Customize the Full Search button options

The FullSearch component is a button in the Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component which lets service agents access a Coveo-powered Full Search page inside the Salesforce console.


If you implemented your Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component before the release of Coveo for Salesforce v4.6, you must upgrade your existing Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component to the new design to activate the new experience.

This article describes the available options based on your current implementation:

How to modify options

To modify the Full Search button options, you can either use the UI View (as shown below) or the Code View that’s available through the Coveo for Salesforce Interface Editor.


In the UI View, click the cogwheel in the upper-left corner of the Interface Editor, and then select FullSearch to see the button options.

FullSearchButton options

This section lists the options that can be set for the FullSearchButton component.

Specify the tooltip to display

You can specify the tooltip to display by modifying the following code in the Code View:

<button class='CoveoFullSearchButton' data-tooltip='<tooltip>'></button>

Where you replace <tooltip> with the tooltip you want to display.

The default value is Open search in a new tab.

Open the Full Search page in a subtab

You can determine whether to open the Full Search page in a subtab by modifying the following code in the Code View:

<button class='CoveoFullSearchButton' data-open-in-subtab='true'></button>

The default value is true, meaning that the Full Search page opens in a new subtab by default.

Setting this value to false opens the Full Search page in the same tab as the Coveo Insight Panel Lighting Component.

Specify the name of the component to open

You can specify the name of the component to open when a user clicks the Full Search button by modifying the following code in the Code View:

<button class='CoveoFullSearchButton' data-full-search-component='CoveoV2__FullSearch'></button>

The default value is CoveoV2__FullSearch.

FullSearch options

This section lists the options that can be set for the legacy FullSearch component.

Changing the button title

You can modify the button title by entering text in the Title section of the UI View, or by adding the following code in the Code View:

<div class="CoveoFullSearch" data-title="<My Full Search>"></div>

Where you replace <My Full Search> with a title of your choosing.

The default value is Full Search.

Opening the Full Search page in the same tab as the Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component

You can open the Full Search page in the same tab as the Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component by clearing the Open in subtab checkbox in the UI View, or by adding the following code in the Code View:

<div class="CoveoFullSearch" data-open-in-subtab="false"></div>

The default value is true.

Making the button invisible

You can remove the button by clearing the Visible checkbox in the UI View, or by adding the following code in the Code View:

<div class="CoveoFullSearch" data-visible="false"></div>

The default value is true.

Changing the default search hub value

The default search hub value of the Full Search page is coveoFullSearch. To modify this value, perform the following steps:

  • Each search component should have a unique search hub value to let you report activity from each component separately.

  • You must set the fullSearchComponent option in your Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component to the name of your new Full Search component (see Modifying the Full Search component name).

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organization using an administrator account.

  2. Open the Developer Console.

  3. Create a new Lightning component using the following code sample (see Create Aura Components in the Developer Console):

     <aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,lightning:isUrlAddressable" access="global" >
         <CoveoV2:FullSearch name="coveoFullSearch" searchHub="<MY_SEARCH_HUB>" pageReference="{! v.pageReference}"></CoveoV2:FullSearch>

    Where you replace <MY_SEARCH_HUB> with your new search hub value.