Query via UI
Query via UI
Once you have confirmed with your Qubit Customer Success Manager that you have access, the quickest way to get started is via the BigQuery user interface.
Accessing your project
Step 1
Navigate to console.cloud.google.com/bigquery and login with your Google account credentials
Step 2
Navigate to the Google Cloud project that represents your account
Your Qubit project will be named |
Running a query
Selecting a dataset will reveal the views & tables available.
Select a view to reveal the schema, as shown in the following example:

To run a query, select Compose Query
In the editor, you can compose SQL statements to access your data as well as setting some options for that query job, such as saving the result to a table or setting up a scheduled query. For more information see the documentation on running queries via BigQuery UI.
You’ll need to use StandardSQL to run queries. |
Saving and exporting data
If you wish to save your data for analysis, you have a number of options:
Save results as a BigQuery table for future use
Export to CSV or JSON, either to your computer or into Google Drive
Export the data to Google Sheets
Explore the results in Google Data Studio
See the documentation on downloading query results for more information.

However, if you are exporting a large amount of data, such as an entire table of website events data or more than 1 million rows, you’ll need to use the export functionality:
You’ll need access to a Google Cloud Storage bucket to place the exported data. Contact your Qubit Customer Success Manager if you need this to be provisioned
Once data is exported, you can download the exported file(s) from Google Cloud Storage
Full details on this process are available in Exporting table data.