Index Shopify content using the Coveo AI Search & Discovery application
Index Shopify content using the Coveo AI Search & Discovery application
The Coveo AI Search & Discovery application aims to automate as much of the onboarding process as possible, requiring minimal intervention on your part. This article lists a few scenarios that require you to manually sync your Shopify product catalog with Coveo and provides an overview of the synchronization process.
When to manually sync your catalog
You must manually launch a sync of your Shopify product catalog with Coveo in the following situations:
You first link your store to your Coveo organization
You add or delete a new market
You add or delete a country within a market
You add or delete a language within a market
You change a market’s base currency
You change your multi-market domain setup
You change add or delete product or variant metafields
, or change which ones to use as Coveo custom fields or facets
You change a store domain
Catalog sync overview
This section provides an overview of the process involved in synchronizing your Shopify product catalog with Coveo.
Catalog sources
When you sync your store’s product catalog with the Coveo platform, the Coveo AI Search & Discovery application uses the Shopify GraphQL Admin API to retrieve your market languages, regions, and base currencies.
The application then creates one GraphQL API source per market and language combination to index your products.
Each of these sources is automatically configured for Commerce.
The application also creates the storefront associations to associate your catalog entities to your storefronts in the target locales.
Each of these sources scans your Shopify store for products and their variants, indexing the active ones. You can therefore have multiple Coveo items for a single Shopify product or variant, each corresponding to a specific market and language combination.
At the moment, the Coveo AI Search & Discovery application only supports base currencies, not local currencies |
When syncing your Shopify product catalog with Coveo, the Coveo AI Search & Discovery application automatically indexes standard commerce fields. The application also lets you select additional Shopify product metafields that you would like to index as Coveo custom fields to enhance the search experience.
Finally, the application lets you select which fields you would like to use as facets in your search interface. You can only use fields that are explicitly facet-enabled when creating facets in your search interface.