Synonym rules for search

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In the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH), merchandisers can create synonym rules to define relationships between query terms.

Synonym rules are used to expand the scope of a query by including additional, equivalent, or replacement terms to the original query terms. For example, a synonym rule can be created to associate the query term rashguard with the synonyms swimsuit and wetsuit.

Synonym rules | Coveo

Synonym rule types

Using the CMH, merchandisers can create three types of synonym rules:

  • One-way synonym: Defines alternative terms for a specific query term, but doesn’t reciprocate the association.


    A one-way synonym rule can be created to associate the query term laptop with the synonyms notebook and portable computer. This means that when a user searches for laptop, the query will become laptop OR notebook OR portable computer.

    Therefore, the search results will include products that contain either the term laptop, notebook, or portable computer. Note that in this example, if the term notebook is searched, the search results won’t include items that contain the terms laptop or portable computer.

  • Two-way synonym: Defines multiple search terms that are considered equivalent, creating a reciprocal relationship between them.


    A two-way synonym rule can be created to associate the query terms laptop, notebook, and portable computer with each other. This means that when a user searches for laptop, the query will become laptop OR notebook OR portable computer.

    Therefore, the search results will include items that contain either the term laptop, notebook, or portable computer. The difference with a one-way synonym rule is that if the term notebook or portable computer is searched, the search results will also include products that contain the term laptop.

  • Replace synonym: Defines a term that should be replaced by another term.


    A replace synonym rule can be created to replace the query term laptop with the term notebook. This means that when a user searches for laptop, the query will become notebook.

Use case examples

Synonym rules can be used to address a variety of use cases. Here are a few examples:

  • Broaden search results: You want to ensure that more products are returned when a user searches for a specific term. For example, a query like phone may not return many results, but by associating it with synonyms like smartphone and mobile, you can ensure that more products are displayed.

  • Correct common spelling mistakes: Common spelling mistakes can be corrected by replacing them with the correct term. For example, your visitors may often misspell one of your product names, resulting in no or few search results. By creating a synonym rule that replaces the misspelled term with the correct one, you can ensure that the correct products are returned.

  • Promote specific products: You want to promote specific products when a user searches for a particular term. For example, when a user searches for Barca Sports you can add a term like kayak to their query, promoting Barca Sports kayaks in the search results.


To create rules, merchandisers must ensure they have properly configured their query pipeline and chosen the correct tracking ID to ensure that their changes impact the intended queries.

Create a synonym rule

To create a rule:

  1. In the CMH, access the Search manager.

  2. From the navigation tabs, select Synonym rules.

  3. Click Create synonym rule.

  4. Select the Locale for which the synonym rule will apply. By default, a rule applies to all available locales.

  5. Under Choose an action, select the synonym rule type that you want to create.

  6. Fill in the required fields based on the selected synonym rule type.

  7. Click Done.

    Leading practice

    You can preview the effect of your rules by using the Preview panel on the right side of the page. You can use this panel to simulate queries and see how the rule affects the search results for a given locale.

  8. Review the rule configuration, and then click Publish. The rule now applies.

Manage existing include rules

To manage an existing include rule:

  1. In the CMH, access the Search manager.

  2. From the navigation tabs, select {manager-rule-type} rules.

  3. Locate the rule you want to manage.

  4. Click Modify. You now have to option to modify the rule configuration, modify the publish settings, or delete the rule:

    • To modify the rule configuration, click Rule.

    • To modify the publish settings, click Publish settings.

    • To delete the rule, click Delete.