Delete and archive

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In this article

In this article, we’ll show you how to delete rename and duplicate experiences and variations. We’ll also cover the reasons why you might want to duplicate.


If you’re certain that you no longer require an experience, you can delete it. Once deleted, neither the experience or the data collected against the experience are retrievable. In many cases, archiving might prove a better option.


To delete a live experience, you must first pause it by opening it and selecting Pause experience. For experiences in other states this is not necessary.

Delete an experience

Step 1

Open the experience from one of your lists and select more.

Step 2

Select Delete and then Delete a second time to confirm

Delete a variation

Step 1

Open the experience from one of your lists and select edit-button

Step 2

Select more next to your variation and select Delete


Archiving is a good option when you no longer wish to use an experience but may well look to use it at a later date as the basis for a new experience. Unlike deleted experiences, you can retrieve archived experiences. When you do this, it will be placed in your list of draft experiences. From here you can edit the experience, if necessary and publish it.


Draft or paused experiences that are not scheduled to go live and have not been updated in the past 60 days, will be automatically archived.


You can’t archive a draft experience, you can only delete it.


To optimize performance, we recommend archiving any live experiences you’re no longer using and deleting any un-used segments. See Improving performance for details.

Manual archive

To archive a live experience, you must first pause it by opening the it and selecting Pause experience. For experiences in other states this is not necessary

Step 1

Open the experience from one of your lists and select more.

Step 2

Select Archive and then Delete a second time to confirm

Unarchive an experience

Open your experience from the Archived list and select Unarchive