierarchical Facet data-level-start='1' make parent selection disappear

[JSUI-1170] - 'x' to dismiss Manage Alerts page

[JSUI-1177] - Select Facet doesn’t always trigger the number of items correctly

[JSUI-1178] - Must click 2 times on CoveoSettings button after selecting an option

[JSUI-1186] - Improve Omnibox experience with search-as-you-type and Coveo Machine Learning suggestions

[JSUI-1189] - Select Facet doesn’t always trigger the number of items correctly

[JSUI-1194] - Advanced Search doesn’t send search UA event

[JSUI-1199] - The use of CoveoJsSearch.Searchbox.js produce a "Coveo isn’t defined" error

[JSUI-1202] - Highlight tab not visible using keyboard

[JSUI-1206] - [AdvancedSearch] Dropdown menu doesn’t close when you click outside of the box

[JSUI-1208] - [AdvancedSearch] Template was broken when no result was shown

[JSUI-1209] - [AdvancedSearch] Item section was partially hidden when browser was resized

[JSUI-1212] - Issue with border/background of Edit/Delete button

September 2016 maintenance release (v1.1276.25)

Bug fix

[JSUI-1193] - [Recommendation] First search loaded with #q populated should log a search instead of a view event

September 2016 maintenance release (v1.1276.22)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-1169] - Hierarchical Facet data-level-start='1' makes parent selection disappear

[JSUI-1170] - 'x' to dismiss Manage Alerts page

September 2016 maintenance release (v1.1276.20)


[JSUI-1136] - Always use Coveo.$ if it has been defined

Bug fixes

[JSUI-1123] - data-caption can no longer be empty on a Sort component

[JSUI-1135] - If Coveo.$ is already defined, it shouldn’t be overwritten with undefined

September 2016 maintenance release (v1.1276.19)


[JSUI-1076] - Add new options enableResponsiveMode and responsiveBreakpoint for facet/tab components.

Bug fix

[JSUI-1118] - Recommendation component shouldn’t be always hidden when HideIfNoResults default value is set to False.

September 2016 release (v1.1276.18)


The JavaScript Search Framework is available on npm (see Coveo JavaScript Search Framework).

The TypeScript Component documentation is generated from the code and available on GitHub (see Coveo Search UI documentation).


[JSUI-834] - Add support for deprecated options type.

[JSUI-858] - When an error occurs in the JavaScript Search Framework it will only break the affected component instance.

[JSUI-864] - Add a sanity check on initialization to prevent the UI to initialize when it already has.

[JSUI-887] - Support including jQuery after including the search-ui

[JSUI-903] - Ship the old CoveoJsSearch_Searchbox.js file with webpack.

[JSUI-926] - Create plop generator to allow the easy creation of a new component

[JSUI-939] - Arrange for CoveoJsSearch.Dependencies to become obsolete

[JSUI-943] - Component to modify the number of results per page.

[JSUI-956] - Use the generated doc to add descriptions on the Interface Editor components

[JSUI-979] - Send the user context in the customData of the Search Events

[JSUI-980] - Adds possibility to enable results filter preferences by default

[JSUI-1009] - Use the highlighting tool you want for code edit in the template editor

[JSUI-1019] - Settings menu should close when clicking button

[JSUI-1025] - Update Plop generator to represent the new webpackification of unit tests

[JSUI-1110] - export __extends to global window scope

Bug fixes

[JSUI-842] - Quickview bug fixes

[JSUI-964] - Sort-criteria not kept in the state when doing back in browser navigation

[JSUI-753] - Indexed date wraps on two lines

[JSUI-836] - [Result Debug Dialog] Negative QRE weight isn’t displayed in rankingInfo section

[JSUI-895] - Including dependencies before Coveo framework causes error

[JSUI-928] - Sort by in facet settings doesn’t affect facet search

[JSUI-931] - Facet preserve position doesn’t always work

[JSUI-947] - local.Promise is undefined in IE11 and breaks the search page

[JSUI-953] - [Mobile layout] On selecting a facet value the responsive facet layout disappears, but when tapping on the exclude button, it doesn’t

[JSUI-991] - CurrentTab component exception when opening Tab section

[JSUI-995] - Clear button in the standalone search box shouldn’t redirect to the search page

[JSUI-996] - Unfollow icon (SearchAlerts) spins before becoming grey.

