Polling for elements

This is for:


When you use JavaScript to make changes to elements on a web page, it is important you make sure that those elements exist before the changes are applied.

You can do this by using the Qubit poller module, which allows you to test for the presence of certain elements on a page, or certain conditions to be true, before proceeding with a callback function.

A specially configured version of the Qubit poller module is included in our Client-side API. This will provide useful logging when you are in preview mode.

Design considerations

We have carefully designed this module to be highly performant during the most critical stages of page loading. Here are some of the considerations we have made:

  • We use the document.querySelector method to check if an element is on the page

    • We do not use document.querySelectorAll as this would require walking the entire DOM tree, whereas querySelector bails at the first match

    • Some of our competitors rely on the jQuery 'Sizzle' selector engine, which is much larger in size and slower

  • When an element is not found, we apply an exponential backoff to minimize the impact on page performance

    • We choose to poll a little more often at first to reduce page flicker, but then rapidly back off

  • We use the requestAnimationFrame JavaScript function instead of setTimeout to ensure we do not cause janky rendering

  • When polling for multiple elements, successful matches are temporarily cached to avoid unnecessary repeated polling, and then re-evaluated one final time once everything is ready to ensure they still exist

Simple usage

var poller = require('@qubit/poller')

// Wait for the presence of DOM elements by passing in a selector:
poller('body > .nav').then(function (nav) {

// Wait for window variables to be defined:
poller('window.foo.bar').then(function (bar) {

// Wait for arbitrary conditions to become truthy by passing in a custom function:
poller(() => true).then(cb)

// Mix and match:
poller(['body > .nav', 'window.foo', () => 1234]).then(function ([nav, foo, id]) {
  console.log(nav, foo, id)

Advanced usage

// Create a poller instance with several targets
var poll = poller([
  'body > .nav',
  () => 123
], {
  // Options
  logger: logger // Pass in a custom logger
  stopOnError: true // Prevents error suppression during evaluation
  timeout: 1000 // Number of milliseconds after which the poller will expire unresolved items
  queryAll: true // Use querySelectorAll to retrive a node list matching the selector

  // returns a promise for the items being polled for
  .then(function ([nav, bar, id]) {
    console.log(nav, bar, id)

The default timeout is 15 seconds–if all conditions are not all met within this time, polling will stop. However you can stop and restart polling at any time by calling stop and start:

const poll = poller('body, > .nav')

// Stop polling

// Restart polling

When the poller times out the promise is rejected:

poller(() => false)
  .catch(function (err) {
    // => Poller timed out: could not resolve function () { return false }

This library uses the sync-p promise library, which will resolve synchronously if your items are already resolvable.