Sitecore SXA throws errors when upgrading from Coveo for Sitecore 4.1 to Coveo for Sitecore 5

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This issue occurs when you have an instance of Sitecore with Sitecore SXA installed and you upgrade Coveo for Sitecore from version 4.1 to version 5. During the installation of the Coveo for Sitecore 5 package, you get the following error in the Install a Package dialog:

The installation failed.
One or more exceptions occurred while processing the subscribers to the 'item:moving' event.
For more information see the Sitecore log.
Try one of the following options:
Retry the installation


Sitecore SXA detects a change in the Coveo Search panel options between Coveo for Sitecore 4.1 and Coveo for Sitecore 5.


The solution is to temporarily disable the SXA processor responsible for throwing this error in order to be able to install Coveo for Sitecore 5.

To disable the SXA processor

  1. Open the <SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\App_Config\Include\Foundation\Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Multisite.config file with a text editor.

  2. In the <events> element, locate the following element:

    <event name="item:moving">
        <handler type="Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Multisite.EventHandlers.VirtualMediaFolderValidator, Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Multisite" method="OnItemMoving" />
  3. Comment out the <handler> element as follows:

    <event name="item:moving">
        <handler type="Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Multisite.EventHandlers.VirtualMediaFolderValidator, Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Multisite" method="OnItemMoving" />
  4. Install Coveo for Sitecore 5.

  5. Uncomment the <handler> element.