Manage recommendation slots

This is for:


Recommendation slots are specific locations within a webpage or application where personalized product recommendations are shown to visitors. These slots are strategically placed across Coveo-powered commerce storefronts to enhance the visitor experience, drive engagement, and increase sales by suggesting products relevant to the visitor’s preferences, context, and journey.

Merchandisers can create and manage recommendation slots using the Recommendations manager of the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH).


It’s possible to create recommendation slots using the Commerce API, which can be a time-saving option for users managing multiple tracking IDs or storefronts.

Recommendation slot locations

In the Recommendations manager, recommendation slot locations (or slot types) refer to specific locations within a webpage or application where personalized recommendations are displayed. They help the merchandiser identifying the purpose of the slot within a storefront, ensuring they’re relevant and contextually appropriate.

Recommendation slots are found on:

  • The home page: Recommendations displayed on the home page, often in a scrolling carousel format.

  • A product listing page (PLP): Recommendations displayed alongside the list of products, helping users discover additional items that match their preferences.

  • A search page: Personalized recommendations embedded within or alongside the search page to help users find relevant products faster.

  • A product detail page (PDP): Recommendations appear on the page where users view detailed information about a product. These suggestions can include related items, frequently bought together products, or alternative options.

  • The Cart page: Recommendations that appear on the shopping cart page, often focusing on upselling or promoting complementary items to the ones already in the cart.

  • The Confirmation page: Recommendations presented during the checkout process, encouraging last-minute additions before the purchase is finalized.

  • Other pages: Recommendations that appear in other locations not explicitly defined in the above categories.

Product-based recommendation strategies toggle

The Product-based recommendation strategies toggle allows merchandisers to enable or disable product-based strategies for a recommendation slot. This enables seeded strategies to define how the product recommendation models are applied. A merchandiser may choose when to apply a product-based recommendation strategy by enabling it in the slot configuration process. They exist in two formats: seeded and unseeded.

  • A seeded strategy uses one or more seed products as a reference point to generate product recommendations.

  • An unseeded strategy uses other references, such as recent events, to generate product recommendations.

While merchandisers don’t directly control the seed products, they can influence recommendations based on the product data provided.

The following recommendations strategies are available in the Recommendations manager based on the seeded or unseeded format:

Seeded strategies Unseeded strategies

Product seed types

Unseeded strategies don’t require a seed product to generate recommendations, instead they use a popularity-based approach, such as a visitor’s history to recommend products, which is optimal for locations where you want to show generic recommendations, such as the home page. Seeded strategies rely on three seed product types, which influence the recommendation engine in a different way:


When creating a recommendation slot, the slot location will impact which seed types are available.

  • Detail product: The recommendation engine uses the products currently being viewed by the user on a product detail page (PDP) to generate recommendations. This seed type is optimal for recommendation slots displayed on PDPs.

  • Cart product(s): The recommendation engine uses the product(s) currently in the user’s cart to generate recommendations. This seed type is ideal for cart-related areas, such as cart pages or overlays, regardless of where they’re displayed on the site.

  • Purchased product(s): The recommendation engine uses the product(s) just purchased by the user to generate recommendations. This seed type is optimal for confirmation pages.


Once you enable a product-based strategy and create a recommendation slot, you cannot change the eligibility for product-based strategies or product seed types. You’ll need to create a new slot to change these settings.

The system then leverages AI capabilities of Coveo to expand these seeds, identifying products with similar attributes, enhancing discoverability, and driving sales. Refer to Supported seed types by slot type for more information.

Product recommendation strategies

Merchandisers can use product recommendation strategies to define the logic behind the product recommendations displayed in a recommendation slot. Each strategy available in the Recommendations manager is designed to optimize the relevance of the recommendations for specific slot locations, they are the following:

  • Viewed together: This strategy recommends products that are frequently viewed together with the product(s) currently being viewed by a visitor. It’s optimal for product detail pages (PDPs), cart pages, and confirmation pages.

    This strategy is a seeded strategy, meaning that seed products must be passed to recommendation requests to the Commerce API to generate recommendations.

