Setup guide

To properly leverage Coveo for Commerce capabilities, it’s essential that your Coveo organization is optimally configured to integrate with the Commerce API. This setup also enables you to manage Coveo-powered search, product listing pages (PLPs), and recommendation slots through the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH).

This guide provides an overview of the Coveo for Commerce implementation process. It contains collapsible sections that you can expand to learn more about each aspect of the implementation. It also includes links to additional articles with detailed instructions on how to complete specific tasks.

This guide covers the following topics:

Map your storefront architecture to Coveo

To effectively index your product inventory, track commerce events, use the Commerce API, and manage product discovery through the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH), you must map your storefronts in a way that’s compatible with Coveo.

In Coveo for Commerce, storefronts are organized into properties, and each property can support multiple locales. For example, if you have two storefronts—one in Canada and one in the United States—your organization would include two properties, one for each storefront.

Each property can have multiple locales. For example, if your Canadian storefront supports both English and French, you would have two locales under the Canadian property. Each storefront/locale combination would have its own Catalog source and catalog entity representing the products available for that specific combination.

The following diagram shows how the Barca brand’s storefront architecture could be set up in Coveo for Commerce, considering the following variations:

  • Two storefronts: Canada storefront and USA storefront

  • Two supported currencies: CAD and USD

  • Supported languages for each storefront:

    • Canada storefront: English and French

    • USA storefront: English and Spanish

Diagram showing the declination of storefront setup to Coveo’s standards | Coveo for Commerce

Expand the following sections to learn more about the different concepts that you must consider when mapping your storefront architecture to Coveo. Note that you won’t implement these concepts right away, but you should be aware of them to ensure that your storefronts are set up correctly in Coveo.

Tracking ID

Tracking ID

tracking IDs are unique identifiers that identify specific storefronts in usage analytics events. All of your storefronts must have their own tracking ID.

While tracking ID values are specified when sending usage analytics events, each value that’s sent must be registered using a Property in your organization. See Properties for more information.

In the context of the CMH, the management of the product discovery solutions is segmented by tracking ID. This means that merchandising actions, such as boosting products or creating rules, are specific to each tracking ID.

See What’s a tracking ID? for more information about tracking IDs.



usage analytics (UA) properties are tracking IDs managed within a Coveo organization. Each property consists of a user-readable display name, enabling simplified management and analysis of data across various sites or applications. Properties help you better organize and interpret usage data for specific contexts.

Each of your storefronts must have its own property so you can manage the tracking ID associated with it.

Although tracking ID values are specified when sending usage analytics events, properties are managed through the Properties (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Coveo Administration Console.

Each tracking ID used in your usage analytics events must be registered as a property in your Coveo organization to allow for proper data tracking and interpretation.


Your Coveo organization powers two brands that each have their own storefronts: Barca sports US and Barca sports Canada.

Usage analytics events logged from these storefronts are sent with the following tracking IDs:

  • barca_sports_us

  • barca_sports_ca

To allow for accurate data tracking and analysis, you create two properties to register these tracking IDs:

  • Barca Sports US

  • Barca Sports CA

For more information on how to manage properties, see Properties.



A given storefront can support many languages, countries, and/or currencies, resulting in variations in product attributes like names, descriptions, and prices.

The Coveo Platform addresses this complexity by utilizing locales to distinguish unique combinations of language, country, and currency.

Locales are defined by a combination of the values of the language, country, and currency parameters sent in Commerce API requests.

Locales allow for reporting according to the language, country, and currency of the user’s experience, as well as managing product discovery solutions for each language, country, and currency permutation within the CMH.

  • A storefront can have multiple locales associated with it.

  • Locales are storefront parameters, not visitor browser parameters. For example, if a visitor's browser default language is set to German, and they’re browsing an English site, the locale language is en.

    Similarly, a visitor located in Germany browsing a US-based storefront that sells products in American dollars would have their locale tracked with the country set to US and the currency set to USD, even though they’re physically located in a country that uses a different currency.

