Configure the Coveo for Salesforce application

Once the Coveo for Salesforce application is installed, you must perform the initial application configuration during which:

  • You connect your Salesforce organization to a new or existing Coveo V2 organization.

  • You instruct Coveo to index your Salesforce content and optionally content from other repositories.

Default configuration

New organizations are automatically created in Coveo (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au).

  1. Using an administrator account, log in to your Salesforce organization where the application is installed, if not already done.

  2. In Setup, search for and select Installed Packages.

    With Salesforce Lightning With Salesforce Classic

    Under Platform Tools, select Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages.

    Under Build, select Installed Packages.

  3. Next to your Coveo package row, select Configure.

  4. From the Current Region dropdown menu on the right, select a primary deployment region. Available options include United States (default), Canada, Europe, and Australia.

  5. Under Configure Coveo for Salesforce, you must either create a new Coveo organization, or link to an existing one.

    Leading practices

Create a new organization


If you already have a Coveo trial organization, you can skip the steps described in this section and go directly to Link to an existing organization to learn how to link the Coveo trial organization to your Salesforce environment.

  1. Select Create a New Coveo Organization.

  2. Select either the Pro or Enterprise plan.

  3. On the Select Your Edition page, click Start Trial.

  4. Under Organization Name, choose a name for your Coveo organization.

  5. Under Select the Salesforce sources that you want to index, select the Salesforce objects you want to make searchable.

  6. Acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by checking the box.

  7. Click Create to create your Coveo organization.

  8. In the newly opened Allow Access? window, allow Coveo access to your Salesforce organization by selecting Allow. The window should close itself.

  9. After a few seconds, you will be directed to the Coveo for Salesforce Getting Started page. Your Coveo organization is now created.

Leading practices
  1. Select Link to an existing organization.

  2. In the newly opened Grant Privileges window, select the organization you want to link and click Next.

  3. Allow Salesforce access to your Coveo organization by selecting Authorize.

  4. In the new Allow Access? page, click Allow. The window should close itself.

  5. You will be directed to the Coveo for Salesforce Getting Started page. Your Salesforce organization is now connected to your Coveo organization.


    While your Salesforce organization is connected to your Coveo organization, you still need to index your Salesforce content in the Coveo index.

What’s next?

Now that Coveo for Salesforce is properly installed and configured, you’re ready to: