Activate silently

In some circumstances, for example when creating many Sitecore servers, you’ll want to silently activate and configure Coveo for Sitecore. This can be done using a REST API to set the different configuration usually entered on the Command Center Activation page.

You can also see the documentation for the provided calls by accessing the Swagger UI available under http://<INSTANCE_HOSTNAME>/coveo/api/config/docs/index.

Swagger UI for Configuration and Activation services | Coveo


Available options

The Swagger endpoint provides the following options:

Organization endpoints

Organization endpoints API call | Coveo

Using organization endpoints is the recommended Coveo for Sitecore configuration.

The organizations/organizationendpoints GET call retrieves the search (that is, the DistributedDns), admin, and analytics organization endpoints you can use to configure Coveo for Sitecore.

The call requires:


The configure PUT call is used to set the different values needed for the Coveo for Sitecore configuration, for example the OrganizationId and ApiKey.

If you’re running the May 9, 2023 (5.0.1227.1) release or later, you can use the configure PUT call to enable organization endpoints. See the PowerShell command usage example placeholder descriptions for more information on the endpoint URLs to use.


The activate POST call is used to activate Coveo for Sitecore on the Sitecore instance. This will rename the base .example config files that come with Coveo for Sitecore to enable them.

It will also validate that all the values required have been set with configure previously.


The Version call is available under http://<INSTANCE_HOSTNAME>/coveo/api/config/version and returns that latest version of the API.

This version is used in the URL to call the other operations, for example coveo/api/config/v1/configure. Make sure to always use a specific version in your client implementation to avoid breaking changes in future versions.


An authentication needs to be provided using the x-scUsername and x-scPassword headers for each API operations. Only the Version call is exempted from this.

Finding the OrganizationId value

The OrganizationId can be retrieved in the URL of your Coveo organization.

OrganizationId shown in the URL of your Coveo organization | Coveo

Creating an organization

If you don’t have access to an existing organization, you can create a trial organization through the Platform API.


You need to specify the organization template for a Coveo for Sitecore trial, here are the options:

  • SitecoreCloudProEditionTrial for the Pro edition.

  • SitecoreCloudTrialEdition for the Enterprise edition.

Creating the API keys

To configure your Sitecore instance, you’ll need 2 API keys that have different privileges: one for search activities (SearchApiKey) and the other for general configuration activities of your organization (ApiKey).

To create these API keys, you can either use the Cloud Platform API or the Coveo Administration Console (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) (see Manage API keys).

Privileges for the SearchApiKey

When using the Cloud Platform API

The SearchApiKey needs the following privilege:

owner targetDomain type Coveo Administration Console equivalent



Search - Impersonate - Allowed

The payload of your call to the Cloud Platform API must look like the following:

  "displayName": "SearchApiKey",
  "privileges": [
      "targetDomain": "IMPERSONATE",
      "owner": "SEARCH_API"
  "enabled": true

Retrieve the SearchApiKey value from the response of the call and store it securely.

When adding a key from the API Keys (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page in the Coveo Administration Console

The SearchApiKey needs the following privilege:

SearchApiKey required Search privileges | Coveo

You must also limit the scope of your SearchApiKey to a specific search hub.

Privileges for the ApiKey

When using the Cloud Platform API

The ApiKey needs the following privileges:

owner targetDomain type Coveo Administration Console equivalent




Content - Fields - Edit




Content - Security identities - Edit




Content - Security identity providers - Edit




Content - Sources - Edit all




Organization - Organization - Edit




Search - Search pages - View

The payload of your call to the Cloud Platform API must look like the following:

  "displayName": "ApiKey",
  "privileges": [
      "targetDomain": "FIELD",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "EDIT"
      "targetDomain": "FIELD",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "VIEW"
      "targetDomain": "SECURITY_CACHE",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "EDIT"
      "targetDomain": "SECURITY_CACHE",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "VIEW"
      "targetDomain": "SECURITY_PROVIDER",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "EDIT"
      "targetDomain": "SECURITY_PROVIDER",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "VIEW"
      "targetDomain": "SOURCE",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "EDIT"
      "targetDomain": "SOURCE",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "VIEW"
      "targetDomain": "ORGANIZATION",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "EDIT"
      "targetDomain": "ORGANIZATION",
      "owner": "PLATFORM",
      "type": "VIEW"
      "targetDomain": "SEARCH_PAGES",
      "owner": "SEARCH_API",
      "type": "VIEW"
  "enabled": true

Retrieve the ApiKey value from the response of the call and store it securely.

When adding a key from the API Keys (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page in the Coveo Administration Console

The ApiKey needs the following privileges:

ApiKey required Content privileges | Coveo
ApiKey required Organization privileges | Coveo
ApiKey required Search privileges | Coveo

Azure’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) may block Coveo query network calls that trigger OWASP rules. You might need to disable or customize Azure WAF rules to allow Coveo for Sitecore network calls (see Azure Web Application Firewall triggered rules block Coveo for Sitecore’s communication on Content Delivery servers).