Locales are defined for every potential combination of supported language, country, and currency that your storefronts support.


Your organization powers two brands: Barca sports and Barca parts.

You operate in two different countries: United States and Canada. In the United States, you only support English, and in Canada, you support both English and French.

Therefore, you have three different locales:

  • en-US-USD

  • en-CA-CAD

  • fr-CA-CAD

Index your catalog data

To make your product inventory available in the Coveo ecosystem, you must add your product content to the Coveo index. Typically, this content is stored in repositories such as product information management systems (PIMs) and digital asset management systems (DAMs) in your own ecosystem.

To ensure a successful Coveo for Commerce implementation, it’s necessary to aggregate and format this content in a way that can be read and understood by Coveo. Bringing your product inventory to the Coveo ecosystem and maintaining it involves the following steps:

  • Creation of index sources.

  • Configuration and mapping of commerce fields.

  • Streaming your content to the sources using the Stream API.

  • Creation of a catalog entity.

  • Updating the content using the different update operations offered by the Push API.

The articles of the Index and manage catalog data collection cover each steps in details, but this section provides an high-level overview of everything that’s required to have your product inventory in Coveo and maintaining it.

Expand the following sections to learn more about the different steps required to index and maintain your product inventory in Coveo for Commerce:

Index sources

Index sources

To index your product inventory to the Coveo ecosystem, you’ll typically use a Catalog source.

It’s recommended to create separate product sources for each locale you’re supporting (variations in country, languages, and currency)[1].

This allows the Coveo ML models to learn independently from each experience. Such a setup will result in recommendations that are optimally personalized to users' preferences and search behavior on each website in your multi-catalog structure.


The company Barca sells products in Canada and the US. In Canada, they support French and English. In the US, they support English and Spanish.

They have the following storefronts:

  • Barca Canada ( This storefront supports French ( and English (

  • Barca US ( This storefront supports English ( and Spanish (

This setup requires the creation of four product sources:

  • One for the English variation of the Canadian storefront.

  • One for the French variation of the Canadian storefront.

  • One for the English variation of the US storefront.

  • One for the Spanish variation of the US storefront.


Some setups require an additional source to index items of the availability catalog object. See Source configuration approaches for availability channel for details.

1. Having a separate source for each locale you’re supporting will likely lead to content duplication. This could affect your product entitlements.

For instructions on how to create Catalog sources, see Add a Catalog source.

Configure and map commerce fields

Configure and map commerce fields

It’s essential to configure and map your commerce fields to ensure that your product inventory is properly indexed and that the Coveo Machine Learning models can learn from your data. These fields contain metadata, such as the product name or price.

To learn how to configure and map commerce fields, see Commerce fields.

Streaming content

Streaming content

To add content to your Catalog sources, you’ll have to use the Stream API.

You’ll likely use the Stream API in two different stages of your Coveo for Commerce implementation:

  1. To push a sample of your catalog data to your source for the first time.

  2. To push your entire catalog data to your source.

For instructions on how to use the Stream API, see Stream your catalog data to your source.

Catalog entities

Catalog entities

The catalog entity is at the core of a Coveo for Commerce implementation. It establishes relationships between the catalog objects. A catalog entity also lets you standardize your commerce fields to ensure data reliability for Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) models.

There’s a 1-to-1 relationship between product sources and catalog entities. For each source you create that contains products, you must also create a catalog entity. However, sources that only contain items of the availability object type can be shared across multiple catalog entities.

For instructions on how to manage catalog entities, see Commerce catalog entity.

Update content

Update content

Catalog source updates are required when you must add, remove, or update items (products, variants, or availabilities) in your source after an initial stream.

Coveo offers three update operations to maintain your sources up-to-date with your own product ecosystem:

Configure query pipelines

To ensure that your Coveo for Commerce implementation works seamlessly with the Commerce API, you must configure your query pipelines in the Coveo Administration Console. This allows queries to send the right information to the Commerce API, as well as managing the product discovery solutions that you want to use with the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH).

