Tracking setup & property settings

This is for:


In this article, we’ll show you how you can review the tracking Id, currency, and vertical we define for you during onboarding.

Finding your tracking setup

When you onboard with Qubit, we will define a tracking Id, currency, and vertical. You can review these values on the Settings page.

To open this page, select Settings from the side menu

Tracking ID

Your tracking Id is a mandatory parameter in all requests to Qubit APIs and is unique to your property.

The following example shows a query to the Qubit API to retrieve visitor location:

query ($trackingId: String!, $contextId: String!) {
  property(trackingId: $trackingId) {
    visitor(contextId: $contextId) {
      location {

You will also find this tracking Id in each of the events emitted by your property, as shown in the following example of an ecUser event:

  "user": {
    "id": "531753336.1535351287",
    "language": "en-gb",
    "isGuest": false
  "meta": {
    "type": "ecUser",
    "id": "jm9hyenoeow-0jzwx0cij-jjspsls",
    "ts": 1567096860760,
    "seq": 1,
    "url": "",
    "batchTs": 1567096860738,
    "trackingId": "testSite_uk_prod",
    "source": "jolt@7.58.0",
    "bundleId": "2019-08-13T12:49:09@2c3ddfc@latest@2019-08-29T15:35:01"


The currency defined for your property determines the base currency used to convert all monetary values, from product prices, basket totals/subtotals, transaction totals/subtotals, and analytics metrics such as lifetime value.

As an example, for a property set up with Euro defined as the currency, we would convert the lifetime value for a user based in the USA from USD to EUR and for a user based in the UK from GBP to EUR–in this way we can easily compare user behavior across your customer base.

By converting all values to this base value, we therefore always have a solid basis for reporting within the Qubit platform.

How does Qubit perform currency conversion?

Once a day Qubit obtains exchange rates via a call to the Exchange Rate API provided by open exchange rates. When an event is sent to Qubit from a client’s website or mobile app, we use an internal library to convert the local currency in the event to the base currency defined for your property.


Qubit stores both the local currency and the base currency.

Let’s look at an example for a property with EUR set as the base currency.

In this example, the currency in the incoming ecBasketItemTransaction is USD:

uv.emit('ecBasketItemTransaction', {
  basket: {
    id: 'BASK123',
    subtotal: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    total: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'
    subtotalIncludingTax: {
      value: 9.99,
      currency: 'USD'

With the exchange rate USD to EUR obtained on a daily basis via the API call, we enrich the incoming event received into our data pipeline with, amongst other things, meta data, and use our internal library to calculate the values in the event to EUR.


The vertical defined for your property determines how we interpret the data you send to Qubit and what events are stored in BigQuery.

It is especially important for customers mapping an existing data layer to QProtocol. Beyond this, the vertical is used:

  • To determine which segment conditions available when building segments

  • For UV mapping

  • For reporting in Live Tap and events in the Validation Dashboard

  • To determine which event we look for when calculating conversions