Add a Push source

The Coveo Push API lets you index content and make it make searchable, when a specific connector isn’t available.


You have valuable content in an on-premises content management system (CMS) developed in-house. One of your developers can create a crawler to get this content and push it to your Coveo organization.

Before you can push content to Coveo, you must create a Push type source to which the content will be sent.

Leading practice

The number of items that a source processes per hour (crawling speed) depends on various factors, such as network bandwidth and source configuration. See About crawling speed for information on what can impact crawling speed, as well as possible solutions.

Add a Push source

Follow the instructions below to add a Push source.

  1. On the Sources (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click Add source.

  2. In the Add a source of content panel, click the Push source tile.

  3. Configure your source.

Leading practice

It’s best to create or edit your source in your sandbox organization first. Once you’ve confirmed that it indexes the desired content, you can copy your source configuration to your production organization, either with a snapshot or manually.

See About non-production organizations for more information and best practices regarding sandbox organizations.

"Configuration" tab

On the Add a Push source page, the Configuration tab is selected by default. It contains your source’s general and authentication information, as well as other parameters.

General information

Source name

Enter a name for your source.

Leading practice

A source name can’t be modified once it’s saved, therefore be sure to use a short and descriptive name, using letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Avoid spaces and other special characters.

When coding a crawler to push content in this source, a developer will need this name to get the corresponding sourceId.


Available only when you edit the source, the input contains the URL you must use to add and update an item in your source in the following format:

Primay region URL





The URL that you can Copy to clipboard contains your <ORGANIZATION_ID> and <SOURCE_ID>, which are required parameters for all operations regarding your source. See the Stream section in Push API to test API calls.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

If you want Coveo to extract text from image files or PDF files containing images, enable the appropriate option.

The extracted text is processed as item data, meaning that it’s fully searchable and will appear in the item Quick view. See Enable optical character recognition for details on this feature.

API key

When you create the source, we recommend also creating an API key with appropriate privileges to authorize a process and send information to the source. This option is available at source creation only.


This option isn’t visible if you don’t have the Edit API keys privilege.

"Content Security" tab

Select who will be able to access the source items through a Coveo-powered search interface. For details on this parameter, see Content security.


If you select Same users and groups as in your content system, your crawler process must push item permissions along with the content (see Manage security identities in a security identity provider and Manage items and permissions in a Push source).

"Access" tab

In the Access tab, set whether each group (and API key, if applicable) in your Coveo organization can view or edit the current source.

For example, when creating a new source, you could decide that members of Group A can edit its configuration while Group B can only view it.

See Custom access level for more information.



The Your API Key dialog appears only once and is the only place where you can see and copy the key value.

If you fail to copy the key value, the workaround is to manually create a new API key as follows:

  • Select the Custom access level for the Sources privileges of the Content service. Then, in the dropdown of available sources, select Edit access level for the targeted push source and View access level for the other sources.

  • Select the View access level for the Organization privileges of the Organization service.

In this case, you should also disable or delete the original unused API key.

Required privileges

You can assign privileges to allow access to specific tools in the Coveo Administration Console. The following table indicates the privileges required to view or edit elements of the Sources (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page and associated panels. See Manage privileges and Privilege reference for more information.


The Edit all privilege isn’t required to create sources. When granting privileges for the Sources domain, you can grant a group or API key the View all or Custom access level, instead of Edit all, and then select the Can Create checkbox to allow users to create sources. See Can Create ability dependence for more information.

Actions Service Domain Required access level

View sources, view source update schedules, and subscribe to source notifications







Edit sources, edit source update schedules, and view the View and map metadata subpage






Source metadata