Expand the following sections to learn more about the different aspects of query pipeline configurations:

General query pipeline configuration

Query pipeline configuration

Query pipelines must be created in accordance with the number of properties that your implementation supports. This means that for each registered property, you must create a query pipeline for each product discovery solutions that you’re using.

Query pipelines must follow a strict naming convention, as well as a specific description, which are as follows:

  • Query pipeline name: cmh-<solution>-<tracking-id>

  • Query pipeline description: <solution>-<tracking-id>


  • <solution> is the product discovery solution that the query pipeline supports. Allowed values are:

    • search

    • listing

    • recommendations

  • <tracking-id> is the tracking ID (registered by a property) that the query pipeline supports.


Your organization powers the Barca sports Coveo-powered commerce implementation.

You operate in two different countries: United States and Canada.

Therefore, you have two properties:

  • Barca Sports US, which registers the tracking ID barca_sports_us

  • Barca Sports Canada, which registers the tracking ID barca_sports_ca

This means that you would have to create the following query pipelines:

Property Product discovery solution Query pipeline name Query pipeline description

Barca Sports US (barca_sports_us)




Product listing






Barca Sports Canada (barca_sports_ca)




Product listing






Query pipeline conditions

Query pipeline conditions

You must configure query pipeline conditions to route queries originating from the different product discovery solution interfaces to the correct query pipeline.

Query pipeline conditions are elements that determine which query pipeline to use based on the product discovery solution the end user is interacting with. For example, if a user is interacting with the search interface, the query pipeline condition will route the query to the query pipeline dedicated to search.

In Coveo for Commerce, query pipeline conditions are built with values of parameters sent to the Commerce API when requesting products using the different endpoints.

Query pipeline conditions must follow a strict naming convention. The naming convention differs based on the product discovery solution that the query pipeline condition supports. The following table provides the naming convention for each product discovery solution:

Product discovery solution Naming convention


Context[commerce-api] is Search and Context[trackingId] is <my_trackingId>

Product listing

Context[commerce-api] is Listing and Context[trackingId] is <my_trackingId>


Context[commerce-api] is Recommendations and Context[trackingId] is <my_trackingId>

Where <my_trackingId> is the value of the tracking ID parameter as used in the request to the Commerce API. For example, when requesting products for your kayaks listing page, the value sent in the trackingId parameter is barca_sports_ca. Therefore, the value of the <my_trackingId> will be barca_sports_ca. See Tracking ID for more information about how to define tracking IDs.


For the barca_sports_ca, you created the following query pipelines:

  • Search query pipeline: cmh-search-barca_sports_ca

  • Listing query pipeline: cmh-listing-barca_sports_ca

  • Recommendations query pipeline: cmh-recommendations-barca_sports_ca

The following table provides the query pipeline conditions that you would have to create for each query pipeline:

Product discovery solution Query pipeline Query pipeline condition



Context[commerce-api] is Search and Context[trackingId] is barca_sports_ca

Product listing


Context[commerce-api] is Listing and Context[trackingId] is barca_sports_ca



Context[commerce-api] is Recommendations and Context[trackingId] is barca_sports_ca

Leading practice

If your organization contains query pipelines that route queries that shouldn’t target the Commerce API (that is, query pipelines that target the Search API), add the following condition to the query pipeline:

Context[commerce-api] is not populated

This condition ensures that queries going through the Commerce API don’t target these query pipelines.

For instructions on how to create query pipeline conditions, see Manage query pipeline conditions.

Query pipeline for product listings

Product listings specific configuration

When configuring the query pipeline for routing product listing queries, you must configure a ranking weight query pipeline rule to optimize the ranking of products on product listing pages.

You must configure the ranking rule to set all ranking factors to 0.

