November 19, 2021 Release (5.0.1039.1)


Per the Coveo Version Support Lifecycle policy, this Coveo for Sitecore 5 release has been retired. See available Coveo for Sitecore releases.

Even if this release is retired, you must still perform some of its upgrade steps to upgrade to a more recent version of Coveo for Sitecore.

This release includes the 2.10089.4 version of the JavaScript Search Framework (see August 2021 Release (v2.10089)).

When using a CDN with the Coveo Hive framework, this release includes the latest 2.10089 version of the JavaScript Search Framework (see Understanding How the Coveo JavaScript Files are Loaded (CDN)).

Release Notes

This section summarizes the new features and fixed support cases introduced in the Coveo for Sitecore November 19, 2021 release (5.0.1039.1).


Coveo Hive search interfaces now perform front-end calls through the Coveo REST endpoint proxy to generate search tokens. Caching /coveo/rest endpoint responses may cause issues.

Identifier Enhancement
WEB-4822 Added Debug logging to track Sitecore security identities sent to Coveo.
WEB-5021 Created and made available Coveo for Sitecore SXA WDP packages for Sitecore 10 and 10.1.
WEB-5031 Added support for the new usage analytics Coveo endpoints.
WEB-5094 Added support for Sitecore 10.1.1.
WEB-5106 Removed the possibility of creating a Standard trial organization and added support for the Base edition. To obtain a trial organization for these editions, please contact your Subscription Manager.
WEB-5166 Added support for Coveo JavaScript Search Framework version 2.10089.
WEB-5167 Added support for Coveo JavaScript Search Framework SmartSnippet and SmartSnippetSuggestions components.
Identifier Case Fixed support case
WEB-5058, WEB-5140 00068605 Fixed issue where the culture language fallback for JavaScript resource files was not working.
WEB-5062 00068344 Fixed issue with unwanted HTML encoding in Coveo Hosted Search Page.cshtml view file.
WEB-5083 00069266 Fixed API key and password decryption process when there are database connection issues.
WEB-5234 00071528 Fixed issue with responsive mode not being triggered in search interfaces.
Identifier Bug fix
WEB-5033 Changed configuration to have Sitecore fields named date indexed as fields of type Date in Coveo.
WEB-5034 [Command Center] Improved the handling of a linked Coveo organization that doesn’t allow Sitecore sources.
WEB-5148 Added a restriction on farm name so letters, digits, -, _, #, {, }, | and spaces are accepted, other characters are replaced with underscores.
WEB-5240 Fixed the Facet value ranges option default value text in dynamic facet range rendering data sources.
WEB-5292 Clarified the comments associated with the order of Coveo site definition elements in the configuration files.

Upgrade Steps


Per the Coveo Version Support Lifecycle policy, this Coveo for Sitecore 5 release has been retired. See available Coveo for Sitecore releases.

Even if this release is retired, you must still perform some of its upgrade steps to upgrade to a more recent version of Coveo for Sitecore.

This section describes how to upgrade Coveo for Sitecore from May 28, 2021 (5.0.971.3) to November 19, 2021 (5.0.1039.1). If you're upgrading over multiple versions, Coveo has a procedure to streamline the process.

Important For the best Coveo for Sitecore experience, always follow the Leading Practices When Upgrading Coveo for Sitecore.

Step 1: Upgrade Coveo for Sitecore

Important Ensure that the Microsoft MVC security update MS14-059 is installed on every Sitecore host in your environment..
  1. Log into the Sitecore Desktop.
  2. Access the Installation Wizard (Sitecore Start Menu > Development Tools > Installation Wizard).
  3. Upload and install the Coveo for Sitecore 5.0.1039.1 package built for the specific version of Sitecore you’re running (for example, Sitecore 9.0).
  4. When prompted to overwrite files, click Yes to all.
  5. When prompted to overwrite items, select Overwrite, then click Apply to all.

    You might be prompted twice with this question. Select the Overwrite option and click Apply to all both times.
  6. Once the installation is completed, make sure that you restart both the Sitecore client and server.

