Picklist component

In this article

Coveo for Salesforce 4.2 (April 2020)

This component adds a drop down menu to a case creation form.



Specifies the title to display above the drop down menu.

<div data-title='<YOUR_TITLE>'></div>

Where you replace <YOUR_TITLE> by the title you want to display above the drop down menu.


Specifies the field used to save the drop down menu value when the user submits the form.

<div data-case-field='<YOUR_FIELD>'></div>

Where you replace <YOUR_FIELD> by the name of the field you want to use to save the drop down menu.


Specifies the values available in the drop down menu.

If this option is left empty, they’re automatically obtained using the caseField option.

<div data-values="Low, Medium, High"></div>


Specifies the default selected value in the drop down menu.

<div data-default-value="<DEFAULT_VALUE>"></div>

Where you replace <DEFAULT_VALUE> by the value you want to be displayed by default (for example, Low).


Specifies what to display when the user’s mouse is over the title.

<div data-tooltip='<TOOLTIP>'></div>

Where you replace <TOOLTIP> by the message you want to be displayed when the user’s mouse is over the title (for example, Low).


Specifies whether an option has to be selected before the form can be submitted. The default value is false.

<div data-is-required='false'></div>


Specifies whether to include the selected option keywords in the search for related cases. The default value is false.

If addQre, addSome, and addCorrelateUsingIdf are all set to false, useSomeOnAllKeywords on the CaseCreation component needs to be enabled for this option to be useful.


Specifies whether to add a QRE in the query using the searchField and the selected option as expression. The default value is true.

This option is useful only when enableSearch is set to true.

<div data-add-Qre='true'></div>>

The generated expression looks like this, where:

  • searchField is the searchField option (see searchField)

  • selectedOption is the option selected by the user

  • queryModifer is the queryModifier option (see queryModifier)

The value needs to be in the values option. Otherwise, the picklist value is set to an empty string.

$qre(expression: searchField=selectedOption, modifier: queryModifier)

For more information on how this expression work, see $qre.


Specifies the field to use in the QRE added to the search query.

This option is useful only when addQre is enabled.

<div data-search-field="@<YOUR_FIELD>"></div>

Where you replace <YOUR_FIELD> by the name of the field you want to use in the QRE added to the search query.


Specifies how to affect the ranking score for items where the searchField is equal to the selected option (see $qre). The default value is 50.

This option is used with searchField to boost item by adding a query ranking expression (QRE) where the searchField is equal to the selected option.

This option is useful only when addQre is enabled.

<div data-query-modifier='50'></div>


Specifies whether to enable analytics on the component.

The default value is true.

<div data-enable-analytic='true'></div>



Gets the expression that’s added to the query.



Returns true if search is enabled and the value isn’t empty, else it returns false.



Marks the field as valid.



Marks the field as invalid, preventing the user from creating a case using the submit button.

The field becomes valid if the field changes, the cancel button is clicked, or the setValid method is called.



When isRequired is enabled, returns whether the user selected a value.



Gets the picklist selected value.



Sets the value of the picklist, with the following parameters:

  • value: The value to set, as a string.

  • triggerChange: (Optional) Whether to trigger a query. The default value is true

$('#myPicklist').coveo('setValue', value, triggerChange?: boolean = true)

The following method changes the picklist to my value and triggers a new query.

$('#myPicklist').coveo('setValue', 'my value', true)

The value needs to be in the values option. Otherwise, the picklist value is set to an empty string.


<div class="CoveoPicklist"></div>