ResultActionsSendLiveAgent component

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Pro and Enterprise editions only

Coveo for Salesforce 3.16 (August 2018)

The ResultActionsSendLiveAgent component is a result template component that allows users to quickly send a search result from the Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component to the chat.

You can insert a result in a chat by clicking Send-to-Chat.


The component offers the following option:


Specifies the template that will be inserted in the text of the message.

You can add other result fields by using the ${field} or ${raw.field} syntax, where you replace field with the selected field.

Default value is ${title} ${ClickUri}.

<div class='CoveoResultActionsSendLiveAgent' data-text='${ClickUri}'></div>


This component doesn’t provide any methods.


This component can be included in the Coveo Insight Panel Lightning Component. It should be inserted in the <div class='CoveoResultActionsMenu'> section.

<div class='CoveoResultActionsSendLiveAgent'></div>