Listings ranking rule in the Coveo Administration Console| Coveo

Machine learning models for Coveo for Commerce

Coveo recommends that you configure Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) models to power and enhance product discovery experiences. To increase personalization and relevancy, configure the recommended Coveo ML models for each of the product discovery solutions:

Product discovery solution Recommended model


Automatic Relevance Tuning (ART) (dedicated model optimized for search)

Intent-Aware Product Ranking (IAPR) (optional)

Predictive Query Suggestions (PQS) or Query Suggestions (QS)

Dynamic Navigation Experience (DNE)

Product listing

ART (dedicated model optimized for listing pages)


Product Recommendations (PR)

Session-Based Product Recommendations (SBPR) (required to power the Intent-aware product recommendation strategy)

Configuring Coveo ML models

Configuring Coveo ML models

To configure the Coveo ML models for product discovery solutions:

  1. Configure the appropriate models for each product discovery solution.


    For optimal results, you should configure one model of each type for each of your property.


    You’ve defined the following properties for your two Coveo-powered ecommerce sites or applications:

    • Barca Sports US, which registers the tracking ID barca_sports_us

    • Barca Sports Canada, which registers the tracking ID barca_sports_ca

    Therefore, you create the following Coveo Machine Learning models:

    Property Product discovery solution Model name

    Barca Sports US (barca_sports_us)


    Barca Sports US Search ART model

    Barca Sports US Search IAPR model

    Barca Sports US Search PQS model

    Barca Sports US Search DNE model


    Barca Sports US Listing ART model


    Barca Sports US Product Recommendations PR model

    Barca Sports Canada (barca_sports_ca)


    Barca Sports CA Search ART model

    Barca Sports CA Search IAPR model

    Barca Sports CA Search PQS model

    Barca Sports CA Search DNE model


    Barca Sports CA Listing ART model


    Barca Sports CA Product Recommendations PR model

  2. For ART, QS, DNE, and PR models, configure learning filters to ensure they only use data relevant to the website on which they’re deployed. Refer to the articles listed in step 1 for more information on how to configure learning filters for each model type.


    For IAPR and PQS models, instead of defining learning filters, you’ll need to configure the model to use the appropriate tracking IDs (registered as properties in your Coveo organization).

    Configure the model to use the appropriate tracking ID
  3. Associate the models with the query pipelines that you’ve created. PR and SBPR models require a specific association configuration. See associating PR and SBPR models with the query pipeline for recommendations for more information.

Associating PR and SBPR models with the query pipeline for recommendations

Associating PR and SBPR models with the query pipeline for recommendations

When associating a PR or SBPR model with the query pipeline for recommendations, you must configure an association for each of the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH) recommendation strategies you want to use in your storefront. For example, if you use the Most purchased and Viewed together CMH strategies in your storefront, you must configure an association for each of these strategies.

This process involves:

Step 1: Create the query pipeline conditions:

You must create a query pipeline condition for each of the CMH recommendation strategies you want to use in your storefront.

The following table provides the conditions you must create based on the CMH strategy you want to use in your storefront:

CMH strategy Query pipeline condition

Viewed together

Recommendation is viewed_together

Purchased together

Recommendation is bought_together


Recommendation is session_recommender_single_seed

Most viewed

Recommendation is popular_viewed

Most purchased

Recommendation is popular_bought

Recently viewed

Recommendation is recently_viewed

Recently purchased

Recommendation is recently_bought

Purchased with recently purchased

Recommendation is bought_with_recently_bought

Buy again

Recommendation is buy_again

For each query pipeline condition you configure, take note of the condition ID as you’ll need it when associating the model with the query pipeline. You can find the condition ID in the URL of the Conditions (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page when accessing the condition in the Coveo Administration Console.

find the condition ID in the URL | Coveo

For instructions on how to create query pipeline conditions, see Manage query pipeline conditions.

Step 2: Associate a PR or SBPR model with the query pipeline for recommendations:

To associate a PR or SBPR model with a query pipeline, use the JSON editor of the Query Pipelines (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page in the Coveo Administration Console.

