Querying Page Events in the Analytics Database

Knowing how to query page events directly in the Analytics database can be useful to validate that events coming from a Coveo Search Interface are correctly logged.

The process varies depending on whether you’re using the Sitecore xDB or the older DMS.

Querying xDB Page Events

This procedure applies to Sitecore versions supporting the xDB, starting from Sitecore 7.5.X.

  1. Download and install Robomongo.
  2. Open Robomongo and connect to localhost.
  3. Look for the Interactions collection in the analytics database. Double-click it and you should get a list of documents.

  4. By default, the documents are ordered by ascending date of insertion. Expand one of the latest documents; you should see a number of properties there. Expand the Pages array.

  5. Expand one of the Pages element. You should get an array of PageEvents. Expand this array to see the page events that have been logged.

Querying DMS Page Events

This procedure applies to Sitecore versions supporting the DMS, from Sitecore 7.0.X to Sitecore 7.2.X.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your current database.
  2. Find the analytics database related to your current Sitecore instance. It should be named similar to MySitecoreInstanceSitecore_analytics.
  3. Find the dbo.PageEvents table of the analytics database.

  4. SELECT the top 1000 rows of this database. You should get the latest page events.