Ad-blocker filter lists blocking calls

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Coveo for Sitecore search interfaces work as intended for most Sitecore website visitors. However, some visitors may report your search interfaces aren’t working (for example, search interfaces not returning search results).


Affected website visitors could be using ad-blockers, most importantly some which use filter lists that block HTTP requests based on endpoint URL patterns. Hence, Coveo for Sitecore search interfaces may not be able to interact with the Coveo Platform.


Coveo created new usage analytics endpoint URLs in 2021 to differentiate them from other Coveo call URLs. What was happening is that some URL pattern filters designed to block Coveo Usage Analytics calls (for example, calls to are so broad that they also filter other HTTP requests to Coveo (for example, calls to to get search results).

The November 19, 2021 release of Coveo for Sitecore 5 adds support for the new Coveo usage analytics endpoints. Coveo recommends that you upgrade to this release. The upgrade steps include a manual update of the <analyticsUri> element value to set it to the new usage analytics endpoint URL of your deployment region.