Adobe Experience Manager Metadata Mapping

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In this article

When you index an Adobe Experience Manager page or asset, the Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector automatically sends document property metadata to the Coveo Platform. Each piece of metadata is then stored in a field in your Coveo index item, provided the field exists.

When you index an Adobe Experience Manager page, all properties on the document node and its associated jcr:content node are sent as metadata along with the document. When you index an Adobe Experience Manager asset, all properties on the asset node, and on its descendant jcr:content and metadata nodes are sent as metadata along with the document.

The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector strips the property prefixes in the metadata keys. For example, the cq:template property is sent to Coveo as the template metadata. The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector also escapes special characters found in property names using an underscore (_).

  • A cu$tomProperty property is sent to Coveo as the cu_tomProperty metadata.

  • A custom_Property property is sent to Coveo as the custom__Property metadata, that is, with two underscores.

Metadata Categories

Standard Metadata

Whenever the Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector performs an add or update Push API call, the Push API automatically retrieves and pushes standard metadata. Coveo automatically creates a set of default fields (for example, the title, date, filetype, source, language fields) in Adobe Experience Manager sources. Default fields are automatically populated by Coveo with standard metadata.


By default, the Coveo Platform computes the value for the language field based on the HTML content of the page it receives. However, the Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector also sends a language metadata to Coveo. The connector checks for the presence of an ISO language code in the document path which it then converts to the display language (for example, English).

To override the Coveo default value for the language field with the one sent by the connector as the language metadata, add a mapping on the Coveo language field using %[language:crawler] as the mapping rule.

Core Adobe Experience Manager Property Metadata

The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector is hard coded to automatically create and populate Coveo standard fields for core Adobe Experience Manager document properties. The table below lists these standard fields.

Field name Field type













tags 1




1: The tags field is indexed as a Multi-Value Facet field.

When a field doesn’t have an associated mapping, it appears as Unused in Coveo. Such is the case for this list of standard fields.

Screenshot showing standard fields as unused in the Coveo Administration Console Fields page

Custom Adobe Experience Manager Property Metadata

All Adobe Experience Manager page and asset properties that are sent as metadata to Coveo and that aren’t core Adobe Experience Manager property metadata are considered custom Adobe Experience Manager property metadata.

Unlike with standard metadata, your Coveo source doesn’t contain pre-existing fields for custom Adobe Experience Manager property metadata. You need to create the fields yourself.

Creating Coveo Fields for Custom Adobe Experience Manager Property Metadata

For Adobe Experience Manager sources, Coveo automatically maps incoming metadata to a field with a matching name. Hence, you want to create a field with the proper name for every custom Adobe Experience Manager property metadata you need to use in your search solution, whether in a facet, as a sort criterion, or in your search result templates.


For metadata keys containing escaped characters (for example, property_With_Special_Chars), you may want to use a custom field name (for example, propertywithspecialchars). In this case, the metadata key and field name won’t match and you will have to map the metadata to your field.

The following table provides a few examples of Adobe Experience Manager property names, their equivalent metadata keys, and the way you need to name your Coveo fields for the automatic mapping of incoming metadata to work.

Adobe Experience Manager property Metadata key Coveo field name

















Coveo field names can’t contain uppercase letters.

To create the Coveo fields for your Adobe Experience Manager properties

  1. Open the Coveo Administration Console Fields (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page.

  2. Click Add field near the upper-right corner of the screen.

  3. In the Fields > Add a Field screen, provide the necessary Field name value (for example, primarytype).

  4. For the Type field, select the option that best matches the Adobe Experience Manager property Type value.

  5. If the Adobe Experience Manager property is an array and you would like to be able to have each property value appear as a separate occurrence in a facet, select the Multi-Value Facet option.

    Filling out the Add a Field screen
  6. For all other options, see the Add or edit a field article for help.

To verify that your Adobe Experience Manager property values are correctly stored in the Coveo fields you created

  1. In the Adobe Experience Manager user interface, perform an indexing action on a document.

  2. On the Coveo Administration Console Content Browser (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, select the item associated with the document you indexed.

    Selecting the item in the Content Browser
  3. Click Properties, just above the search results.

The screen shows the Coveo field names and values for the selected item.

Field names and values for selected item