Customize the standalone search box

When using the Coveo standalone search box in your community, your administrators might want to customize it to fit their needs. This page explains how to access the options panel and which parameters can be modified.

Accessing the standalone search box options

  1. Ensure you have included a Coveo Community Searchbox in your Community.

  2. In the Experience Builder, select the Coveo Community Searchbox.

  3. An option panel should appear, allowing you to modify the Coveo standalone search box options.


Modifying the standalone search box options

The Coveo StandaloneSearchbox component offers many options that help you customize your experience.


The name of the Coveo Search component you want to associate to your search box.

Default value is communitySearchCoveo.


It’s good practice to use the same name value as your Community Search component.

Search Hub

The name of the search hub used for Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA) reports.

Default value is the same value as name.


It’s good practice to use the same searchHub value as your Community Search component.


The placeholder text to put in the search box when no query is entered.

Default value is empty.

Trigger Query on Clear

Specifies whether to trigger a query when the search box is cleared.

Default value is true.

Enable Query Syntax

Specifies whether special characters should be interpreted as Coveo query syntax (see Querybox - enableQuerySyntax).

Default value is false.

Enable Query Extension Suggest

Specifies whether to enable Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) for query suggestions (see Omnibox - enableQuerySuggestAddon).

Default value is true.

Search Url

The page where your search box should redirect.

Depending on your Salesforce version, the value should either be:

Before Winter '18: search/all/home/%40uri

Winter '18 and up: global-search/%40uri


Whether to use the non-minified versions of the different resources.

Default value is false.

Facet value suggestion fields

The specific fields a Coveo ML Query Suggestion (QS) model uses to scope its suggestions.


In your Coveo standalone search box, you want to scope the query suggestions according to the values of the @filetype field. Therefore, you enter @filetype in the Facet value suggestion fields box.

For more information on facet value suggestions, see:


This standalone search box option is only available for Organizations that use the Coveo Community Searchbox (see Additional considerations).

Additional considerations

If you’re using the Coveo Searchbox instead of the Coveo Community Searchbox (see the note in Adding the Coveo standalone search box), the action panel looks like the following:

Searchbox action panel

Therefore, you can specify the following options:

Enable Query Suggest

Specifies whether to enable Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) for query suggestions (see Omnibox - enableQuerySuggestAddon).

Default value is true.

Enable Field Suggest

Specifies whether field names should be suggested (see Omnibox - enableFieldAddon).


If you’re using the Coveo Searchbox instead of the Coveo Community Searchbox, you don’t have access to the Facet value suggestion fields option.

What’s next?

You can create a custom standalone search box for your Experience Cloud site (see Create a custom standalone search box for your Experience Cloud site).