Using an HTML Archive

In this article

A Coveo technical documentation archive can include an HTML zip file that contains a set of HTML pages corresponding to the archived content of a specific legacy product.

If you’re still using the legacy Coveo product, you can easily browse this documentation by downloading, and installing the HTML archive locally.

  1. Access the archive content page for which you want to use the HTML archive (see Archived Content).
  2. When the page includes an HTML archive:
    1. Click Download HTML Zip.
    2. Note the HTML zip home page file name provided in the table at the bottom of the page.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file to a location of your choice.

  4. With a browser, open the HTML zip home page file to access the archive content.

You can install the HTML archive in an internal web server of your choice to make the archive content available to the appropriate audience.

In such a case:

  • Use the HTML zip home page file as the website home page.
  • You can create a Coveo source to index the archive content.