Mobile setup

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In this article

In this article, you’ll learn about SDKs that can help you set up the Coveo Experimentation Hub in your iOS and Android mobile apps.


Our SDKs allow you to capture real-time behavioral and business operational data from your iOS and Android mobile applications, with total granularity. The collected data is stored in Coveo Qubit’s Data Store for use throughout the Experimentation Hub.

Refer to the following articles:

Mobile APIs

Our Mobile APIs allow you to take full advantage of the Experimentation Hub when operating in the mobile app space.

Segment Membership API

The Segment Membership API is used to return a JSON object containing the segment Ids that a user belongs to and is particularly useful where a user’s membership state is unknown, often the case in Customer Management Systems (CMS) and Mobile SDKs.

Refer to the SDK Developer Guide for more information on its use in the mobile app space.

Stash API

The Stash API is used to store small strings of data against a visitor.

Refer to the SDK Developer Guide for more information on its use in the mobile app space.

Tally API

The Tally API is used to count events, retrieve counts, and store metadata against the count.


Functionality can differ across channels, refer to the application’s documentation for more information.