Ecommerce - QProtocol events

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The ecView event reports a page view and is a special event because it is required by smartserve.js for data collection and processing. It’s therefore essential that every page emits an ecView event and that it is emitted before any other event.


Any CEH events emitted before the first ecView event are considered invalid. Web and mobile applications emit CEH view events whenever a view is rendered.


For Product Insights, type must be category. See the Experience Hub setup guide for more information.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

type (String)

The type of view. Can be one of home, category, search, product, basket, checkout, confirmation, help, contact, registration, content, account, or other. Custom names can be used for unique page types that are not covered by this specification. All types must be lowercase

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

subtypes (String[])

An unordered list of subtypes to describe the view

Experience Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

language (String)

The language used in this view. Must be an IETF language code

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Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

country (String)

The selected country for the view. Must be an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency code for the user (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

environment (String)

Reports the environment (for example, development, staging, or production)

Optional (String)

Unique identifier for the store closest to the user or an explicitly selected store


store.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


store.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


store.address.locality (String)

The town or city


store.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


store.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


store.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


siteVersion (String)

The selected site version for the view (for example, desktop, mobile, tablet)


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecView', {
  type: 'category',
  subtypes: [
    'Cocktail Dresses'
  environment: 'production',
  store: {
    id: '12424',
    address: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
  language: 'en-us',
  country: 'US',
  siteVersion: 'desktop',
  currency: 'USD'


Experience Hub Core Experience Hub Google Recs Experimentation Hub Core Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

The ecUser event is emitted once per view and reports visitor metadata. The event should be emitted on every page as long as there is data available for the user.

For many sites, the event will be present and well populated when the visitor logs on. Sites with a newsletter subscription form that the visitor has previously submitted, might be able to populate the name and email address for the visitor using the data collected on form submission.


It is acceptable to emit hashed user Ids but be aware that to ingest data for use in Qubit’s platform, the user Ids in the provided dataset must be hashed in the same way.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

A unique user Id. Can also be a hash of the username and/or email address

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

user.firstName (String)

The user’s first name

Experimentation Hub Core

user.lastName (String)

The user’s last name

Experimentation Hub Core

user.username (String)

The username for the user

Experimentation Hub Core (String)

The user’s primary email address

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

user.title (String)

The user’s title


user.gender (String)

The user’s gender. Can be male, female, or other


user.firstSession (Boolean)

True if it’s the user’s first session


user.hasTransacted (Boolean)

True if the user has completed 1 or more transactions

Optional (String)

Loyalty program membership number


user.loyalty.tier (String)

The level of the loyalty program this user holds


user.loyalty.tierPoints (Number)

The number of tier points


user.loyalty.membershipType (String)

The type of loyalty membership


user.loyalty.membershipPoints (Number)

The number of points from this membership


user.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


user.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


user.address.locality (String)

The town or city


user.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


user.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


user.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


user.isGuest (String)

True if the user is a guest user without a registered account


user.age (Number)

The user’s age in years


user.phoneNumber (String)

The user’s phone number. Should be formatted without spaces, braces, or hyphens


user.countryCallingCode (String)

The country calling code for the given phone number, formatted to include the + prefix, as per ITU-T standard E.123


user.device (String)

Device the user is browsing on, for example kiosk.


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecUser', {
  user: {
    id: '2861102bace6e6620948564f0ce0a7cd',
    title: 'Mr',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'Male',
    username: 'JohnSmith',
    email: '',
    firstSession: null,
    hasTransacted: true,
    loyalty: {
      id: '8989752-223',
      tier: 'silver',
      tierPoints: null,
      membershipType: 'Clearsky Rewards',
      membershipPoints: null
    address: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    isGuest: 'true',
    age: 42,
    phoneNumber: '2121234567',
    countryCallingCode: '1',
    device: 'kiosk'


Experience Hub Core Experience Hub Qubit Recs Experience Hub Google Recs Experience Hub Badging Experience Hub Product Insights Experimentation Hub Core Experimentation Hub Social proof Experimentation Hub Recs Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

Product events report a product loaded on a page. This could be, for example, a main product, a linked product on a product detail page, a product in a listing page, or search page.


This event is not used for Recommendations reporting. Refer to Reporting On Recommendations Experiences for more information.

The eventType field differentiates between the different scenarios and can be:

  • detail

  • linked_product


For Product Insights, eventType must be detail. See the Experience Hub setup guide for more information.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

product.productId (String)

Id to identify a product, normally covering all of its size, color, pattern, and material variants

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Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.sku (String)

Unique product identifier to distinguish each product from all of the other size, color, pattern, material, age, group, gender variants

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The product’s name, which should match the name shown on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.description (String)

An accurate description of the product, which should match the description on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.categories (String[])

A list of one or more product categories this product belongs to. Each category is a full path of a category where each level is separated by >

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price (Price)

The price that the product is currently being sold at, after discounts

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice (Price)

The price of the product before discounts, promotions

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.url (String)

The fully qualified URL that the product is shown on

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.images (String[])

An array of fully qualified image URLs for the product. The main image you want to use to display the product must be the first element in the array

