Coveo Did You Mean

Legacy feature

This article pertains to the Coveo Hive framework which is now in maintenance mode.

Choose one of Coveo’s more modern, lightweight, and responsive libraries for any future search interface development. See the search interface Implementation guide for more details.

Implements the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework DidYouMean component which suggests a query correction or triggers a new query with the suggested term (see About the Query Correction feature).

Usage notes

  • When EnableAutoCorrection is selected, every time a query yields no result and the Coveo Platform finds a query correction, a second call to the Search API is automatically triggered.

  • Coveo provides query corrections under certain conditions (see Limitations).

  • You can change the default query correction message using a custom initialization script.

  • You can customize the CSS associated with this rendering.

Insertion location

Coveo Hive

The Coveo Did You Mean rendering is an Allowed Control in the following placeholder(s): UI Header, UI Results Header, UI Results Footer, UI Footer, Results Header

Example insertion sequence for the Coveo Did You Mean rendering.

Coveo Hive SXA

Coveo for Sitecore SXA rendering insertion locations aren't limited by placeholder Allowed Controls. The Coveo Did You Mean rendering may therefore be inserted throughout the partial design, whether in Coveo for Sitecore or Sitecore placeholders.

Example insertion sequence for the Coveo Did You Mean rendering.

Data source options

The following table lists the available data source options for this rendering.

Option name Description

Enable auto correction

See the enableAutoCorrection component option.

Additional data attributes

Allows use of the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework DidYouMean component options that aren’t directly available in the data source.

Sample generated HTML and corresponding visual output

<div class="CoveoDidYouMean" data-enable-auto-correction="true" aria-hidden="false"
style="display: block;"></div>
Query Correction feature example output | Coveo for Sitecore 5