Connector directory
Connector directory
A source is a virtual container holding all items related to a repository such as your company website, database, or SharePoint system. This content is searchable through a search interface.
To retrieve your content and create a source, Coveo uses a connector, a module that establishes a connection with a specific type of repository. A connector extracts the desired data as well as the corresponding permissions and stores them in your index.
Moreover, some connectors can use different content retrieval methods depending on where the data is located and how you want Coveo to extract it. Once the content is retrieved, the indexing process remains the same regardless of the connector or method used.
Connector types
Coveo offers a variety of native and generic connectors that let you index virtually any content repository. You can also use the connectors created by Coveo’s partners or, if none of the existing connectors meets your needs, build your own connector. See the Connector directory for a complete list of the available connectors.
Native connectors
Native connectors have been made by Coveo to index content from a specific repository. They’re the easiest to use, as Coveo has already determined what the source should index and designed a user interface for this connector. When creating such a source, all you typically have to do is provide connection information and check some boxes to fine-tune what will be indexed.
For example, you can use Coveo’s native connectors to index Confluence, Jira Software, Salesforce, and SharePoint content.
Native connectors support the latest cloud version of cloud repositories and some specific versions of on-premises repositories. Typically, you can choose from up to three content security options to determine who can access the indexed content through a search interface.
Generic connectors
Generic connectors have been made by Coveo to index content from a certain type of repository, for example, a database, a web application, a website, etc. They let you index any repository that doesn’t already have its own native connector, or even your own custom repository, as long as it meets certain requirements.
Content sources using a generic connector are also configured through a user interface. Some sources, including the REST API and Database sources, have an input where you enter a code configuration. This configuration tells Coveo what content to index and how to retrieve it. This process is more complex and requires more expertise than using sources with a native connector. However, when adding a source, Coveo’s source recommendation feature may provide a sample code configuration for a recommended generic connector. This makes it easier to get started.
The most popular generic connectors are the Web, Sitemap, REST API, GraphQL API, and Database.
Custom-built connectors
If none of the connector options above fit your needs, you can build your own connector, that is, write a crawling program that retrieves your content and provides it to Coveo for indexing. To do so, use Coveo’s C# SDK and Push API.
To get started with your connector project, see the C# SDK, Push API, and Connector building best practices documentation.
Connector directory
Coveo can index the content of a variety of repositories. If the repository you want to index doesn’t appear in the tables below, you should use a generic connector or a custom-built connector to index it.
Native and generic connectors
Connector | Type | Content retrieval method | Included in |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Generic |
Push |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
On-premises |
N/A (available as an option of the Enterprise Platform plan) |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Generic |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Generic |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Gmail for Work (Deprecated) |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Generic |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
On-premises |
N/A (available as an option of the Enterprise Platform plan) |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
On-premises |
N/A (available as an option of the Enterprise Platform plan) |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Generic |
Push |
All Platform plans |
Generic |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Generic |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
Cloud |
Native |
Cloud |
Native |
Cloud |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
On-premises |
N/A (available as an option of the Enterprise Platform plan) |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Push |
Generic |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Cloud |
Generic |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Crawling Module |
Enterprise Platform plan with Crawling Module add-on |
Native |
Cloud |
All Platform plans |
Native |
Cloud |
Other indexable repositories
The Coveo GitHub Connectivity Library contains JSON configuration samples for repositories that Coveo customers have indexed using a generic connector.
The possibilities aren’t limited to the repositories listed in the Coveo GitHub Connectivity Library. If you want to index a repository that’s not listed, you can do so using a generic connector.
Support for older system versions
Coveo connectors only support system versions that are actively maintained by their vendor. When a vendor announces that a version is at end-of-life, Coveo stops support for this version. This means Coveo no longer actively maintains and tests the connector with this version.
However, a connector can generally still be used with a system version for which support has been dropped. You therefore don’t have to upgrade to a newer version to continue to index your content.