  1. In the Coveo Administration Console, access the Query Pipelines page.

  2. In the Query Pipelines page, click the query pipeline you configured for recommendations, and then click Edit components.

  3. Click the Machine Learning tab, and then click the ellipsis in the upper right part of the page to select Associate a model in JSON view.

  4. In the JSON editor, add the following configuration, replacing the placeholder values with your data, and then click Associate model.

      "modelId": "<MY_MODEL_ID>", 1
      "condition": "<MY_CONDITION_ID>", 2
      "maxRecommendations": 50,
      "cacheMaximumAge": "<CACHE_MAXIMUM_AGE>", 3
      "exclusive": true,
      "customQueryParameters": {
        "strategy": "<STRATEGY_VALUE>" 4
      "useAdvancedConfiguration": true
1 Replace <MY_MODEL_ID> with the ID of the model you want to associate with the query pipeline. See Review model information to learn how to find the model ID.
2 Replace <MY_CONDITION_ID> with the ID of the query pipeline condition you created for the strategy you want to associate the model with.
3 When associating an SBPR model, we recommend adjusting the default value of PT10S to a shorter duration between 0 and 5 seconds (that is, PT0S to PT5S). This adjustment ensures the model responds more quickly to user behavior. Note that the value must be in the ISO-8601 format.
4 Replace <STRATEGY_VALUE> with the the strategy you want to associate the model with. The following table provides the strategy values for each CMH strategy:
CMH strategy Value to use

Viewed together


Purchased together




Most viewed


Most purchased


Recently viewed


Recently purchased


Purchased with recently purchased


Buy again


Migrating search ART, QS, and DNE models

Migrating search ART, QS, and DNE models


This section is only relevant if you’re migrating a Coveo for Commerce implementation that was targeting the Search API to the Commerce API.

If your Coveo for Commerce implementation previously used the Search API and that you’re now migrating to the Commerce API, you likely used search hub values to distinguish between different websites. With the Commerce API, tracking IDs now serve this purpose instead.

This transition from search hubs to tracking IDs causes existing models to stop using historical search hub data, meaning the models will rely only on events sent with the new tracking ID. This may lead to a short-term decrease in the model’s performance as it learns from a new set of data.

To maintain performance, you can update your ART, QS, and DNE models' JSON configuration so they continue using both historical search hub data and new tracking ID events.

  • If the model you plan to migrate was used across multiple websites that don’t return the same set of results, don’t migrate the model. Instead, create a new model of each type for each website and configure each model to use the tracking ID associated with its respective website.

  • Models that are used for the Listings product discovery solution can’t be migrated.

To update your ART, QS, and DNE models to use both the search hub value and the tracking ID:

  1. In the Coveo Administration Console, access the Models (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page.

  2. Click the ART, DNE, or QS model you want to update, and then in the Action bar, click Edit.

  3. In the Advanced tab, make sure the Search hub and tab radio button is unselected.

    • You can select the No dimension filters instead.

    • If your model uses the Custom filters option, make sure to unselect the Search hub filter.

      Model’s advanced tab for migration | Coveo
  4. Click Save.

  5. Access the Models (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page.

  6. Click the ART, DNE, or QS model you want to update, and then in the Action bar, click More > Edit JSON.

  7. In the JSON editor, update or add the following parameters:

    • searchEventFilter: Add the search hub value previously used to identify the storefront.

    • commonFilter: Add the tracking ID value that now identifies the storefront.

      Your JSON configuration should look like this:

        "modelDisplayName": "MY_MODEL",
        "exportPeriod": "P3M",
        "intervalTime": 1,
        "intervalUnit": "WEEK",
        "commonFilter": "(trackingId=~'<MY_TRACKING_ID>')", 1
        "exportOffset": "PT0S",
        "searchEventFilter": "(originLevel1=~'<MY_SEARCH_HUB>')", 2
      1 Replace <MY_TRACKING_ID> with the tracking ID value that now identifies the storefront.
      2 Replace <MY_SEARCH_HUB> with the search hub value previously used to identify the storefront.