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Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.stock (Number)

The number of items left in stock for the product. Should only be populated when the product is in stock and the exact number is known. Should be 0 if the product is out of stock. Where different product variants have different stock levels, use the maximum stock level

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.manufacturer (String)

The product manufacturer, recommended when a product inventory includes multiple brands

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Experience Hub Product Insights

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Experimentation Hub Recs

product.color (String)

The color of the product

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Experimentation Hub Recs

product.size (String)

The size of the product (for example, 12, M, XL, 14)

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Experimentation Hub Recs

eventType (String)

The type of product event (for example, 'listing', 'detail', or 'linked_product')

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Experience Hub Badging

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.groupId (String)

Id for a group of products that come in different versions (variants)


product.rating (Number)

Average rating for this product. Should be between 0 and 1


product.reviewCount (Number)

Number of reviews submitted for the product


product.gender (String)

The target gender of the product


product.clearance (Boolean)

True if the product is a clearance item


product.onSale (Boolean)

True if the item is on sale


index (Number)

The index of the product as it’s positioned on the page (for example, the first product in a listing would be 0, the next would be 1).


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecProduct', {
  product: {
    groupId: 'DRESS1',
    productId: 'DRESS101',
    sku: 'DRESS101-12',
    name: 'Red Cocktail Dress',
    description: 'This red cocktail dress is perfect for any occasion',
    categories: [
      'Clothing > Sweaters > Short Sleeve Sweaters',
      'New Arrivals > Clothing'
    price: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    originalPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    url: '',
    images: [
    stock: 20,
    manufacturer: 'Dress Inc',
    color: 'Red',
    size: '12',
    rating: 0.8,
    reviewCount: 5132,
    gender: 'unisex',
    clearance: true,
    onSale: null
  eventType: 'detail',
  index: 1


Experience Hub Google Recs Experimentation Hub Core

Basket events should be emitted on every page as long as there are one or more items in the basket. They should not be emitted on an order summary page. There are two types of basket events that are emitted, ecBasketItem and ecBasketSummary.

Individual items are emitted as ecBasketItem events, each of which contains the summary for the full basket. This denormalization is essential for query performance.

After emitting one or more ecBasketItem events, a ecBasketSummary event should be emitted.


If item level detail is not known, it is acceptable to emit just an ecBasketSummary event without any ecBasketItem events.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique basket Id

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotal (Price)

The basket value before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (Price)

The basket total after the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experience Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

basket.quantity (Number)

The number of items in the basket

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The basket subtotal, including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.productId (String)

Id to identify a product, normally covering all of its size, color, pattern, and material variants

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Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.sku (String)

Unique product identifier to distinguish each product from all of the other size, color, pattern, material, age, group, gender variants

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The product’s name, which should match the name shown on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.description (String)

An accurate description of the product, which should match the description on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.categories (String[])

A list of one or more product categories this product belongs to. Each category is a full path of a category where each level is separated by >

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Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price (Price)

The price that the product is currently being sold at, after discounts

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice (Price)

The price of the product before discounts, promotions

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.url (String)

The fully qualified URL that the product is shown on

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.images (String[])

An array of fully qualified image URLs for the product. The main image you want to use to display the product must be the first element in the array

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.stock (Number)

The number of items left in stock for the product. Should only be populated when the product is in stock and the exact number is known. Should be 0 if the product is out of stock. Where different product variants have different stock levels, use the maximum stock level

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.manufacturer (String)

The product manufacturer, recommended when a product inventory includes multiple brands

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Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.color (String)

The color of the product

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Experimentation Hub Recs

product.size (String)

The size of the product (for example, 12, M, XL, 14)

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quantity (Number)

The number of products described by the line item

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Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal (Price)

The subtotal of the products described by the line item taking into account the current price and quantity before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc.

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

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Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The subtotal of the products described by the line item taking into account the current price and quantity including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc.

Experimentation Hub Core

subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core (Price)

The amount discounted by vouchers or promotions

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The total tax applied to the basket

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingPrice (Price)

The selected or default shipping price


basket.shippingPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.shippingPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingMethod (String)

The selected or default shipping method


product.groupId (String)

Id for a group of products that come in different versions (variants)


product.rating (Number)

Average rating for this product. Should be between 0 and 1


product.reviewCount (Number)

Number of reviews submitted for the product


product.gender (String)

The target gender of the product


product.clearance (Boolean)

True if the product is a clearance item


product.onSale (Boolean)

True if the item is on sale


shippingMethod (String)

The shipping method for the product. Should only be populated if the product uses a different shipping method to other products in the basket


shippingCost (Price)

The shipping cost for the product. Should only be populated if the product has an independant shipping cost from other products in the basket


shippingCost.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


shippingCost.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


discount (Price)

The discount applied to the basket from vouchers or promotions


discount.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


discount.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecBasketItem', {
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    quantity: 10,
    discount: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    tax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingMethod: 'Next Day',
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
  product: {
    groupId: 'DRESS1',
    productId: 'DRESS101',
    sku: 'DRESS101-12',
    name: 'Red Cocktail Dress',
    description: 'This red cocktail dress is perfect for any occasion',
    categories: [
      'Clothing > Sweaters > Short Sleeve Sweaters',
      'New Arrivals > Clothing'
    price: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    originalPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    url: '',
    images: [
    stock: 20,
    manufacturer: 'Dress Inc',
    color: 'Red',
    size: '12',
    rating: 0.8,
    reviewCount: 5132,
    gender: 'unisex',
    clearance: true,
    onSale: null
  quantity: 2,
  subtotal: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  shippingMethod: 'Express',
  shippingCost: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  discount: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  subtotalIncludingTax: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'


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Emitted for every interaction with the basket, using the action field to specify whether a line item was added or removed. The event should also contain the summary for the full basket. This denormalization is essential for query performance.

