V1 2018 releases

This is for:


This page summarizes the new features and bug fixes introduced throughout 2018.

The latest changes are available in Release notes.

May 2018 maintenance release (1.2537.57)

To download this release:

Issue number Maintenance case
JSUI-2096 [Android] Fixed issue preventing facet search from being used when the keyboard appears.

March 2018 maintenance release (1.2537.55)

To download this release:

Issue number Bug fix

Fixed issue where URL hash was overwritten even when the URL hash had not changed on first load.
This issue caused some Salesforce communities to continually reload when enabling the history controller.

February 2018 maintenance release (v1.2537.52)

To download this release:

Issue number Bug fix

Fixed issue causing facet and folding expand to not work properly when the query syntax was disabled.

January 2018 maintenance release (v1.2537.43)

To download this release:

Issue number Case Fixed support case


[Internet Explorer 11] Fixed issue causing field suggestions and omnibox result list to disappear when clicking inside the search box.

JSUI-1964 00040895

[Quickview] Fixed issue causing the scroll bar to disappear when opening the Quick view after a search.

January 2018 maintenance release (v1.2537.37)

To download this release:

Issue number Enhancement

Detect existing implementing in the promise polyfill