Edit the Content of a Result Template

Legacy feature

This article pertains to the Coveo Hive framework which is now in maintenance mode.

Choose one of Coveo’s more modern, lightweight, and responsive libraries for any future search interface development. See the search interface Implementation guide for more details.

Result templates dictate the way that search results are displayed in your search interface. Although Coveo for Sitecore provides a couple of result template options out of the box, these don’t necessarily display the specific information you want your website visitors to see in their search results.

You should already know how to create a new result template and how to specify conditions on that template which determine when it’s used (see Create and Make Use of a New Result Template).

The goal of this article is to help you edit the content of a custom result template .cshtml file, understanding that you can mix both server-side and client-side code in your file. For the client-side code, the article will guide you in:

Server-Side Versus Client-Side Result Template Resolution

Coveo for Sitecore result template .cshtml files can contain both server-side and client-side code. While server-side code is result-independent, client-side code is evaluated on a per-result basis after a search query has returned results to the search interface.

You integrate server-side code in your result template files using Razor syntax. Razor uses the @ symbol to transition from HTML to C#.

For client-side code, Coveo for Sitecore supports Underscore templates and provides a set of Underscore template methods specifically designed for use in result template files. Underscore template code is enclosed in <% and %> delimiters.

The following example shows a portion of a .cshtml result template file and how it’s progressively resolved until it renders only HTML in the visitor browser.

Result template resolution flow diagram
Figure 1. Result template resolution sequence diagram. In step 1, the code example shows the server evaluating @MyCompany.GetCurrentLanguage() to fr. In step 2, Underscore template code is used to execute JavaScript logic and to output the current item raw.language field value (that is, en) from the search query JSON response.

Analyzing the default.cshtml File

A good way to understand how to use fields in result templates is to dissect the content of the Details section in the default.cshtml file and note how each part is rendered in a query result.

Image showing a sample result template | Coveo for Sitecore 5
Image showing code associated with the sample result template | Coveo for Sitecore 5

The <table class="CoveoFieldTable"> element instantiates the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework CoveoFieldTable component (see Coveo FieldTable Component).

Each <tr> element in the table is a FieldValue component (see Coveo FieldValue Component).

Finally, the default.cshtml file code contains Underscore template code for client-side computation and output of context-specific data.


Coveo identifies and records clicks on links with class="CoveoResultLink" as click analytic events. Ensure you don’t remove this class in custom result templates as you’ll lose out on capturing usage analytics data.

Similarly, <div class="CoveoQuickview"> elements, used as buttons to display document Quick views in an <iframe> element, also record click events. These elements should also be preserved.

Using Underscore Template Methods

Coveo for Sitecore provides Underscore template methods that you can use in your result templates to evaluate context and result-specific information dynamically, client side. You can leverage these methods not only to output field values, but also to create field-based conditions in your result templates.

The Underscore template methods ultimately reduce the need to duplicate .cshtml view files.


Returns the value of field <FIELD_NAME>, where <FIELD_NAME> is the Sitecore field name, or non-translated field name.


<% if (coveoFieldValue("created") === coveoFieldValue("updated")) { %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>


Returns the Translated Name of <FIELD_NAME>, where <FIELD_NAME> is the Sitecore field name, or non-translated field name.


<tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@parsedcreatedby") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Created By") %>' />

Remember to prepend two @ characters to field names to avoid Razor errors. See the default.cshtml file for the proper use of the @ character, for each Underscore template method.


Returns the Phrase field value, in the user browser language, for the Coveo Hive dictionary item whose Key field value is equal to <KEY_VALUE>.


<div title='<%= translateLabel("Last Time Modified") %>'>

You can create your own dictionary entry items. However, the translateLabel method only looks through the items located in the sitecore/System/Dictionary/Coveo Hive folder and its sub-folders. Ideally, you should add your custom result template dictionary items to the Coveo items located in the sitecore/System/Dictionary/Coveo Hive folder.

