Add opinions as a custom experience

This is for:


You can collect qualitative visitor feedback on your site by emitting a special type of QP event called in a custom experience.

Understanding the feedback event

The following simplified example shows how to emit and direct the feedback flow to the Opinions dashboard:

function execution (options) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  const feedback = prompt('What do you think about our site?')

  if (feedback && feedback.length) { // check that feedback was actually entered
    options.uv.emit('', {
      feedback: {
        body: feedback.substr(0, 2048),
        type: 'exit',
        language: 'en',
        vertical: options.meta.vertical

This will create a basic prompt that allows a visitor to enter text:

basic prompt

After emitting, the feedback is displayed in the Opinions dashboard:


The example above only uses a subset of available event fields. The full specification of is shown in the following table. specification

Field (JS Data Type) Description (String)

A unique identifier for the feedback

feedback.body (String)

The feedback given by the visitors

feedback.type (String)

The type of feedback: exit, inline, proactive

feedback.vertical (String)

The Qubit vertical code for the property sending the feedback (for example, ec for retail, tr for travel)

feedback.language (String)

The ISO 639-1 code for the original feedback text (for example, en for English, fr for French)

feedback.translatedBody (String)

If translated, the translated feedback

feedback.hidden (Boolean)

True to hide the feedback in the Qubit platform and in reporting

Creating an exit feedback experience

If you’re interested in a collection format that is more robust than a generic prompt box, the following steps will help you create a simple modal that displays when a visitor expresses an intent to exit the site.

Step 1

Select Experiences from the side menu, select New experience, select Custom, and then Choose

Step 2

Enter a name for the experience and a description, if required, and then select Create

Step 3

Create a lightbox by placing the following code in the variation.js and variation.css files:

Variation JS

const { body } = document
const container = document.createElement('div')

// Create lightbox
container.outerHTML = `
  <div class='qb-opinions-lightbox'>
    <span class='qb-opinions-close'>&times</span>
    <span class='qb-opinions-msg'>What do you think about our site?</span>
    <textarea class='qb-opinions-input' placeholder='Type your feedback here...'></textarea>
    <button class='qb-opinions-submit'>Submit</button>

Variation CSS

.qb-opinions-lightbox {
  position: absolute;
  top: 40vh;
  left: calc(~'50vw - 200px');
  height: 250px;
  width: 400px;
  z-index: 100;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: #fff;
  padding: 20px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  outline: 1px solid #000;

.qb-opinions-close {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  right: 10px;
  font-size: 30px;
  cursor: pointer;

.qb-opinions-msg {
  font-weight: bold;
  display: inline-block;
  padding-bottom: 25px;

.qb-opinions-input {
  margin-bottom: 15px;
  min-height: 85px;

This code will yield a modal that looks similar to the example below:

next prompt

Step 4

Wire up click handlers for lightbox CTAs by adding the following code to the variation.js and variation.css files:

Variation JS

// Lightbox initialization
const $lightbox = document.querySelector('.qb-opinions-lightbox')
const $submitButton = $lightbox.querySelector('.qb-opinions-submit')
const $closeButton = $lightbox.querySelector('.qb-opinions-close')
const $textArea = $lightbox.querySelector('.qb-opinions-input')
const errorClass = 'qb-opinions-error'

// Close CTA click handler
$closeButton.addEventListener('click', removeLightbox)

// Textarea focus handler
$textArea.addEventListener('focus', evt => {
  // Remove error validation when user engages with input box
  removeClass(, errorClass)

// Submit CTA click handler
$submitButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const feedback = $textArea.value

  if (feedback && feedback.length) { // check that feedback was actually entered
    options.uv.emit('', {
      feedback: {
        body: feedback.substr(0, 2048),
        type: 'exit',
        language: 'en',
        vertical: options.meta.vertical

    // Show thank you messaging
    $lightbox.innerHTML = `
      <div class='qb-opinions-thanks'>
        Thanks for your feedback!

    // Auto remove lightbox after 2 seconds
    window.setTimeout(removeLightbox, 2000)
  } else {
    // Add error validation
    removeClass($textArea, errorClass) // remove first to prevent duplication
    addClass($textArea, errorClass)

function removeLightbox () {
  $lightbox.className += ' qb-opinions-hide'

function addClass (el, addedClass) {
  el.className += ` ${addedClass}`

function removeClass (el, removedClass) {
  el.className = el.className.replace(removedClass, '')

Variation CSS

.qb-opinions-error {
  outline: 1px solid red;

.qb-opinions-hide {
  display: none !important;

Step 5

Add a trigger condition to fire the experience if the user’s mouse movement indicated an exit intent by first selecting blue cog

Step 6

Select Edit in the Triggers panel and select Leaving page (arming delay) from Add new condition combo box*

Step 7

Enter the number of seconds that the visitor must be on the page before the mouse movement tracking begins and select Save:
