Index Chatter feeds

This article describes how to index the Chatter feeds that are associated with each type of object in your Salesforce organization.

Leading practice

Chatter feed objects are easy to identify in your source configuration because they all have a Feed suffix (for example, Account Feed and Case Feed).

Index Chatter | Coveo for Salesforce

Index Chatter feed objects

  1. Create a dedicated Salesforce crawling user.

  2. On the Sources (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Coveo Administration Console, click Add source.

  3. Add a Salesforce source linked to your Salesforce organization.

  4. In the Add a Salesforce Source window, select the Content to index tab, and then select the Chatter feed objects you want to index (for example, Account Feed and Case Feed).


    To index site Chatter (that is, community Chatter), you must select the User Feed and Collaboration Group Feed objects.

  5. Select the Feed Comment object to index the feed comments associated with each Chatter feed object you selected.

  6. In the right pane, select the Salesforce fields you want to index.

    Leading practice

    All the required metadata is selected by default.

    Repeat this step for each Chatter feed object you selected.

  7. Configure the remaining Content security, Salesforce organization, and Access tabs.

  8. Finish adding your source.

Common use cases for indexing Chatter

This section describes the objects you must select and the conditions you must set to index the Chatter feed items that apply to the most common use cases. For information on setting conditions, see Managing Conditions Applied to an Object.

Internal user updates

To index Chatter feed items created by users using the Chatter tab in the Salesforce Service application, select the object and set the condition listed in the following table.

Object Condition Description

User Feed

Network Scope Equals null

Indexes only internal Chatter posts.

Chatter groups

To index Chatter feed items inside a group, select the object and set the conditions (as appropriate) listed in the following table.

Object Condition Description

Collaboration Group Feed

Network Scope Equals null

Indexes the Chatter of internal groups.

Network Scope Not equals null

Indexes the Chatter of external community groups.

One of the following:

  • In <network ID>

  • Equals <network ID>

Indexes the Chatter of specific community groups.

parent.CollaborationType Equals 'Public'

Indexes only the Chatter of public groups.

Specific community chatter

To index the Chatter feed items created by users inside a specific community, select the objects and set the condition listed in the following table.


The condition must be set on both objects.

Object Condition Description

User Feed

Network Scope Equals '<NetworkID>'

Indexes the Chatter of a specific network.

Collaboration Group Feed

To index only the related Chatter of a specific parent object respecting the parent conditions, follow the guidelines outlined in this example.


This use case isn’t supported if the Salesforce Sharing Settings of the parent object is set to Public.

Object Condition Description


RecordType.Name Equals 'Backend Issue'

Indexes the cases of type Backend Issue, as well as the related Chatter that applies to these cases.

Case Feed



As a general rule, users who can view a parent record can also view the Chatter feed item. For example, a feed item posted in a group can be viewed by all the group members.


The only exception applies to the User Feed and Collaboration Group Feed objects. To view Chatter feed items created inside a community (that is, Network Scope Not equals null), a user must also be a member of that community.

Known limitations

  • To index Chatter related to Knowledge articles, the Knowledge and Knowledge Feed objects must be indexed in separate sources.

  • Indexing of user nicknames in community posts isn’t supported.

  • Only Chatter feed items with a Published status are supported (that is, Status = 'Published'). Feed items with a status of Draft or PendingReview are currently ignored.

  • Having specialized Feed objects (for example, User Feed and Case Feed) and the generic Feed Item object in the same source configuration isn’t supported. We recommend using only specialized Feed objects since they’re easier to manage and configure.

  • The following item types are currently supported:

    • TextPost

    • LinkPost

    • ContentPost

    • PollPost

    • QuestionPost


    If you require support for another item type, contact Coveo Support to submit a case.