Generate new key

This is for:


In this article, we’ll show you how to create a new authentication key for use in programmatic uploads.

Before getting started

You will require the Publishing and Reporting roles to access the Authentication keys page. See Roles and permissions for more information.


Although Qubit supports both the JSON and P12 formats, we strongly recommend creating a JSON key file.

Creating the key

Step 1

Select Settings from the side menu and then Auth keys in the upper-right hand corner

Step 2

Select New key and enter a name for the key


The key cannot contain special characters.

Step 3

Select Create and download JSON to download the key file. Make a note of the location where you downloaded the key to as you’ll need this to complete the upload

Next steps

Now that you’ve created the key, you’ll need to configure it so that it can be used for batch uploads. To do this, follow steps 2 and 3 in Configuring An Existing Key For Programmatic File Transfer.