Index related files

In this article

This article describes how to index related files on the records of any given Salesforce object. Related files are also known as attached files or Salesforce ContentVersion records.

Index files | Coveo for Salesforce
Leading practice

The Index related files feature is enabled by default on all Salesforce objects that can have related files. If an object can’t have related files, the Index related files checkbox won’t be displayed.


  1. Create a dedicated Salesforce crawling user.

  2. On the Sources (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click Add source.

  3. Add a Salesforce source linked to your Salesforce organization.

  4. In the Add a Salesforce Source window, select the Content to index tab, and then select the objects you want to index.


    The Index related files feature is enabled by default on all Salesforce objects that can have related files. If an object can’t have related files, the Index related files checkbox won’t be displayed.

  5. (Optional) In the right pane, select the Salesforce fields you want to index.

    Leading practice

    All the required metadata is selected by default.

    Repeat this step for each object you want to index.

  6. Configure the remaining settings in the Content security, Salesforce organization, and Access tabs.

  7. Finish adding your source.


  • The Index related files feature only applies to Salesforce ContentVersion records.

  • You can’t filter which related files are included or excluded from the index. All ContentVersion records linked to indexed parent records are indexed by default.

    Leading practice

    To obtain a list of all the IDs that act as parents of the ContentVersion record, access the sfcontentversionlinkedentityids field.

  • Folding isn’t possible at this time because the many-to-many relationship isn’t supported.

  • A source refresh doesn’t remove deleted related files from the index. A source rescan or rebuild is required to retrieve deleted related files.