Coveo for Sitecore Legacy Search UI Framework - Facet Slider Component Properties

Coveo for Sitecore 4.1 (November 2018)

This article describes properties that are available on the Facet Slider component.

Property Description Default value Additional details
Basic settings
Title Specifies the title displayed at the top of the facet.
Field Specifies the field whose values will be displayed in the facet.
Range settings
Automatically generate ranges Specifies whether or not the slider range must be automatically generated. Disabled If enabled, the slider minimum and maximum values will be respectively set to the lowest and the highest values returned by the index.

Specifies the lowest boundary of the slider.

Maximum Specifies the highest boundary of the slider.
Allow user to change the slider minimum value Specifies whether or not you want a slider with two buttons. Disabled
Number of steps Specifies the number of steps (intervals) to include in the slider. 10 For example, on a slider going from 0 to 100 and a number of steps of 10, slider buttons can only be placed on 0, 10, 20, ..., 100.
Appearance settings
Display as percentage Specifies if you want to display results as a percentage. Disabled If enabled, slider values will be turned in percentage, ranging from the minimum of 0% to the maximum of 100%.
Separator Specifies the separator used to display results. "-"
Units Specifies the units used to display results. To use this feature, Display as percentage has to be disabled .
Value caption Specifies the format of the range displayed under the slider.

Replace the boundary with {0} or {1}.

Icon Specifies the facet icon that's displayed next to the title. The icon must be in the media library.
Include facet values in the breadcrumb Specifies if the selected facet values should be displayed in the breadcrumb. Enabled
Advanced settings
Apply filter expression only when slider range is modified Indicates whether a filter expression is always sent to the search index, even when the slider range values are unchanged. In other words, setting this parameter to "false" indicates that the filter expression is always in place. Therefore, only documents having a facet field value that matches the specified range are returned. On the other hand, setting this parameter to "true" indicates that the filter expression is added only when necessary. Therefore, when the slider range is unchanged, documents that don't have the facet field might still be returned. Disabled
Display graph Specifies if you want to display a graph on top of your slider. Disabled
Graph number of steps Specifies the number of bar division of your graph. 10
Graph animation duration Specifies the duration of the slider animation in milliseconds. 500 ms
Facet accuracy determined by the number of scanned results The facet accuracy selection sets the injection depth, the number of search results that are scanned to find possible facet values. Selections from Less Precise (Fast) to Exact (Slowest) progressively increase the number of scanned results, ensuring more possible facet values are found, at the cost of performance. Less Precise (Fast)

The available options are:

Less Precise (Fast)
Precise (Slower)
More Precise (Slower)
Exact (Slowest)

Id Specifies an optional unique identifier for a facet. For example, this identifier is used to save the facet state in the URL hash. If this field isn't specified, the field name is used as the unique identifier.


Mandatory if you're adding two facets for the same field.
Placeholder Calls the appropriate container for the component you want to add. /coveo-search/coveo-facets When using the Experience Editor, this field is automatically filled with the correct container.
Data Source Specifies the source of the data used to populate the component with specific data.
Unique identifier Specifies an optional unique identifier for a facet. For example, this identifier will be used to save the facet state in the URL hash. If this field isn't specified, the field name will be used as the unique identifier.

Coveo for Sitecore (June 2016)

The default value is $GenerateNewUniqueId, which generates a random facet ID.

Caching Specifies if the component rendering is cached or not. All Disabled
Available options for this parameter are:


Additional Parameters Allows passing custom parameters to a Coveo component. These custom parameters must be specified in the Coveo Search Component sublayout (see Adding Custom Parameters with the Additional Parameters Field).