HTML Version of Indexed Items Are Showing an Error Page

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You selected the Index rendered HTML option during the installation of the Coveo for Sitecore package. Since then, all indexed published pages are showing an error page.

The links are still working well, and relevance seems to be partially respected.


This is due to a conflict between the Coveo.Analytics.Processors.ExcludeCoveoUserAgentProcessor and Sitecore Analytics Tracking.

Sitecore Analytics is expecting a user agent when parsing the page, and one of the Coveo for Sitecore processor removes it.


  1. Open the Coveo.SearchProvider.config file and find the startAnalytics node.

  2. Comment out the ExcludeCoveoUserAgentProcessor.


      <!-- The ExcludeCoveoUserAgentProcessor stops the pipeline if the request comes from the Coveo user agent -->
      <processor patch:before="*[1]" type="Coveo.Analytics.Processors.ExcludeCoveoUserAgentProcessor, Coveo.Analytics"/>


      <!-- The ExcludeCoveoUserAgentProcessor stops the pipeline if the request comes from the Coveo user agent -->
      <!--<processor patch:before="*[1]" type="Coveo.Analytics.Processors.ExcludeCoveoUserAgentProcessor, Coveo.Analytics"/>-->