For the time being, items created in the sitecore/System/Dictionary/Coveo Hive folder are wiped when you upgrade Coveo for Sitecore. Consequently, you should keep copies of dictionary entry items in a separate folder, to accelerate their reinstatement following an upgrade.

The June 18, 2019 release of Coveo for Sitecore introduces a new TreeList field called Additional Dictionaries in the Translation section of the Coveo Search Resources component data source. Use the Additional Dictionaries field to specify dictionaries used in the current search interface result template(s), on top of the Coveo Hive dictionary. Therefore, you can now create dictionary folders outside the sitecore/System/Dictionary/Coveo Hive folder to store your own dictionary entry items, without having these dictionary items deleted upon a Coveo for Sitecore upgrade.


Returns the Coveo index associated with the Sitecore context of the current search interface. The currentSourceName method can be used in a comparison to determine if an item comes from an external source, as in the next example.


<% if raw.source !== currentSourceName()) { %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>

Adding Conditions and Fields to a Result Template

You can easily duplicate the default.cshtml and make changes to the new file in order to alter the content of search results.


On your ecommerce website search page, you would like your result template to highlight on-promotion items. Your Sitecore commerce item template contains an ItemID field, an OnPromotion checkbox, a RegularPrice, and a DiscountPrice field.

Additionally, you’ve created a Coveo Hive dictionary item whose Key field value is Unique Identifier and whose English version Phrase value is Item Number. This paves the way to creating a result template table entry with caption Item Number and whose clickUri link text is the value of the ItemID field.

  1. In your file explorer, open the /Coveo/Hive/templates folder.

  2. Create a copy of the default.cshtml file called onpromotion.cshtml.

  3. Open onpromotion.cshtml in a text editor.

  4. At the very bottom of the file, delete the following block.

    <div class="coveo-result-row">
        <div class="coveo-result-cell coveoforsitecore-details-section">
            <table class="CoveoFieldTable">
                    <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@_templatename") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Template") %>' />
                    <% if (coveoFieldValue("created") === coveoFieldValue("updated")) { %>
                        <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@parsedcreatedby") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Created By") %>' />
                    <% } else { %>
                        <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@parsedcreatedby") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Created By") %>' />
                        <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@created") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Created") %>' data-helper='dateTime' />
                        <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@parsedupdatedby") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Updated By") %>' />
                    <% } %>
                    <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@parsedlanguage") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Language") %>' />
                        <th class='CoveoCaption'><%= translateLabel("Uniform resource identifier") %></th>
                        <td class='CoveoClickableUri'>
                            <a class='CoveoResultLink' href="<%= clickUri%>"><%= clickUri%></a>
  5. Replace the previous block with the following.

    <div class="coveo-result-row">
        <div class="coveo-result-cell coveoforsitecore-details-section">
            <table class="CoveoFieldTable">
                    <% if (coveoFieldValue("OnPromotion") === "1") { %>
                        <tr><th style="color:red;">This item is currently on sale!</th></tr>
                    <% } else { %>
                    <% } %>
                    <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@Manufacturer") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Manufacturer") %>' />
                    <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@Availability") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("Availability") %>' />
                    <tr data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@RegularPrice") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("RegularPrice") %>' />
                    <% if (coveoFieldValue("OnPromotion") === "1") { %>
                        <tr style="color:red;" data-field='<%= coveoFieldName("@@DiscountPrice") %>' data-caption='<%= translateLabel("DiscountPrice") %>' />
                    <% } else { %>
                    <% } %>
                        <th class='CoveoCaption'><%= translateLabel("Unique Identifier") %></th>
                        <td class='CoveoClickableUri'>
                            <a class='CoveoResultLink' href="<%= clickUri%>"><%= coveoFieldValue("ItemID")%></a>
  6. Associate a Coveo File Result Template component to your onpromotion.cshtml file (see Coveo File Result Template).

Your Coveo File Result Template component now generates a distinctive rendering for your on sale items.

Image showing a sample result template | Coveo for Sitecore 5