    Previously, you used usa-sports-barca as the search hub value to identify a storefront. After migrating to the Commerce API, the storefront is now identified by the tracking ID barca_sports_us.

    To update the model to use both search hub values, you update the model’s JSON configuration as follows:

      "modelDisplayName": "MY_MODEL",
      "exportPeriod": "P3M",
      "intervalTime": 1,
      "intervalUnit": "WEEK",
      "commonFilter": "(trackingId=~'barca_sports_us')",
      "exportOffset": "PT0S",
      "searchEventFilter": "(originLevel1=~'usa-sports-barca')",
  8. Click Save. The model will retrain and start using both historical search hub data and new tracking ID events.

Define storefront associations

There’s a 1:1 relationship between Catalog sources and catalog entities. This means that you should have one Catalog source and a matching catalog entity for each language, country, currency, and brand you’re selling your products in.

A single tracking ID can apply to multiple locale combinations. For example, if you have a tracking ID identifying a storefront for a brand that sells products in both English and French in Canada, you would have a single tracking ID associated with two locales: en-CA-CAD and fr-CA-CAD.

Storefront associations let you manage the relationship between properties, locales, and catalog entities.

This allows the Coveo Platform to automatically infer the catalog ID targeted by a property and locale combination. So, there’s no need to specify the catalog ID when authenticating commerce requests.

For more information on storefront associations, see Storefront associations.

Build commerce interfaces

Your storefront visitors use commerce interfaces to search, browse, and purchase products. Each of these interfaces is powered by a product discovery solution.

Coveo for Commerce provides three distinct product discovery solutions: Search, Product listings, and Recommendations. It also offers a set of tools to simplify the implementation of your commerce interfaces.

The articles of the Build commerce interfaces collection cover each aspect of building commerce interfaces in details, but this section provides an high-level overview of the different approaches you can take to build commerce interfaces in Coveo for Commerce.



The Coveo Headless library is a Redux-based toolset for developing your own UI component libraries. It provides the underlying functionality of the Atomic library without tying that functionality to a specific UI implementation.

We strongly recommend that you use the Headless library rather than work directly with the REST APIs, as Headless abstracts their complexity and provides a more developer-friendly interface.

For more information, see Headless for commerce.




The Atomic library commerce components are in open beta and therefore under active development. Reach out to your Coveo team for support in adopting them.

The Coveo Atomic library is a collection of pre-built UI components meant to quickly create product discovery interfaces. You can theme and customize the Atomic components to suit your needs. Under the hood, Atomic relies on the Coveo Headless library to interface with Coveo and handle the application state.



The Coveo Commerce REST APIs are a set of APIs that allow you to interact with the Coveo Platform.

These APIs offer the most flexibility for interacting with the Coveo Platform, though they require more development effort and can be more challenging to use than Headless or Atomic.

To implement your product discovery solution using the REST APIs, you need to send requests to the following APIs:

  • Commerce API: This API allows you to query the Coveo Platform for products.

  • Event API: This API allows you to log commerce events using the Event Protocol.

After you’ve chosen the right approach, you can start building your search, listing, and recommendation interfaces:

Log commerce events

It’s crucial that you track touchpoints to analyze storefront performance, create reports, and power Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) models. You can do this by sending events to the Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA) service.


Building commerce interfaces with Coveo UI libraries, such as Coveo Atomic and Coveo Headless, considerably simplifies the implementation of usage analytics tracking.

In Coveo for Commerce, you’ll typically have to track the following user actions:

  • Product views

  • Product clicks

  • Cart events

  • Purchases

It’s through usage analytics tracking that tracking IDs are defined to identify the different storefronts user actions are coming from. Once you’re ready to track these actions, you must register the tracking IDs as properties using the Properties (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Coveo Administration Console.

For instructions on how to implement usage analytics tracking in Coveo for Commerce, see Log commerce events.