After emitting one or more ecBasketItem events, a ecBasketSummary event should be emitted.


If item level detail is not known, it is acceptable to emit just an ecBasketSummary event without any ecBasketItemevents.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique basket Id

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotal (Price)

The basket value before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (Price)

The basket total after the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experience Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

basket.quantity (Number)

The number of items in the basket

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The basket subtotal, including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.productId (String)

Id to identify a product, normally covering all of its size, color, pattern, and material variants

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.sku (String)

Unique product identifier to distinguish each product from all of the other size, color, pattern, material, age, group, gender variants

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The product’s name, which should match the name shown on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.description (String)

An accurate description of the product, which should match the description on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.categories (String[])

A list of one or more product categories this product belongs to. Each category is a full path of a category where each level is separated by >

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price (Price)

The price that the product is currently being sold at, after discounts

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice (Price)

The price of the product before discounts, promotions

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.url (String)

The fully qualified URL that the product is shown on

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.images (String[])

An array of fully qualified image URLs for the product. The main image you want to use to display the product must be the first element in the array

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.stock (Number)

The number of items left in stock for the product. Should only be populated when the product is in stock and the exact number is known. Should be 0 if the product is out of stock. Where different product variants have different stock levels, use the maximum stock level

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.manufacturer (String)

The product manufacturer, recommended when a product inventory includes multiple brands

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.color (String)

The color of the product

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.size (String)

The size of the product (for example, 12, M, XL, 14)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

quantity (Number)

The number of products described by the line item

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal (Price)

The subtotal of the products described by the line item taking into account the current price and quantity before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc.

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The subtotal of the products described by the line item taking into account the current price and quantity including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc.

Experimentation Hub Core

subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core

action (String)

Can be either 'add', 'remove' for status changes

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experimentation Hub Core (Price)

The amount discounted by vouchers or promotions

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The total tax applied to the basket

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingPrice (Price)

The selected or default shipping price


basket.shippingPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.shippingPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingMethod (String)

The selected or default shipping method


product.groupId (String)

Id for a group of products that come in different versions (variants)


product.rating (Number)

Average rating for this product. Should be between 0 and 1


product.reviewCount (Number)

Number of reviews submitted for the product


product.gender (String)

The target gender of the product


product.clearance (Boolean)

True if the product is a clearance item


product.onSale (Boolean)

True if the item is on sale


shippingMethod (String)

The shipping method for the product. Should only be populated if the product uses a different shipping method to other products in the basket


shippingCost (Price)

The shipping cost for the product. Should only be populated if the product has an independant shipping cost from other products in the basket


shippingCost.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


shippingCost.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


discount (Price)

The discount applied to the basket from vouchers or promotions


discount.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


discount.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecBasketItemAction', {
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    quantity: 10,
    discount: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    tax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingMethod: 'Next Day',
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
  product: {
    groupId: 'DRESS1',
    productId: 'DRESS101',
    sku: 'DRESS101-12',
    name: 'Red Cocktail Dress',
    description: 'This red cocktail dress is perfect for any occasion',
    categories: [
      'Clothing > Sweaters > Short Sleeve Sweaters',
      'New Arrivals > Clothing'
    price: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    originalPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    url: '',
    images: [
    stock: 20,
    manufacturer: 'Dress Inc',
    color: 'Red',
    size: '12',
    rating: 0.8,
    reviewCount: 5132,
    gender: 'unisex',
    clearance: true,
    onSale: null
  quantity: 2,
  subtotal: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  shippingMethod: 'Express',
  shippingCost: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  discount: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  subtotalIncludingTax: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  action: 'add'


Experience Hub Core Experience Hub Qubit Recs Experience Hub Google Recs Experience Hub Badging Experience Hub Product Insights Experimentation Hub Core Experimentation Hub Social proof Experimentation Hub Recs

Transaction events are important because they report revenue for your website. They are set up in a similar way to basket events, except you should only emit them on a confirmation page, and they must include

The fields you emit to report what products the customer has purchased should be well aligned with the fields you emit in the ecBasketTransactionSummaryevent, which is emitted on the same page.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique basket Id

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotal (Price)

The basket value before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (Price)

The basket total after the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experience Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

basket.quantity (Number)

The number of items in the basket

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The basket subtotal, including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.productId (String)

Id to identify a product, normally covering all of its size, color, pattern, and material variants