  • Purchased together: This strategy recommends products that are frequently purchased together with the product(s) currently being viewed by a visitor. It’s optimal for product detail pages (PDPs), cart pages, and confirmation pages.

    This strategy is a seeded strategy, meaning that seed products must be passed to recommendation requests to the Commerce API to generate recommendations.

  • Most viewed: This strategy recommends the products that are the most frequently viewed by visitors of the storefront. It’s optimal for locations where you want to show generic recommendations, such as the home page.

    This strategy is popularity-based, meaning that recommendations are generated without the need for seed products.

  • Most purchased: This strategy recommends the products that are the most frequently purchased by visitors of the storefront. It’s optimal for locations where you want to show generic recommendations, such as the home page.

    This strategy is popularity-based, meaning that recommendations are generated without the need for seed products.

  • Recently viewed: This strategy recommends the products that have been recently viewed by visitors of the storefront. It’s optimal for locations where you want to show generic recommendations, such as the home page.

    This strategy is popularity-based, meaning that recommendations are generated without the need for seed products.

Refer to Supported strategies by seed type for more information.

Create a recommendation slot


It’s possible to create recommendation slots using the Commerce API, which can be a time-saving option for users managing multiple tracking IDs or storefronts.

To create a recommendation slot:

  1. In the CMH, access the Recommendations manager.

  2. At the top right, from the Tracking ID dropdown, select the tracking ID for which you want to create a slot.

    • The slot you create will apply to all locales associated with the selected tracking ID.

  3. At the top right of the Recommendations manager page, click Create a slot.

  4. Enter the Name that will identify the slot in the Recommendations manager.

  5. From the Slot location dropdown, select the recommendation slot location where the slot will be displayed.


When creating a recommendation slot, the slot location will impact which seed types are available.

  1. Click Next: Product settings.

  2. In the Strategy settings section, determine whether you want to enable product-based strategies.

    • Based on the slot location you’ve selected, you may need to choose a product seed type for the product recommendation model. In such case, make sure the Enable product-based strategies option is enabled.

    • Once you enable a product-based strategy when configuring a recommendation slot, you cannot change the eligibility for product-based strategies or product seed types.

  3. Select the appropriate product recommendation strategy for the slot.

    • The preview will display a sample of the products that will be recommended based on the selected strategy. For seeded strategies, to preview the effect the strategy will have on the recommendations, you must select seed products.

  4. Click Next: Display settings.

  5. In the Display settings section, enter a display heading for the recommendation slot.

    • This heading will be displayed above the slot in the storefront.

  6. In the Number of products to display section, enter the minimum and default number of products you want to display in the slot.

  7. Click Create slot.

Edit a product recommendation strategy

Product recommendation strategies are used to define the logic behind the product recommendations displayed in a recommendation slot. Each strategy is designed to optimize the relevance of the recommendations based on specific user behaviors, product attributes, or business objectives.

To edit a product recommendation strategy:

  1. In the CMH, access the Recommendations manager.

  2. Select the slot for which you want to edit the strategy.

  3. From the navigation tabs, select Strategy & rules.

  4. Next to the applied strategy, click Modify and then Edit strategy.

  5. In the Edit strategy panel, choose one of the available strategies.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Enter a new heading that aligns with the revised strategy in the Display heading field, and click Publish now.

Edit a recommendation strategy display heading

Display headings are user readable descriptions that help merchandisers identify the purpose of a recommendation strategy. The headings are displayed above the recommendation slot in the storefront, providing context to the visitor about the products being recommended.

To edit a recommendation strategy display heading:

  1. In the CMH, access the Recommendations manager.

  2. Select the slot for which you want to edit the display settings.

  3. From the navigation tabs, select Strategy & rules.

  4. Next to the applied strategy, click Modify and then Edit display settings.

  5. Enter a new heading in the Display heading field, and click Publish now.

    The display heading is now updated.

Recommendation slot configuration

In this section of the CMH, merchandisers can view recommendation slot details, obtain the slot ID, and delete the slot.

To access the configuration page:

  1. In the CMH, access the Recommendation manager.

  2. Select View at the end of any recommendation slot listed.

  3. From the navigation tabs, select Configuration.