Analytics calls failing with custom Coveo REST endpoint

In this article


  • You had a custom Coveo REST endpoint value in the Coveo Search Resources data source of your search interface.

  • You upgraded to a post-2021 release of Coveo for Sitecore.

  • Your usage analytics requests are now failing.


In a recent release of Coveo for Sitecore, a custom Coveo analytics endpoint property was added, making it independent of the Coveo REST endpoint value. If you had a custom Coveo REST endpoint set and upgraded to a Coveo for Sitecore release in which the Coveo analytics endpoint is independent of the Coveo REST endpoint value, Coveo for Sitecore failed to detect your custom Coveo REST endpoint and automatically set the Coveo analytics endpoint value accordingly.


To resolve this issue, you need to upgrade to the October 23, 2023 or newer release of Coveo for Sitecore and set the Coveo analytics endpoint option value in your Coveo Search Resources data source. The instructions for setting the Coveo analytics endpoint value are included in the upgrade steps of the October 23, 2023 release.