Monitor the Crawling Module

Once you have completed the Crawling Module deployment process, you can use two tools to monitor the Crawling Module:

For more information on the Coveo Crawling Module, review the related documentation.

About Crawling Module updates

On the Crawling Modules (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Coveo Administration Console, the date under Last update corresponds to the most recent Crawling Module update.

The Coveo Crawling Module update process is automatic. This allows you to benefit from the latest features and bug fixes, and prevents the Crawling Module from becoming incompatible with the most recent Coveo update. Therefore, to stay up to date, the Crawling Module periodically polls Coveo for a new version. If an update is available, it will be downloaded and installed within 24 hours, at the scheduled update time. The default time is 11:00 PM in the host server’s time zone.


Disconnecting your server from the Internet or shutting it down prevents the Crawling Module from polling Coveo for updates. Upon the next successful call for an update, if the Crawling Module is two or more versions behind, the workers stop until it is up to date again.

Since the update process is automatic, you don’t need to launch it manually, unless it fails. In such a case, the Crawling Module page reports the issue, and you can either try to update manually or contact the Coveo Support team.


Subscribe to notifications to be informed when the Crawling Module is down or obsolete.

Review the activity regarding the Crawling Module

As part of your duties, you may need to review activities related to Crawling Modules for investigation or troubleshooting purposes. To do so, in the upper-right corner of the Crawling Modules (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click clock.

See Review resource activity for details on activities and alternative ways to access this information.


Depending on the situation, the Crawling Module page can display different messages. Use the table below as a reference.

Message displayed Action to take

Up to date and communicating successfully.

The Crawling Module is working smoothly. No action required.

The Crawling Module is outdated.

Update the Crawling Module to ensure it keeps operating smoothly.

Crawling Module update is mandatory.

The Crawling Module has stopped working because it is obsolete. Update the Crawling Module as soon as possible to ensure that the search results in your Coveo-powered search page reflect your actual data.

Your organization license doesn’t have access to the Crawling Module.

Your Coveo license doesn’t include the Crawling Module, so you can’t use this tool. Contact the Coveo Sales team to upgrade your license.

Install the Crawling Module.

Download and deploy the Crawling Module to make your on-premises content searchable.

Take advantage of the Crawling Module.

The Crawling Module is installed, but it doesn’t provide Coveo with any content. Create a source to make your on-premises data searchable in your Coveo-powered search page.

Under the message, the status information allows you to determine at a glance whether your Crawling Module instance is up to date. Each Crawling Module instance is identified by a default name, which you can replace with something more convenient by editing the Maestro configuration of the desired instance.

For each instance, you can review the following information:

  • Last successful communication: last time Coveo received a status update from the Crawling Module. The Crawling Module sends a status update every five minutes.

  • Last update: most recent Crawling Module update.

  • Associated sources: number of sources paired with this Crawling Module.

  • Latest version: version number of the most recent update released by Coveo, to be compared with the Reported version.

  • Reported version: version number reported by the Crawling Module the last time it sent a status update to Coveo. If it is outdated, you should update it as soon as possible to prevent the Crawling Module from stopping entirely.

Required privileges

The following table indicates the privileges required to view the Crawling Modules (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page (see Privileges).

See Sources: required privileges for the additional privileges required to add and edit Crawling Module sources.

Action Service - Domain Required access level

View the Crawling Module page
View Crawling Module related activities
Download the Crawling Module

Content - Crawling Module
Content - Security identities provider
Content - Sources
Organization - Organization



A member with the View access level on the Activities domain can access the Activity Browser. This member can therefore see all activities taking place in the organization, including those from Coveo Administration Console pages that they can’t access.