Introduction to social proof experiences
Introduction to social proof experiences
Qubit’s Social proof, a marketing technique that leverages the power of social influence to drive sales, creates a sense of urgency and demand for time or stock limited products.
Key features
Purchase counter to create urgency and demand for time or stock limited products
Last booked feature to provide visual feedback that a product is currently in demand by showing the last purchase date and time
Hot product trends to show the top trending products on your site as a method of generating interest on your site
This is best used to provide urgency and demand for time-limited or stock-limited products.
Example 1: 24 people viewed this product in the last hour.
Example 2: 112 people bought this in the last 2 days.
Counting can be performed on any event.
Product Views, Basket Adds, or Transactions per product.
This is best used to provide validation and increase confidence in the purchasing funnel.
Example 1: This item was last booked at 12:03 today.
Example 2: The last item bought on this site was less than 5 minutes ago.
Provide visual feedback to show that the item is currently in demand.
Display the most recent time and date the item was booked for products that have been recently bought.
This is best used to help first-time users discover products.
Example 1: Top trending items in New York.
Example 2: Top shared items on social networks.
Display the top trending items on your site as a method to ease product discovery.
Apply this to items shared on social networks to present 'social engagement'.