Build commerce recommendation interfaces

In Coveo for Commerce, recommendation slots are the interfaces that power the Recommendations product discovery solution.

Building recommendation slots allows for cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, which can increase your revenue and improve your customer experience. They can be displayed on various pages of your commerce solution, such as the home page, product detail pages (PDP), and cart pages. To accommodate different use cases, Coveo for Commerce provides different types of recommendation strategies, such as "Viewed together" and "Most purchased."

Recommendation discovery experience | Coveo

How to build recommendation interfaces

To build a Coveo-powered recommendation interface, you need to:

Machine learning and personalization

Behind the scenes, Coveo-powered recommendation slots leverage Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) to provide intelligent and personalized recommendations to your visitors.

More precisely, the recommendations are powered by Coveo ML Product Recommendation (PR). For products to be displayed in the recommendation slots, you must create and configure a PR model in your Coveo organization.

To learn more about PR models and how to configure them, see Leverage machine learning product recommendations (PR).