[JSUI-1054] - SSO authentication bug fixes

[JSUI-1058] - Scroll Bar disappears after performing Sort & Quickview

[JSUI-1060] - Facet Sort on label is only applied on facet values from index, not value caption

[JSUI-1062] - Fixed a bug where jQuery is used but not imported into SearchInterface.ts

[JSUI-1081] - [Interface Editor] Facet_valueCaption string missing

[JSUI-1082] - Preferences UI isn’t left aligned when there are no results

[JSUI-1085] - When the init fails for whatever reason and there’s a recommendation component, this one is still visible when it shouldn’t

[JSUI-1088] - Result per page component keep the default value colored after clicking another value

[JSUI-1094] - Search Icon when search loading has weird behavior in IE11

[JSUI-1095] - Facet Search become unresponsive when searching in it

[JSUI-1102] - [Interface Editor] - Left Setting menu panels have their titles cropped because of header height size

[JSUI-1104] - Responsive facets throw exception if you don’t have a coveo-tab-section in the page

[JSUI-1111] - Magicbox: Ensure trailing suggestion call is always shown (even on slow suggestions calls)

[JSUI-1117] - Old design with responsive components breaks the UI

July 2016 maintenance release (v1.667.33)


[JSUI-1136] - Always use Coveo.$ if it has been defined

Bug fix

[JSUI-1135] - If Coveo.$ is already defined, it shouldn’t be overwritten with undefined

July 2016 maintenance release (v1.667.32)

Bug fix

[JSUI-1020] - No search or click events from a Search Page in Firefox

July 2016 maintenance release (v1.667.30)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-1030] - JavaScript Search Framework mobile can’t close modal box

[JSUI-1041] - HTML Element coveo-facet-search-results stay visible when the responsive component goes from mobile to desktop view

July 2016 maintenance release (v1.667.27)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-1001] - Coveo.options() shouldn’t have priority over markup options

[JSUI-1031] - Selecting Always open results in new window in Preferences breaks silently in the console (TypeError: Can’t read property 'value' of undefined)

July 2016 release (v1.667.24)



[JSUI-846] - New Recommendation Component works with Coveo Machine Learning

[JSUI-802] - Fine-tune the way query suggestions are logged in analytics so that Coveo Machine Learning can learn from it

[JSUI-665] - Support for Microsoft Edge

[JSUI-851] - Hierarchical facets display all the hierarchies in the breadcrumb

[JSUI-541] - Show complete date on hover of a date

[JSUI-566] - Send language to Autocomplete/QuerySuggest calls

[JSUI-732] - Hierarchical facets are case insensitive

[JSUI-734] - Add the @objecttype field in the ClickEvent

[JSUI-766] - Add actionType/actionCause to changeAnalyticsCustomData

[JSUI-771] - Quickview analytics: add the item title and URL on metadata

[JSUI-776] - Result attachments display a Quick view button in default template

[JSUI-809] - Configurable separator for multi-value fields in the UI

[JSUI-843] - ResultLink supports generating the href using a template string

[JSUI-615] - Add a placeholder option to Omnibox

Bug fixes

[JSUI-24] - Quickview XSS vulnerability when malicious HTML is indexed

[JSUI-640] - [Mobile] - Can’t scroll facet search results

[JSUI-644] - ExportToExcel custom event is missing

[JSUI-691] - Search hub name isn’t passed for query suggest calls

[JSUI-694] - OOTB FileType captions breaks the Search in facets

[JSUI-696] - Clear button overlays the breadcrumbs when many values are selected

[JSUI-701] - FacetSlider -→ TypeError: Can’t read property initializeState of undefined on Clear breadcrumb

[JSUI-702] - Item count in facets is missing when excluding an item from the +more button

[JSUI-708] - FieldValue contains many values

[JSUI-709] - SharePoint result templates are missing the breadcrumb that allows jumping to the folder containing a file

[JSUI-716] - Google Docs items have "Word Document" displayed as a caption on the icon

[JSUI-720] - Clicking the search button/doing Enter key/selecting facet value with date query like @date=2016/04/04 produces a erroneous query

[JSUI-767] - Additional filter doesn’t affect query override correctly with many facets

[JSUI-773] - FieldTable doesn’t split values from multi-value fields

[JSUI-813] - Partial match options don’t work as expected with Omnibox component

[JSUI-827] - The UI is crashing/freezing when trying to open a Quick view for an item that doesn’t exist anymore