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.sku (String)

Unique product identifier to distinguish each product from all of the other size, color, pattern, material, age, group, gender variants

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Badging

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The product’s name, which should match the name shown on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.description (String)

An accurate description of the product, which should match the description on the product page

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.categories (String[])

A list of one or more product categories this product belongs to. Each category is a full path of a category where each level is separated by >

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price (Price)

The price that the product is currently being sold at, after discounts

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.price.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice (Price)

The price of the product before discounts, promotions

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.originalPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.url (String)

The fully qualified URL that the product is shown on

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.images (String[])

An array of fully qualified image URLs for the product. The main image you want to use to display the product must be the first element in the array

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

product.stock (Number)

The number of items left in stock for the product. Should only be populated when the product is in stock and the exact number is known. Should be 0 if the product is out of stock. Where different product variants have different stock levels, use the maximum stock level

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.manufacturer (String)

The product manufacturer, recommended when a product inventory includes multiple brands

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.color (String)

The color of the product

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

product.size (String)

The size of the product (for example, 12, M, XL, 14)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

quantity (Number)

The number of products described by the line item

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal (Price)

The subtotal of the products described by the line item taking into account the current price and quantity before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc.

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The subtotal of the products described by the line item taking into account the current price and quantity including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc.

Experimentation Hub Core

subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core (String)

An Id unique to the transaction

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Price)

The amount discounted by vouchers or promotions

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The total tax applied to the basket

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingPrice (Price)

The selected or default shipping price


basket.shippingPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.shippingPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingMethod (String)

The selected or default shipping method


product.groupId (String)

Id for a group of products that come in different versions (variants)


product.rating (Number)

Average rating for this product. Should be between 0 and 1


product.reviewCount (Number)

Number of reviews submitted for the product


product.gender (String)

The target gender of the product


product.clearance (Boolean)

True if the product is a clearance item


product.onSale (Boolean)

True if the item is on sale


shippingMethod (String)

The shipping method for the product. Should only be populated if the product uses a different shipping method to other products in the basket


shippingCost (Price)

The shipping cost for the product. Should only be populated if the product has an independant shipping cost from other products in the basket


shippingCost.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


shippingCost.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


discount (Price)

The discount applied to the basket from vouchers or promotions


discount.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


discount.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


transaction.firstTransaction (Boolean)

True only if this is the first ever transaction for the user


transaction.paymentType (String)

The type of payment


transaction.billingAddress.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.billingAddress.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.billingAddress.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.billingAddress.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.billingAddress.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.billingAddress.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


transaction.parentId (String)

If the transaction is an amendment to a previous transaction, should be the Id of the parent transaction


transaction.deliveryAddress.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.deliveryAddress.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.deliveryAddress.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.deliveryAddress.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.deliveryAddress.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.deliveryAddress.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Optional (String)

Unique identifier for the store closest to the user or an explicitly selected store


transaction.collectionStore.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.collectionStore.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.collectionStore.address.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.collectionStore.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.collectionStore.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.collectionStore.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecBasketItemTransaction', {
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    quantity: 10,
    discount: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    tax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingMethod: 'Next Day',
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
  product: {
    groupId: 'DRESS1',
    productId: 'DRESS101',
    sku: 'DRESS101-12',
    name: 'Red Cocktail Dress',
    description: 'This red cocktail dress is perfect for any occasion',
    categories: [
      'Clothing > Sweaters > Short Sleeve Sweaters',
      'New Arrivals > Clothing'
    price: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    originalPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    url: '',
    images: [
    stock: 20,
    manufacturer: 'Dress Inc',
    color: 'Red',
    size: '12',
    rating: 0.8,
    reviewCount: 5132,
    gender: 'unisex',
    clearance: true,
    onSale: null
  quantity: 2,
  subtotal: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  shippingMethod: 'Express',
  shippingCost: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  discount: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  subtotalIncludingTax: {
    value: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD'
  transaction: {
    id: '83748372',
    firstTransaction: true,
    paymentType: 'paypal',
    billingAddress: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    parentId: '83748371',
    deliveryAddress: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    collectionStore: {
      id: '12424',
      address: {
        addressee: 'John Smith',
        company: 'Amce Inc',
        lines: [
          'Flat 12',
          '123 High Street'
        locality: 'London',
        region: 'New York',
        postalCode: '10010',
        country: 'United States',
        countryCode: 'US'


Experience Hub Core Experience Hub Google Recs Experimentation Hub Core Experimentation Hub Social proof Experimentation Hub Recs Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

This event collects a summary of information about the transaction. Importantly, this event is used to count conversions and the associated revenue. The event must include a and the basket total.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique basket Id

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotal (Price)

The basket value before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (Price)

The basket total after the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experience Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

basket.quantity (Number)

The number of items in the basket

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The basket subtotal, including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (String)

An Id unique to the transaction

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Qubit Recs

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experience Hub Product Insights

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Price)

The amount discounted by vouchers or promotions

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The total tax applied to the basket

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingPrice (Price)

The selected or default shipping price


basket.shippingPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.shippingPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingMethod (String)

