Coveo for Sitecore Legacy Search UI Framework - Recommendations Component Properties

Coveo for Sitecore 4.1 (November 2018) Cloud only

This article describes the properties that are available on the Recommendations component.

To learn how to implement this component in your pages, see Inserting and Customizing a Recommendations Component.

Property Description Additional details
Recommendations settings
Title The text displayed in the header of the component.
HideIfNoResults Whether to hide the component when there are no results. This option is disabled in the Experience Editor.
RecommendationsPipeline The name of the Recommendations pipeline to use. This option is required.

The number of recommendations to display.

Enterprise only

Allows the use of the Rule Set Editor to define a filtering expression for the search component. This option is only enabled in the Trial and Enterprise editions.
RecommendationsRestUri The relative URL of the REST endpoint used to perform Recommendations queries. The default value is /coveo/rest .