[JSUI-853] - Right-click a search result event isn’t logged in UA

[JSUI-885] - OrganizationId isn’t sent along with accessToken from SearchAlert components

[JSUI-902] - CustomEvent throws Object doesn’t support this action in IE11 (GitHub 9a34734)

[JSUI-905] - URL hash is encoded with single quotes, but should be with double ones

[JSUI-929] - CoveoFacetSlider has its right range slider cursor blocked before end of line

[JSUI-550] - On a mobile when clicking a result, the event isn’t sent to Usage Analytics

[JSUI-718] - Second query becomes invalid if contiguity operator is present

[JSUI-725] - Event error impedes a request

[JSUI-726] - Query suggestions aren’t displayed properly with IE11

[JSUI-811] - Case Priority Facet field name misspelled in template

[JSUI-815] - CaseCreation component triggers a query on load using Internet Explorer, but shouldn’t

[JSUI-840] - XSS on HierarchicalFacet breadcrumb

[JSUI-897] - HierarchicalFacet: Product categories become orphaned if expanded and additional searches

April 2016 maintenance release (v1.0.345.5)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-964] - Sort-criteria isn’t kept in the state when doing back in browser navigation

[JSUI-990] - Scroll bar of the facet search popup box doesn’t work properly in IE

[JSUI-1017] - Standalone search box clear button shouldn’t redirect

[JSUI-1037] - QueryString argument is missing for SAML Authentication

[JSUI-1057] - [AuthenticationProvider] Handlers property of AuthenticationProvider object is undefined when using iframe

April 2016 maintenance release (v1.0.345.2)

Bug fix

[JSUI-732] - Hierarchical``Facets shouldn’t be Case Sensitive

April 2016 maintenance release (v1.0.345.1)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-580] - The mobile search page won’t load because $ is used instead of Coveo.$

[JSUI-728] - completeFacetWithStandardValues should never be set to true when the option lookupField is set, otherwise the search queries won’t work

April 2016 maintenance release (v1.0.345)


[JSUI-658] - Added an omniboxDelay option on field suggestions

[JSUI-663] - Interface Editor: omniboxTimeout option added to SearchBox configuration

Bug fixes

[JSUI-653] - Preferences settings XSS vulnerability

[JSUI-688] - Omnibox + search-as-you-type may not log all typed letters

[JSUI-701] - FacetSliderTypeError: Can’t read property 'initializeState' of undefined when clearing the breadcrumb

[JSUI-550] - Clicking a result on a mobile doesn’t send the event to the usage analytics

[JSUI-561] - SharePoint content isn’t completely showing up in the SharePoint search interface

[JSUI-564] - Facet more/less doesn’t use the initial query

[JSUI-593] - Indexed items with custom mapping may fail to open in the Quick view

February 2016 maintenance release (v1.0.318.4)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-647] Result actions component isn’t correctly displayed when the inline menu is enabled

[JSUI-654] The AuthenticationProvider should include an access token in the authentication provider URL

[JSUI-578] The Localization component doesn’t seem to work on the FacetSlider component

February 2016 release (v1.0.318)

  • This new system field format is provided by the REST Search API for Coveo deployments (see February 2016 release 8.0.1028).

  • Starting with this release, the JavaScript Search Framework V1 no longer supports Internet Explorer 8 and 9.


[JSUI-433] Ability to set the number of results to export in the ExportToExcel component (see numberOfResults).

[JSUI-436] Prevent sending two copies of the same ClickEvent back to back

[JSUI-444] A CurrentUrl context key has been added to the Interface Editor Pipeline value context

[JSUI-467] The author is now added to the click and caseAttach events

[JSUI-501] The Omnibox now logs partialQueries, suggestionRanking, suggestions, and partialQuery meta to the Usage Analytics

[JSUI-520] Added item filetype information in badge over item icons

[JSUI-557] Added support for the maximumAge parameter of the REST Search API cache (see maximumAge)

Bug fixes

[JSUI-585] CaseCreation page doesn’t submit the form if logging to UsageAnalytics fails

[JSUI-477] The displayMoreResults method of the ResultList component doesn’t add the proper items

[JSUI-478] Quickview doesn’t work with Internet Explorer when the URL is too long

[JSUI-495] Two queries are automatically launched when loading the Insight Panel

[JSUI-555] Once the Insight Panel Remove Context checkbox is checked by a user, it will be reset to clear for upcoming searches

[JSUI-318] HierarchicalFacet has missing options in the advanced mode of the Interface Editor