Coveo for Sitecore Indexing Strategies

To keep search indexes up to date, Coveo for Sitecore leverages Sitecore index update strategies.

Although you can manually rebuild a search index, most of the time we recommend that you allow the strategies to do the work for you.

Default Configuration

By default Coveo for Sitecore will create two indexes, Coveo Master and Coveo Web.

Index name Strategy Item indexed when it’s
Coveo Master Synchronous Saved
Coveo Web OnPublishEndAsync Published

Location of the strategy statement

The strategies are defined on each index in the CoveoSearchProvider.config file.

<index id="Coveo_web_index" type="Coveo.SearchProvider.ProviderIndex, Coveo.SearchProvider" patch:before = "*[2]">
  <param desc="p_Name">$(id)</param>
  <configuration ref="coveo/defaultIndexConfiguration" />
  <strategies hint="list:AddStrategy">
    <strategy ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/indexUpdateStrategies/onPublishEndAsync"/>

Editing a strategy

  1. Open your Coveo.SearchProvider.Custom.config file. It’s located under <Sitecore Instance>\Website\App_config\Include\Coveo.
  2. At the end of the sitecore node, before the scheduling node, if the index you want to update doesn’t exist yet, create it by adding the following elements:

           <index id="Coveo_web_index">
             <strategies hint="list:AddStrategy">
               <strategy ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/indexUpdateStrategies/onPublishEndAsync"/>
  3. Change the index id to the index you want to modify.

  4. Change the strategy to match the one you want to modify.

  5. Save and close your file.