
This is for:


The following table provides details of each of the operations supported by the op argument used in the definition of segments.

Operation Description Examples

eq (equals)

The values match exactly. This is done using a JavaScript type sensitive comparison (for example, “42” is not equal to 42)

  • 'foo' eq 'foo' = true

  • 'foo' eq 'bar' = false

neq (does not equal)

The values don’t exactly match

  • 'foo' neq 'foo' = false

  • 'foo' neq 'bar' = true

lt (less than)

The numeric value in the event is less than the value in the condition

  • 2 lt 5 = true

  • 8 lt 5 = false

lte (less than or equal)

The numeric value in the event is less than or equal to the value in the condition

  • 5 lte 5 = true

  • 2 lte 5 = true

  • 8 lte 5 = false

gt (greater than)

The numeric value in the event is greater than the value in the condition

  • 8 gt 5 = true

  • 2 gt 5 = false

gte (greater than or equal)

The numeric value in the event is greater than or equal to the value in the condition

  • 5 gte 5 = true

  • 8 gte 5 = true

  • 2 gte 5 = false


True if the value in the event is contained within the value of the condition

  • 'foo' in ['foo' 'bar' 'baz'] = true

  • 'foo' in 'footer' = true

  • 'bar' in ['foo' 'baz'] = false

  • 'bar' in 'footer' = false


True if the value in the event isn’t contained within the value of the condition

  • 'foo' nin ['foo' 'bar' 'baz'] = false

  • 'foo' nin 'footer' = false

  • 'bar' nin ['foo' 'baz'] = true

  • 'bar' nin 'footer' = true


True if the value in the event contains the value in the condition

  • ['foo' 'bar' 'baz'] contains 'foo' = true

  • 'footer' contains 'foo' = true

  • ['foo' 'baz'] contains 'bar' = false

  • ['footer'] contains 'bar' = false


True if the value in the event doesn’t contain the value in the condition

  • ['foo' 'bar' 'baz'] ncontains 'foo' = false

  • 'footer' ncontains 'foo' = false

  • ['foo' 'baz'] ncontains 'bar' = true

  • ['footer'] ncontains 'bar' = true


The value of the condition is a list, and the condition will be true if any of the items of the list are contained in the event value

  • '' containsany ['', ''] = true

  • '' containsany ['/fr', 'utm_source=email'] = true

  • '' containsany ['', ''] = false

  • '' containsany ['utm_source=pidgeon'] = false


The value of the condition is a list, and the condition will be true if none of the items of the list are contained in the event value

  • '' ncontainsany ['', ''] = false

  • '' ncontainsany ['/fr', 'utm_source=email'] = false

  • '' ncontainsany ['', ''] = true

  • '' ncontainsany ['utm_source=pidgeon'] = true"


Matches the regex entered

  • 'foo' regex /foo/ = true

  • 'bar' regex /foo/ = false"


Doesn’t match the regex entered

  • 'foo' nregex /foo/ = false

  • 'bar' nregex /foo/ = true


For regex and nregex, don’t include the / for the regex. When setting up the segment condition, enter value='(foo|bar|baz)' NOT value='/(foo|bar|baz)/'.