Upgrade from v2 to v3

Quantic v3 introduces changes that improve the library’s performance and usability. Notably, Quantic v3 uses organization endpoints by default.

The following are breaking changes from Quantic v2 to v3

Organization endpoints

Organization endpoints is a feature that improves separation of concerns and resiliency, making multi-region and data residency deployments smoother. Starting with Quantic v3, the usage of organization endpoints will be enforced, as opposed to optional in v2.

The CoveoTokenProvider class will change to always use the organization endpoints. Since you have most likely copied and changed this class to implement your own search token provider, you should update your implementation to use the organization endpoints as well.


The following elements were renamed without changes to their underlying functionality.


The component has been replaced by QuanticResultTag

Custom events

Some custom events emitted by Quantic were renamed with the quantic__ prefix to make them easier to identify.

  • ratingquantic__rating

  • headerclickquantic__headerclick

  • headerkeydownquantic__headerkeydown

  • renderfacetquantic__renderfacet

  • selectvaluequantic__selectvalue

  • citationhoverquantic__citationhover

  • likequantic__like

  • dislikequantic__dislike

  • pressexplainwhyquantic__pressexplainwhy

  • registerresulttemplatesquantic__registerresulttemplates

  • selectquantic__select

  • deselectquantic__deselect

  • loadingstatechangequantic__loadingstatechange

  • changequantic__change

  • registerrecommendationtemplatesquantic__registerrecommendationtemplates

  • haspreviewquantic__haspreview

  • suggestionlistrenderquantic__suggestionlistrender

  • arialivemessagequantic__arialivemessage

  • registerregionquantic__registerregion

  • tab_renderedquantic__tabrendered


Rephrase buttons

These buttons were removed in v3, due to low usage not justifying their maintenance.

withRephraseButtons, answerStyle, and multilineFooter properties of the QuanticGeneratedAnswer component

These properties were used for the rephrase buttons and were removed in v3.

QuanticGeneratedAnswerRephraseButtons component

This undocumented rephrase button component was removed in v3.

quantic_OpensInSalesforceSubTab custom label

This undocumented custom label was removed. Unless you had custom logic based on this label, the change should be transparent.

resetSelection and blur methods

These methods were exposed on the internal QuanticSearchBoxInput component, which was used by the QuanticSearchBox and QuanticStandaloneSearchBox components. The methods were removed because they weren’t used.

The useCase property was removed. It didn’t do anything, so the change should be transparent.


The following changes were made.


quanticDocumentSuggestion.showQuickview, which was set to false by default, has been replaced by quanticDocumentSuggestion.withoutQuickview, which is also set to false by default. If you were setting showQuickview to true, you can remove this property from your code.

Quantic Version 2

<c-quantic-document-suggestion engine-id={engineId} max-documents="5" show-quickview></c-quantic-document-suggestion>

Quantic Version 3

<c-quantic-document-suggestion engine-id={engineId} max-documents="5"></c-quantic-document-suggestion>

If you were setting showQuickview to false or leaving it as false by default, you can replace it with without-quickview set to true.

Quantic Version 2

<c-quantic-document-suggestion engine-id={engineId} max-documents="5"></c-quantic-document-suggestion>

Quantic Version 3

<c-quantic-document-suggestion engine-id={engineId} max-documents="5" without-quickview></c-quantic-document-suggestion>

QuanticSmartSnippetSource title and uri properties

Both the title and uri properties have been replaced by the source property.

This change is unlikely to affect you because it’s used by the QuanticSmartSnippet and the QuanticSmartSnippetSuggestions directly. As a result, you aren’t required to use QuanticSmartSnippetSource directly.

If you were using the QuanticSmartSnippetSource directly, you’ll need to use source instead of title and uri.

Quantic Version 2

<!-- html -->
<c-quantic-smart-snippet-source engine-id={engineId} title="{sourceTitle}" uri="{sourceUri}">
// js
get sourceTitle() {
    // ...
get sourceUri() {
    // ...

Quantic Version 3

<!-- html -->
<c-quantic-smart-snippet-source engine-id={engineId} source="{source}">
// js
get source() {
    clickUri: //...
    title: //...

QuanticSearchInterface, QuanticInsightInterface and QuanticCaseAssistInterface originLevel3 default value

The originLevel3 property default value was changed from default to document.referrer.

This change should be transparent unless you were doing something specific with the originLevel3 property in your code or usage analytics reports.

Relevance Generative Answering (RGA) citation clicks now tracked as regular click events

As of the Quantic v3.2.0 release, Coveo Relevance Generative Answering (RGA) citation clicks are now tracked as regular click events instead of custom click events in Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA) reports. As a result, citation click events now have a click rank value of 1. Additionally, the click Event Cause value is set to generatedAnswerCitationClick.

This change applies regardless of the tracking protocol (Coveo UA or Coveo Event Protocol) used.


The following example components were moved to the /examples folder and are no longer part of the Quantic package.

  • packages/quantic/force-app/main/default/lwc/exampleSearch to packages/quantic/force-app/examples/main/lwc/exampleSearch

  • packages/quantic/force-app/main/default/lwc/exampleStandaloneSearchbox to packages/quantic/force-app/examples/main/lwc/exampleStandaloneSearchbox

This change should be transparent, since examples aren’t meant for production use.