The selected or default shipping method


transaction.firstTransaction (Boolean)

True only if this is the first ever transaction for the user


transaction.paymentType (String)

The type of payment


transaction.billingAddress.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.billingAddress.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.billingAddress.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.billingAddress.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.billingAddress.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.billingAddress.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


transaction.parentId (String)

If the transaction is an amendment to a previous transaction, should be the Id of the parent transaction


transaction.deliveryAddress.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.deliveryAddress.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.deliveryAddress.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.deliveryAddress.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.deliveryAddress.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.deliveryAddress.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Optional (String)

Unique identifier for the store closest to the user or an explicitly selected store


transaction.collectionStore.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.collectionStore.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.collectionStore.address.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.collectionStore.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.collectionStore.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.collectionStore.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecBasketTransactionSummary', {
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    quantity: 10,
    discount: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    tax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingMethod: 'Next Day',
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
  transaction: {
    id: '83748372',
    firstTransaction: true,
    paymentType: 'paypal',
    billingAddress: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    parentId: '83748371',
    deliveryAddress: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    collectionStore: {
      id: '12424',
      address: {
        addressee: 'John Smith',
        company: 'Amce Inc',
        lines: [
          'Flat 12',
          '123 High Street'
        locality: 'London',
        region: 'New York',
        postalCode: '10010',
        country: 'United States',
        countryCode: 'US'


Experimentation Hub Core

Emitted each time the basket is shown to the visitor either as an inline minibasket or in a view that shows only the basket. If the visitor’s basket is changed in any way, the summary is emitted again.

After emitting one or more ecBasketItem events, a ecBasketSummary event should be emitted. If item level detail is not known, it is acceptable to emit just an ecBasketSummary event.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique basket Id

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotal (Price)

The basket value before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (Price)

The basket total after the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experience Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experience Hub Core

Experience Hub Google Recs

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Social proof

Experimentation Hub Recs

Experimentation Hub Abandonment recovery

basket.quantity (Number)

The number of items in the basket

Experimentation Hub Core

basket.subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The basket subtotal, including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs

basket.subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Experimentation Hub Core

Experimentation Hub Recs (Price)

The amount discounted by vouchers or promotions

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The total tax applied to the basket

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingPrice (Price)

The selected or default shipping price


basket.shippingPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.shippingPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingMethod (String)

The selected or default shipping method


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecBasketSummary', {
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    quantity: 10,
    discount: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    tax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingMethod: 'Next Day',
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'



Emitted when a user logs in.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

A unique user Id. Can also be a hash of the username and/or email address


user.title (String)

The user’s title


user.firstName (String)

The user’s first name


user.lastName (String)

The user’s last name


user.gender (String)

The user’s gender. Can be male, female, or other


user.username (String)

The username for the user

Optional (String)

The user’s primary email address


user.firstSession (Boolean)

True if it’s the user’s first session


user.hasTransacted (Boolean)

True if the user has completed 1 or more transactions

Optional (String)

Loyalty program membership number


user.loyalty.tier (String)

The level of the loyalty program this user holds


user.loyalty.tierPoints (Number)

The number of tier points


user.loyalty.membershipType (String)

The type of loyalty membership


user.loyalty.membershipPoints (Number)

The number of points from this membership


user.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


user.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


user.address.locality (String)

The town or city


user.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


user.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


user.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


user.isGuest (String)

True if the user is a guest user without a registered account


user.age (Number)

The user’s age in years


user.phoneNumber (String)

The user’s phone number. Should be formatted without spaces, braces, or hyphens


user.countryCallingCode (String)

The country calling code for the given phone number, formatted to include the + prefix, as per ITU-T standard E.123


user.device (String)

Device the user is browsing on, for example kiosk.


firstLogin (Boolean)

True only if this is the first time the user has logged in


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecUserLogin', {
  user: {
    id: '2861102bace6e6620948564f0ce0a7cd',
    title: 'Mr',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'Male',
    username: 'JohnSmith',
    email: '',
    firstSession: null,
    hasTransacted: true,
    loyalty: {
      id: '8989752-223',
      tier: 'silver',
      tierPoints: null,
      membershipType: 'Clearsky Rewards',
      membershipPoints: null
    address: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    isGuest: 'true',
    age: 42,
    phoneNumber: '2121234567',
    countryCallingCode: '1',
    device: 'kiosk'
  firstLogin: true



Emitted when a user signs up for a newsletter, event, loyalty account, or similar.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

A unique user Id. Can also be a hash of the username and/or email address


user.title (String)

The user’s title


user.firstName (String)

The user’s first name


user.lastName (String)

The user’s last name


user.gender (String)

The user’s gender. Can be male, female, or other


user.username (String)

The username for the user

Optional (String)

The user’s primary email address


user.firstSession (Boolean)

True if it’s the user’s first session


user.hasTransacted (Boolean)

True if the user has completed 1 or more transactions

Optional (String)

Loyalty program membership number


user.loyalty.tier (String)

The level of the loyalty program this user holds


user.loyalty.tierPoints (Number)