    Restart Server and Client dialog

Step 2: Manually Update Coveo Configuration Files

Coveo for Sitecore packages contain some .config.example files. When you activated Coveo for Sitecore, the .config.example configuration files copied to your Sitecore instance were renamed (the .example was removed) making them enabled .config files. The name change also prevents the resulting .config files from being overwritten by .config.example files during a Coveo for Sitecore upgrade. In a nutshell, Coveo uses .config.example files for upgrade configuration changes that must be merged manually. Otherwise, Coveo uses standard .config files that get overwritten during step 1 of the upgrade process.


You can use a tool like WinMerge to compare the new Coveo.*.config.example files with your existing Coveo.*.config files.

Here are the modifications to the .config.example files between the previous and current Coveo for Sitecore releases:


  1. Search for the following line:

    <fieldType fieldName="date" isSourceSpecific="true" settingType="Coveo.Framework.Configuration.FieldConfiguration, Coveo.Framework" />

    Add type="System.DateTime" to this line, as follows:

    <fieldType fieldName="date" isSourceSpecific="true" type="System.DateTime" settingType="Coveo.Framework.Configuration.FieldConfiguration, Coveo.Framework" />
  2. Sitecore 7, 8, and 9.0

    Under the <sites> element, locate and delete the three following comments:

    <!-- The site coveorest needs to be inserted as the first element, or before any other sites that have the coveorest site as a child (for example, sites defined with virtualpath="/coveo/rest*"). -->
     <!-- The site coveoanalytics needs to be inserted before coveorest, as it requires analytics to be enabled. -->
    <!-- The coveoanalytics website database attribute value should match the published website database attribute value in order to allow Coveo Usage Analytics logging. -->

    Add the following comment just above the <site patch:before="*[1]" name="coveorest" ... > element:

    <!-- The site definitions must be placed in order, from the most specific to the least specific (for example, a site defined with virtualpath="/coveo/rest*" must precede one defined with virtualpath="/coveo*"). The coveoanalytics website database attribute value should match the published website database attribute value in order to allow Coveo Usage Analytics logging. -->

Step 3: Update Your Usage Analytics Endpoint

  1. Open the Coveo.SearchProvider.Rest.Custom.config file in a text editor.

    Sitecore 7 and 8 Open the <SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\Website\App_Config\Include\Coveo\Coveo.SearchProvider.Rest.Custom.config file.

    Sitecore 9 and 10 Open the <SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\App_Config\Include\Coveo\Coveo.SearchProvider.Rest.Custom.config file.

  2. Change the value of the <analyticsUri> element to the new usage analytics endpoint URL for your deployment region. See Validate Routes and Ports for the updated list of Coveo endpoints.

  3. Save your changes.

Step 4: Update Customizations Based on the Coveo Hosted Search Page Rendering

The <SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\Views\Coveo Hive\Search Pages\Coveo Hosted Search Page.cshtml file (<SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\Website\Views\Coveo Hive\Search Pages\Coveo Hosted Search Page.cshtml in Sitecore 7 and 8 instances) has been changed at two places:

  1. In the @foreach (var style in Model.Properties.SearchPageInlineStyles) loop, the following line:


    has been replaced with

  2. In the @foreach (var script in Model.Properties.SearchPageInlineScripts) loop, the following line:


    has been replaced with


Ensure you apply these changes to any customization based on the Coveo Hosted Search Page.cshtml file you may have made.

Step 5: Update Customizations Based on the Basic Search Interface Layout.cshtml File

The <SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\layouts\Coveo Hive\Basic Search Interface Layout.cshtml file (<SITECORE_INSTANCE_ROOT>\Website\layouts\Coveo Hive\Basic Search Interface Layout.cshtml in Sitecore 7 and 8 instances) has been changed to fix bug WEB-5234. The following line has been added in the <head> section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1">

Ensure you apply these changes to any customization based on the Basic Search Interface Layout.cshtml file you may have made.

Step 6: Publish Your Site

In the Sitecore Content Editor, perform a publish site action. This ensures any changes related to Coveo components in the upgrade are published to the web database.