Compatibility with Sitecore Commerce
Compatibility with Sitecore Commerce
Although Coveo doesn’t provide an integration for Sitecore Experience Commerce, Coveo for Sitecore is functional in a Sitecore XC setup.
Note that Coveo for Sitecore doesn’t provide any Sitecore XC specific functionality at this time.
It will simply not cause any issues when installed alongside Sitecore XC.
This article aims at guiding you in the use of Coveo Platform resources and Coveo for Sitecore in a Sitecore XC environment.
Indexing catalog items
Coveo for Sitecore isn’t specifically designed to index commerce content. In Sitecore XC 9.1/9.2, indexing is handled on the Sitecore side, which means that Coveo for Sitecore can pick up on commerce items with our existing crawlers. In Sitecore XC 9.3, indexing was moved to the commerce engine which in turn means that Coveo for Sitecore is no longer able to index commerce items.
If you intend to upgrade to Sitecore XC 9.3+ from a previous release in which items were indexed with Coveo for Sitecore or you’re starting a new Sitecore XC implementation, you’ll need to create custom code to retrieve items from Sitecore XC and send the content to a Coveo Push source.
Coveo for Commerce customers using Sitecore can benefit from the Catalog source, which implements a specific catalog data structure and guidelines for the optimal indexing of commerce data (see Stream your catalog data to your source).
This source can be used as an alternative to the Push source.
Never index Sitecore Experience Commerce content out of Sitecore, even if a proper import of the Sitecore data was performed. Always index data directly from the product information management (PIM) or commerce system. |
Building Coveo Search Interfaces in Sitecore XC
Coveo for Sitecore search interface renderings may be used in a Sitecore XC environment. To determine whether Coveo for Sitecore supports the targeted version of Sitecore and, if so, the minimal Coveo for Sitecore version you need to download, see the Supported Sitecore Versions and Dependencies Table. The Sitecore version numbers indicated in the table represent both Sitecore XP and XC versions. For example, a Sitecore XP 9.3 compatible version of Coveo for Sitecore also works with Sitecore XC 9.3.
Integrating in SXA Storefront
In Sitecore Experience Commerce 9, a library of Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) components are available to quickly build a fully functional commerce solution. This library is called SXA Storefront. Coveo for Sitecore is compatible with SXA but requires an additional installation step (see Install Coveo for Sitecore SXA components).
Coveo for Sitecore adds support for new Sitecore and SXA module versions separately. Ensure the Coveo for Sitecore release you’re considering to install supports the targeted version of SXA (see Supported SXA Module Versions). |