The number of tier points


user.loyalty.membershipType (String)

The type of loyalty membership


user.loyalty.membershipPoints (Number)

The number of points from this membership


user.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


user.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


user.address.locality (String)

The town or city


user.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


user.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


user.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


user.isGuest (String)

True if the user is a guest user without a registered account


user.age (Number)

The user’s age in years


user.phoneNumber (String)

The user’s phone number. Should be formatted without spaces, braces, or hyphens


user.countryCallingCode (String)

The country calling code for the given phone number, formatted to include the + prefix, as per ITU-T standard E.123


user.device (String)

Device the user is browsing on, for example kiosk.


type (String)

What the user has signed up for


name (String)

A meaningful name unique to the sign up


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecUserSignup', {
  user: {
    id: '2861102bace6e6620948564f0ce0a7cd',
    title: 'Mr',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    gender: 'Male',
    username: 'JohnSmith',
    email: '',
    firstSession: null,
    hasTransacted: true,
    loyalty: {
      id: '8989752-223',
      tier: 'silver',
      tierPoints: null,
      membershipType: 'Clearsky Rewards',
      membershipPoints: null
    address: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    isGuest: 'true',
    age: 42,
    phoneNumber: '2121234567',
    countryCallingCode: '1',
    device: 'kiosk'
  type: 'newsletter',
  name: 'loyaltyaccount'



Emitted to track visitor interaction for certain elements on the page. These events are not emitted for all interactions on all elements, only those that are of interest.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

type (String)

The interaction type (for example, click, view, hover, download, share)


name (String)

A meaningful name unique for the event


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecInteraction', {
  type: 'click',
  name: 'TopNavHomeButton'



Emitted for every error.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

code (String)

The error code.


message (String)

The error message.


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecError', {
  code: null,
  message: null



Emitted on listing and search result views to report the filters applied and the sorting.

On search views, the event is emitted with the name: 'search', operator: 'equal', and value: '[entered search term]':

name: 'search',
operator: 'equal',
value: 'shoes'

On category views, for each category the view falls under, the event is emitted with the name :'category', operator: 'equal', and value: '[category name]':

name: 'adidas',
operator: 'equal',
value: 'trainers'

Ranges are modeled by emitting the upper and lower bound as separate filter criteria events, setting the operator as greater than or less than.

When users add, remove, or change a filter, a new view event is emitted followed by all filter criteria that are still active after the change.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

summary.pagination (Number)

The number of items shown per page to the visitor.


summary.resultCount (Number)

The number of items that match the current query and/or filters. Should be more than or equal to the number of items shown to the visitor.


summary.layout (String)

The user’s chosen visual layout of the listing (for example, list, grid or map)


summary.sortBy (String)

The sort column.


summary.sortDirection (String)

The sort direction, that is, ascending or descending.


name (String)

The name of criteria (for example, shoe size, price, brands, airlines). Should be category on category pages.


operator (String)

Can be equal, not equal, greater than or less than.


value.boolean (Boolean)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Boolean'.


value.integer (String)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Integer'.


value.long (Long)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Long'.


value.float (Number)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Float'.


value.timestamp (Epochtimems)

Should only be populated if the type is 'EpochTimeMs'.

Optional (Number)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Money'.


value.currency (String)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Currency'.

Optional (String)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Email'.


value.url (String)

Should only be populated if the type is 'URL'.


value.string (String)

Should only be populated if the type is 'String'.


value.text (String)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Text'.

Optional (Date)

Should only be populated if the type is 'Date'.


value.json (Json)

Should only be populated if the type is 'JSON'.


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecFilterCriteria', {
  summary: {
    pagination: 1,
    resultCount: 20,
    layout: 'list',
    sortBy: 'price',
    sortDirection: 'descending'
  name: 'price',
  operator: 'less than',
  value: {
    'boolean': true,
    integer: '10',
    'long': 1238902625,
    'float': 5.5,
    timestamp: 1455748626070,
    money: 9.99,
    currency: 'USD',
    email: '',
    url: '',
    string: 'This is some text',
    text: 'This is some longer text',
    date: '2016-05-20T17:33:45+00:00',
    json: '{"key":"value","anotherKey":123,"yetAnotherKey":{"subKey":true}}'



Emitted when a user submits a form

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

submissionId (String)

An Id unique to the form submission


name (String)

The name of the form


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecFormSubmission', {
  submissionId: null,
  name: 'ContactUsEnquiry'



Emitted for every product that is recommended to a visitor, in most cases as a related item to a recently viewed product.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

product.groupId (String)

Id for a group of products that come in different versions (variants)


product.productId (String)

Id to identify a product, normally covering all of its size, color, pattern, and material variants


product.sku (String)

Unique product identifier to distinguish each product from all of the other size, color, pattern, material, age, group, gender variants

Optional (String)

The product’s name, which should match the name shown on the product page


product.description (String)

An accurate description of the product, which should match the description on the product page


product.categories (String[])

A list of one or more product categories this product belongs to. Each category is a full path of a category where each level is separated by >


product.price (Price)

