Experiences transactions export

This is for:


In this article, we’ll introduce you to our experience transactions export and how you can use it to get an insight into the transactions attributed to your experiences.

Reporting detail


This export will not work with properties that are using non-default or non-transactional events as conversions. More information is available by reaching out to you CSM.

This export provides insight into the transactions of those users that were served an experience, broken down by variant and iteration.

As with all Qubit exports, you can specify the level of reporting detail to get a much greater understanding of reportables and focus on the details you are really interested in.

For this export type, you can select:

  • Which experiences to export

  • A date range to include only data covering a defined period of time

  • Exclusion dates to exclude particular days or a period of time from the data

Dimensions, metrics, and output


Name Description Output

Experience ID

Unique Id of the experience


Experience Name

The name of the experience


Variation Name

The name of the variant


Iteration Number

The iteration number of the experience


Is Control

Flag whether the variant the user was in was the control


Qubit ID

The Qubit ID for the visitor


Transaction ID

The ID of the transaction



Name Description Output

Total Order Value

The total value of the order



Additional fields not included in the dimensions and metrics tables above:

Total Order Currency The currency of the order totalOrderCurrency