Search components (Deprecated)
Search components (Deprecated)
Quantic v1 has been deprecated. We recommend using the latest version of the Coveo Quantic library. |
- AriaLive
- BreadcrumbManager
- CategoryFacet
- CategoryFacetValue
- DateFacet
- DidYouMean
- Facet
- FacetManager
- FacetValue
- Modal
- ModalA11yHandler
- NoResults
- NumericFacet
- Pager
- QueryError
- RecentQueriesList
- RecentResultLink
- RecentResultsList
- RefineModalContent
- RefineToggle
- Result
- ResultAction
- ResultActionBar
- ResultList
- ResultsPerPage
- SearchBox
- SearchBoxSuggestionsList
- SearchInterface
- Sort
- StandaloneSearchBox
- Summary
- Tab
- TabBar
- Timeframe
- TimeframeFacet