The price that the product is currently being sold at, after discounts


product.price.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


product.price.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


product.originalPrice (Price)

The price of the product before discounts, promotions


product.originalPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


product.originalPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


product.url (String)

The fully qualified URL that the product is shown on


product.images (String[])

An array of fully qualified image URLs for the product. The main image you want to use to display the product must be the first element in the array


product.stock (Number)

The number of items left in stock for the product. Should only be populated when the product is in stock and the exact number is known. Should be 0 if the product is out of stock. Where different product variants have different stock levels, use the maximum stock level


product.manufacturer (String)

The product manufacturer, recommended when a product inventory includes multiple brands


product.color (String)

The color of the product


product.size (String)

The size of the product (for example, 12, M, XL, 14)


product.rating (Number)

Average rating for this product. Should be between 0 and 1


product.reviewCount (Number)

Number of reviews submitted for the product


product.gender (String)

The target gender of the product


product.clearance (Boolean)

True if the product is a clearance item


product.onSale (Boolean)

True if the item is on sale


eventType (String)

The type of product event (for example, 'listing', 'detail', or 'linked_product')


index (Number)

The index of the product as it’s positioned on the page (for example, the first product in a listing would be 0, the next would be 1).


rank (Number)

A rank between 0 and 1 (0 being the first shown / highest ranking recommendation).


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecProductRecommendation', {
  product: {
    groupId: 'DRESS1',
    productId: 'DRESS101',
    sku: 'DRESS101-12',
    name: 'Red Cocktail Dress',
    description: 'This red cocktail dress is perfect for any occasion',
    categories: [
      'Clothing > Sweaters > Short Sleeve Sweaters',
      'New Arrivals > Clothing'
    price: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    originalPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    url: '',
    images: [
    stock: 20,
    manufacturer: 'Dress Inc',
    color: 'Red',
    size: '12',
    rating: 0.8,
    reviewCount: 5132,
    gender: 'unisex',
    clearance: true,
    onSale: null
  eventType: 'detail',
  index: 1,
  rank: 0.8



Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

meta.type (String)

The type of event.


meta.referrerUrl (String)

The referrer URL.

Optional (String)

The product ID.


product.groupId (String)

Id for a group of products that come in different versions (variants)


product.productId (String)

Id to identify a product, normally covering all of its size, color, pattern, and material variants


product.sku (String)

Unique product identifier to distinguish each product from all of the other size, color, pattern, material, age, group, gender variants

Optional (String)

The product’s name, which should match the name shown on the product page


product.description (String)

An accurate description of the product, which should match the description on the product page


product.categories (String[])

A list of one or more product categories this product belongs to. Each category is a full path of a category where each level is separated by >


product.price (Price)

The price that the product is currently being sold at, after discounts


product.price.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


product.price.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


product.originalPrice (Price)

The price of the product before discounts, promotions


product.originalPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


product.originalPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


product.url (String)

The fully qualified URL that the product is shown on


product.images (String[])

An array of fully qualified image URLs for the product. The main image you want to use to display the product must be the first element in the array


product.stock (Number)

The number of items left in stock for the product. Should only be populated when the product is in stock and the exact number is known. Should be 0 if the product is out of stock. Where different product variants have different stock levels, use the maximum stock level


product.manufacturer (String)

The product manufacturer, recommended when a product inventory includes multiple brands


product.color (String)

The color of the product


product.size (String)

The size of the product (for example, 12, M, XL, 14)


product.rating (Number)

Average rating for this product. Should be between 0 and 1


product.reviewCount (Number)

Number of reviews submitted for the product


product.gender (String)

The target gender of the product


product.clearance (Boolean)

True if the product is a clearance item


product.onSale (Boolean)

True if the item is on sale


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecProductStateDev', {
  meta: {
    type: 'ecView',
    referrerUrl: ''
  context: {
    id: '1334'
  product: {
    groupId: 'DRESS1',
    productId: 'DRESS101',
    sku: 'DRESS101-12',
    name: 'Red Cocktail Dress',
    description: 'This red cocktail dress is perfect for any occasion',
    categories: [
      'Clothing > Sweaters > Short Sleeve Sweaters',
      'New Arrivals > Clothing'
    price: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    originalPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    url: '',
    images: [
    stock: 20,
    manufacturer: 'Dress Inc',
    color: 'Red',
    size: '12',
    rating: 0.8,
    reviewCount: 5132,
    gender: 'unisex',
    clearance: true,
    onSale: null



Emitted when a visitor lands on a search results page or is redirected to another page on site.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

type (String)

The type of search conducted by the visitor. Values can be 'organic', 'autocomplete' or 'suggestion'.


outcome (String)

The result of the search conducted by the visitor. Values can be 'success', 'fail' or 'redirect'.

Optional (String)

Unique identifier for the visitor’s search.


query.term (String)

Search term entered by the visitor.


resultCount (Number)

The total number of products returned on the search results page.


source (String)

Where the search originated from.


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecSearch', {
  type: 'organic',
  outcome: 'success',
  query: {
    id: '0k0om4iccpo-0ksgltzxn-afw61j5',
    term: 'Dress'
  resultCount: 20,
  source: 'spotlight-search'



Emitted when a visitor clicks a product from the search results page.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique identifier for the visitor’s search.


query.term (String)

Search term entered by the visitor.


productId (String)

Product ID clicked by the visitor on the search results page.


position (Number)

Position of the product that was clicked on the search results page.


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecSearchItemClick', {
  query: {
    id: '0k0om4iccpo-0ksgltzxn-afw61j5',
    term: 'Dress'
  productId: 'DRESS101',
  position: 3



Emitted when products are shown to the visitor on a search results page.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for (String)

Unique identifier for the visitor’s search.


query.term (String)

Search term entered by the visitor.


productIds (String[])

Array of product IDs shown to the visitor on the search results page.


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecSearchItemsShown', {
  query: {
    id: '0k0om4iccpo-0ksgltzxn-afw61j5',
    term: 'Dress'
  productIds: [



Emitted when a user runs a query on the store locater.


store is not emitted if the query doesn’t return any results.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

type (String)

Type of query the user enters, if the user can query from different fields (for example, postcode, street address, city).


query (String)

User-entered store location query.

Optional (String)

Unique identifier for the store closest to the user or an explicitly selected store


store.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


store.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


store.address.locality (String)

The town or city


store.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


store.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


store.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecStoreLocator', {
  type: 'zipcode',
  query: '10010',
  store: {
    id: '12424',
    address: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'



Emitted when a voucher code is entered.

Example schema

Field (JS Data Type) Description Required for

entry (String)

Actual voucher code the user enters.


entrySuccess (Boolean)

Whether or not the voucher is successfully applied to the transaction. An entry must be valid to be successful.

Optional (String)

A unique Id to identify the voucher used, which should be the same for all visitors that are using the voucher/promotion


voucher.label (String)

A name or label for the voucher/promotion

Optional (String)

An Id unique to the transaction


transaction.firstTransaction (Boolean)

True only if this is the first ever transaction for the user


transaction.paymentType (String)

The type of payment


transaction.billingAddress.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.billingAddress.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.billingAddress.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.billingAddress.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.billingAddress.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.billingAddress.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code


transaction.parentId (String)

If the transaction is an amendment to a previous transaction, should be the Id of the parent transaction


transaction.deliveryAddress.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.deliveryAddress.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.deliveryAddress.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.deliveryAddress.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.deliveryAddress.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.deliveryAddress.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Optional (String)

Unique identifier for the store closest to the user or an explicitly selected store


transaction.collectionStore.address.addressee (String)

Full name of the person for whom the address is for

Optional (String)

The name of the company


transaction.collectionStore.address.lines (String[])

An array of address lines NOT including city, region, postcode or country (maximum of 3 lines allowed)


transaction.collectionStore.address.locality (String)

The town or city


transaction.collectionStore.address.region (String)

E.g state in the US, county in the UK


transaction.collectionStore.address.postalCode (String)

Can be the country equivalent code (for example, zip code for the U.S)

Optional (String)

The name of the country


transaction.collectionStore.address.countryCode (String)

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Optional (String)

Unique basket Id


basket.subtotal (Price)

The basket value before the application of taxes, discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc


basket.subtotal.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.subtotal.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The basket total after the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.quantity (Number)

The number of items in the basket

Optional (Price)

The amount discounted by vouchers or promotions

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)

Optional (Price)

The total tax applied to the basket

Optional (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event

Optional (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingPrice (Price)

The selected or default shipping price


basket.shippingPrice.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.shippingPrice.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


basket.shippingMethod (String)

The selected or default shipping method


basket.subtotalIncludingTax (Price)

The basket subtotal, including tax, but before the application of discounts, promotions, shipping costs, etc


basket.subtotalIncludingTax.value (Number)

Depending on the context, this could be the value of the basket, product, package, total, subtotal, discount, shipping, item, game, bet, etc. Refer to our setup docs for more specific details for each vertical and event


basket.subtotalIncludingTax.currency (String)

The ISO 4217 currency (for example, GBP, USD)


Example JavaScript

uv.emit('ecVoucher', {
  entry: '12321',
  entrySuccess: true,
  voucher: {
    id: 'AO8734',
    label: 'SummerPromo'
  transaction: {
    id: '83748372',
    firstTransaction: true,
    paymentType: 'paypal',
    billingAddress: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    parentId: '83748371',
    deliveryAddress: {
      addressee: 'John Smith',
      company: 'Amce Inc',
      lines: [
        'Flat 12',
        '123 High Street'
      locality: 'London',
      region: 'New York',
      postalCode: '10010',
      country: 'United States',
      countryCode: 'US'
    collectionStore: {
      id: '12424',
      address: {
        addressee: 'John Smith',
        company: 'Amce Inc',
        lines: [
          'Flat 12',
          '123 High Street'
        locality: 'London',
        region: 'New York',
        postalCode: '10010',
        country: 'United States',
        countryCode: 'US'
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    quantity: 10,
    discount: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    tax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingPrice: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    shippingMethod: 'Next Day',
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'